I am quite sure he OBVIOUSLY realized that. He was joking.
Of course I was
I am quite sure he OBVIOUSLY realized that. He was joking.
Where Konami stopped with the one EPR game, PD should of taken all the great qualities of Enthusia & made sure it was 100 times more of a driving/racing sim, instead of slowly making changes for every sequel.
Here is a viideo ( slideshots ) of EPR, it's still worth playing.Konami should make a sequel for the PS3, it would be the perfect racing/driving sim.The graphics would be on par, more than likely more gorgeous looking & not lifeless ( accurate water changes & water physics, maybe with sea life etc ).I think more juice can be squeezed from the PS3, than what people are saying.Not one game that i can think of yet, has reached the limits of the PS3 in fast moving environments.
You only got to think of other games Konami have made before, to know how to entice people to buy their games.I'm not putting PD down in any way.I just think they have the edge over other console game developers.I'm not saying the sun shines out of their ass, they are strong competition.
I do find it ironic that metacritic scores only count when it's suitable for ones argument, and then don't matter when it defeats their agenda.
just think what change was done form gt4 to gt5p![]()
I think GT5 will be similar physics wise to prologue. I reckon they added some new lines of code for torque related dynamics, although there is no hint of cornfirmation for that at all. We also can see from the latest demo with the Toyota concept, that the car turns a lot more sharply in comparison to prologue. Those and other subtle differences may imrpove the physics a lot.
I would be happy with prologue's physics though(Well, except for the improvement in collision physics on both wall and other cars, that i welcome)
Kaz has confirmed that there is a whole new physics engine, and that everything is different.
The game developers of Halo have come right out and said that the game shouldn't be installed, as it can slow things down if it is.
Doesn't stop it being similar though does itI doubt they will have restarted the physics from scratch after prologue spec III.
Generally if something's all new it does sorta mean they started from scratch.
I mean, physics engines AREN'T something you can just say "oh I'll just stick on some chassis flex calculations onto the back of it" or "I'll just add another dozen variables, I hope I don't have to adjust the available ones accordingly!"
If you add one variable, you have to re-write every single calculation that the variable is in to 'make room' for it; to make sure it's addition doesn't throw off the handling too much. Now think what happens when they add 50 more variables.
But copying the files from the HDD to the HDD is quicker than copying from the disc to the HDD. I don't understand how you came to the conclusion that the game is faster off the disc.
Like the difference between GT3 and GT4? They were very similar physics wise despite the amount of changes that went into them.
I think GT5 will have a similar feel to GT5P, the differences will be very subtle. It will just be a derivation of GT5P's physics.
You might think so, but it's apparently not...
That's your opinion. We'll just have to wait and see. I think there is going to be a big difference between the two.
You might think so, but it's apparently not...
AStrange how the original Xbox allowed installation of games
The original Xbox didn't allow installation of games (legally).
Sorry, but are you really THAT ignorant?Metacritic scores mean NOTHING
They compile the results of the companies that put Final Fantasy XII above final Fantasy X. The same people who rated Gran Turismo 4 at 89/100 because it was not to their liking. Yet they rated Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 as the best PS2 game ever made.
Give me a break, these arn't real gamers, they rate games as a profession, they have no idea what they are doing. They play the game for a few weeks and give it a review. So Playability and Depth are grossly overlooked. Some games are funs for a few weeks, some keep going for years. The latter gets pretty much ignored by the sites Metacritic compiles the data from.
Sorry, but are you really THAT ignorant?So GT4 got 89/100...you fail to acknowledge the countless review scores in the high 90s. Whatever... Who cares how they rated Tony Hawks? It's an insignificant comparison. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, and everybody's opinion is correct. Whether you agree or not is irrelevant. If you want to be pedantic, the "popularity" of a game is not just the opinion of one site or individual. It encompasses review scores, written comments, sales etc. To that end, neither Tony Hawks, or GT4, or Forza 3 come anywhere close to that accolade.
Metacritic, like Gamerankings, simply gathers all of the reviews from various sources, puts them all in one place for ease of use, and shows you an average score - one they weight in some cases. So, when a game comes out that scores basically 90% on average, the fact is, that game must represent that genre very well. You really think that every single person who reviews games is not a gamer? FFS...
So, Forza 3 has only been out for a couple of weeks, yet here you are claiming that the game has no depth, no "longevity"? Really? On what experience are you judging that, your own fanbotic values? Based on the demo, the game plays very well indeed, and from the reviews I can see it has as much depth as you want to extract from it. You really think any of the previous Gran Turismo games have been "deeper"...riiiiiiight. At the end of the day, both games have you racing around tracks, collecting cars, and modding cars to some degree. The modding element is where Forza races ahead, so your logic here is seriously flawed.
Still, I suppose that when GT5 comes out and gets a 90%+ average on Metacritic, we can assume that score means crap because they are not real gamers...Grow up.
He didn't say that at all, I checked, so your rant is completely unwarranted. However, I'll address the issue you bring up because I like to hear myself type.So, Forza 3 has only been out for a couple of weeks, yet here you are claiming that the game has no depth, no "longevity"? Really? On what experience are you judging that, your own fanbotic values?
Forza 2.5 is good fun but it makes the wait seem even longer. They have cut sooo many corners and limited and locked so much good content I'm glad PD has taken the time to put forth the effort to make a quality game WELL worth the wait.
Bash "Forza 2.5" all you want but the fact remains that Forza 3 sits as THE Highest scoring racing game this entire gen and it remains to be seen if GT 5 is going to be "WELL worth" the wait.
GT 4 sure wasn't and neither was GT PSP.
Bash "Forza 2.5" all you want but the fact remains that Forza 3 sits as THE Highest scoring racing game this entire gen and it remains to be seen if GT 5 is going to be "WELL worth" the wait.
GT 4 sure wasn't and neither was GT PSP.
Just because something is scroed high, does not mean it is the best for the HARDCORE fan base.. GT4 was not that highly scored back in those days, yet i was one of the most popular racing games.. Only TOOLs fallow scores..
Same thing with BAYONETA, it got a PERFECT score, but does not appeal to everyone.. he is not bashing, he is speaking his mind, I have FM3 and I would call it too a FM2.5.. its not that polished of a game.