Has any one read this article?

  • Thread starter v13esim
We did not need 3D option or head tracking.
Don't stop there. We did not need B-Spec, Remote Racing, helmets, suits, all in addition to 3D and head tracking. Sure, it's nice that those features are there, but they should never have come before improved car customisation, tuning and modification.

The problem with this article is that while it certainly does make [many] valid points, what do they expect Polyphony to do? Nothing PD will do is going to suddenly take something away from FM4's launch. You can't excite the public about a year-old game.

Polyphony don't need to be anywhere except in their studio preparing for PS4. That means building up their asset database with more cars and tracks that will be ready to go. We don't need Polyphony being distracted by doing something to clash with Forza 4; that's not going to help anything.

Certainly Polyphony need to play the hell out of FM4, and it worried me when Kaz said previously that he played Forza 3 for "a little bit". He's going to have to do better than that. There are plenty of things Polyphony could learn from Forza. That's indisputable.
PD should bring nothing to the table to compete with FM4. GT5 is almost a year on the market. Forza is on another gaming console. Those games should coexist, period. I`m starting to appreciate GT5 more and more for what it is and i do not want to complain anymore for what it is not.
It keeps surprising me how much negative talk there is on this forum about GT5. No game is ever going to be perfect, everyone who plays it has its likes and dislikes about it, like any other game.
I never thought i would pour so many hours into any game. So it`s well worth the money for me. Some people strike me like they want this game to have endless possibilities. That`s not realistic (for the price of a GT5 copy). In any game choices have been made. Maybe in the future we will come across a racing game which has endless possibilities. But that would also prevent people more from buying a new game in good time.
I agree with alot that was said in the article, I was highly dissapointed with GT5 as a whole. Too many craptastic cars, not enough newer cars. Also not enough ways to customize the cars, especially when compared to car customization in GT4, the game seems like a rushed version of GT4 done up for the PS3.

I was expecting so much from GT5 and in my humble opinion, Polyphony Digital dropped the ball majorly. But to be fair, PD is a old company, and has not really kept up with the times. When GT1 was released PD was on top of their game, and enjoyed so much success that they could comfortably rest on that success with minor updates every year or so. Kaz had said he wanted another couple of years more to develop GT5, but it's just my opinion that PD is too lax nowadays. Seriously, letting employees sleep on the clock, or play games rather than develop or code or whatever their intended function at the company is.

GT5 should not have taken such a longtime to develop, if it takes a long time to code premium vehicles, the solution is to hire more coders or programmers rather than push the release date back a few years. PD is still resting on the success of their PS2 releases. Their PS3 releases just don't compare to the joy I had for earlier stuff, including Tourist Trophy.

We were promised features that never made it to GT5, and things from GT5:P got pulled out of GT5 which makes very little sense to me. I don't thing PD values online play as much as they should. That's the only thing keeping GT5 alive since about 2 or 3 months after the release. The regular seasonal updates mean little when I can gold everything released in them in a hour or two.
on that list of DLC cars from Forza, keep in mind that many are ALREADY in GT5, but of course we want more, like the first M3, Boss 302, and so on, I'll wait and keep wishing:drool:
I agree fully with that article and hope Kaz and the team looks at it and reads and takes in the reality about the situation that is actually taking place. things need to change. Their were so many features that were scheduled for GT5, livery editor, online racing teams, I hope PD is actually just focusing on GT5. focus on reality.

But then GT5 does things that just makes me forgive anything, and makes me completely blind to any other games, Like hot lapping with a Mazda 787B on the nurburgring 24 hour with the rain...and night. this game makes me have incredibly mixed feelings.

one minute im wishing for more, think what can be done so things get better.
then the next i'm just completely blown away. and in shock of the experience and sights,feel.etc
it's really like that first girl friend...
The artice is 100% correct but they just can't compare GT5 to a game which isn't even out yet, nor should they even compare GT to FMS.

Comparing GT to FMS is like comparing Ferrari to Koenigscegg. Yes, Koenigscegg is faster now but c'mon, Ferrari's a Ferrari (longer history, had cars which literally made history etc).

Swing and a miss friend... swing and a miss
I do agree that he makes some valid points, but.....
1st is coming from IGN and thats says a lot....
2nd He should have waited FM4 to be released, so he can compare 2 games with facts.
3rd again he should have waited till the next GT5 update that K.Y. promised that is supposed that will bring new staff....even though that there is a chance that we get gloves and boots....
Don't stop there. We did not need B-Spec, Remote Racing, helmets, suits, all in addition to 3D and head tracking. Sure, it's nice that those features are there, but they should never have come before improved car customisation, tuning and modification.

Who is we?
The main point of this article has been made invalid now DLC has been announced haha :D Finally, PD have decided to send more content our way. Maybe it should have been on the original game, but either way I'm still buying it.
Spec 2.0 does kinda render the main argument useless. We'll see, for what it's worth. I'll be getting Forza 4 just because I love racing, although, It'll take something really special to get me off NHL12. :lol:
*sarcasm alert*I like the guy who is commenting about how Forza 4 has better physics than GT5 even though Forza 4 isn't out yet. I like IGN's information about when games will be released and stuff like that, but the reviews of games and the articles are very biased in my opinion. Anyway Spec 2 makes that article very incorrect anyway.
*sarcasm alert*I like the guy who is commenting about how Forza 4 has better physics than GT5 even though Forza 4 isn't out yet. I like IGN's information about when games will be released and stuff like that, but the reviews of games and the articles are very biased in my opinion. Anyway Spec 2 makes that article very incorrect anyway.

Interesting you are poking fun at someone talking about something that isnt out yet....

You have no idea what will be in SpecII. DLC could be 1000 more paint chips for all you know. It could also be more standard cars.

So many points in the article still hold true. Standard cars, TG use, lack of newer cars, inclusion of (and premium modeling) of less popular cars. You are a little funny.
Interesting you are poking fun at someone talking about something that isnt out yet....

You have no idea what will be in SpecII. DLC could be 1000 more paint chips for all you know. It could also be more standard cars.

So many points in the article still hold true. Standard cars, TG use, lack of newer cars, inclusion of (and premium modeling) of less popular cars. You are a little funny.

Fair enough, I was being a hypocrite. We don't know what specII. will bring, it could be something great like new tracks, cars and new customization options, or possibly something that not many people want, such as 1000 new paint chips like you said, we can only hope for the former though.

I think that the article does make a lot of valid statements and I should have brought that up instead of making a hypocritical statement. I fully agree with the article, you, and the many people who have discussed how many cars that don't really have a place in a race game are in GT5 like the Schimmwagen, Kublewagen, and the Samba bus, those were pretty cool for a while, but now they seem rather pointless other than a laugh now and then . About how many unpopular cars were carefully modeled and were made premium, and how many repeated cars there are in the game (isn't it like 40 or 50 skylines?).

But even though there are a lot of statements I agree with, I disagree with a lot too. It's a matter of personal opinion. Reading over my previous post I realize that it was not well thought out and I should have realized that my statement about specII. was no better than the statement I was poking at, if not worse.
Fair enough, I was being a hypocrite. We don't know what specII. will bring, it could be something great like new tracks, cars and new customization options, or possibly something that not many people want, such as 1000 new paint chips like you said, we can only hope for the former though.

I think that the article does make a lot of valid statements and I should have brought that up instead of making a hypocritical statement. I fully agree with the article, you, and the many people who have discussed how many cars that don't really have a place in a race game are in GT5 like the Schimmwagen, Kublewagen, and the Samba bus, those were pretty cool for a while, but now they seem rather pointless other than a laugh now and then . About how many unpopular cars were carefully modeled and were made premium, and how many repeated cars there are in the game (isn't it like 40 or 50 skylines?).

But even though there are a lot of statements I agree with, I disagree with a lot too. It's a matter of personal opinion. Reading over my previous post I realize that it was not well thought out and I should have realized that my statement about specII. was no better than the statement I was poking at, if not worse.

You are correct. For all we know it could be great. To be honest, I wish it adds things everyone wants. But honestly we both know, no matter how awesome, or lame it may be, people are going to be unhappy, and some will be thrilled. Different strokes.

Anyway great points. Good conversation. And we obviously think alike.
You are correct. For all we know it could be great. To be honest, I wish it adds things everyone wants. But honestly we both know, no matter how awesome, or lame it may be, people are going to be unhappy, and some will be thrilled. Different strokes.

Anyway great points. Good conversation. And we obviously think alike.

Haha, We obviously do think alike, I know that it's impossible to make a game, or anything for that matter, where every single person is completely satisfied, there will always be one little thing to pick at. Thanks for giving me something to think about, I don't get to have a good discussion too often so I thank you too.
Now, now, let's not get riled up.

Forza 4 will be great for the 360 as GT5 was for the PS3.

In Basketball terms though, the GT series is Michael Jordan, and the Forza series is Lebron James.

I was thinking that GT was like MJ and Forza was like BJ Armstrong :)
Best summary so far...👍

Here's another one:

After more than 10 years to get it right, Gran Turismo 5 was meant to be a 'Rolls Royce' of a driving game. At launch time & as it is now, it simply isn't. (Much as I love it.)