Has Project Cars lived up to the hype?

  • Thread starter FoRiZon

Is PCars suits the hype?

  • HELL YEAH! Better than [that game]!

  • Its excellent! Has its many potential.

  • Its great, but there are many to be improved.

  • Its okay, i guess.

  • Not what im expected.

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Nope, 50+ cars with weather in 1080p at 60 fps on consoles? yeah... Making videos about sound, mocking the competition and then not actually delivering anything new...um, yeah. It's good but it'll be forgotten in a year, it lacks the game part, they spent 4 years developing a tyre model and the rest is generic at best.
For £65 I expected the game to be ready to play, but they simply haven't learnt from Shift - on Xbox One it is not at all calibrated for the control pad and as before, people are coming up with settings. Unfortunately, I have the bug they're rolling out the patch for, so it is near enough unplayable.

Plus, with an awful photomode, it even struggles to look pretty. Totally underwhelmed so far, despite liking the content included.

Exactly when was the last time you bought a bug free game out of the box? back before the internet age devs had no choice but to release a finished and polished product...but those days are long gone!
Nope, 50+ cars with weather in 1080p at 60 fps on consoles? yeah... Making videos about sound, mocking the competition and then not actually delivering anything new...um, yeah. It's good but it'll be forgotten in a year, it lacks the game part, they spent 4 years developing a tyre model and the rest is generic at best.
Generic at best? It has one of the most extensive motorsport carreer modes of any recent racing sim. :odd:
Nope, 50+ cars with weather in 1080p at 60 fps on consoles? yeah... Making videos about sound, mocking the competition and then not actually delivering anything new...um, yeah. It's good but it'll be forgotten in a year, it lacks the game part, they spent 4 years developing a tyre model and the rest is generic at best.
Personal opinion, but I tend to think longevity is more down to continuous support. Not to an exceedingly grindy single player mode ;)
Exactly when was the last time you bought a bug free game out of the box? back before the internet age devs had no choice but to release a finished and polished product...but those days are long gone!
Only if you buy a certain caliber of games. I've bought plenty of games this past year that have been completed and bug-free. :)
One week in ,This is not a highly polished game like Gran Turismo its replays are evidence of that it suffers from a lack of in game race information and poor presentation
As a game compared to GranTurismo It lacks variety of choice of cars and it does have a few bugs but its driving feeling is a pure gorgeous sensation ,The tyre model is unrivaled as you slide into corners and snaps into traction when you get back on the power it makes Gran Turismo feel soulless .Passion made this game not corporate greed
I love it ,underhyped in my opinion
Yeah, my Fifa 15, Forza 5 and H2 and NBA2K14 have been pretty free from glitches. Even Ride which threatened me with a corrupt save message didn't actually corrupt it.

Having to wait for a patch to make the controller work with the game properly is beyond the pale. The bug actually makes it impossible to steer the car properly without instant snap oversteer.
It's a good game, has some issues but hopefully these will be sorted out.

I'm glad the metacritic scores are above 80 for all platforms though, this should mean that the game is supported for a longer amount of time and additionally get publishers interested for a sequel in a few years. Appears to have sold pretty damn well too!
Nope, 50+ cars with weather in 1080p at 60 fps on consoles? yeah... Making videos about sound, mocking the competition and then not actually delivering anything new...um, yeah. It's good but it'll be forgotten in a year, it lacks the game part, they spent 4 years developing a tyre model and the rest is generic at best.
Nothing new? Wow, name one other game that simulates the racing on a console that PCars does. You won't find one. This game gives the sensation of racing a motor car better than any console game ever. It is pure joy and if you can't see or feel that you are missing out. I've just spent the last hour sliding the Caterham Super 7 around Silverstone and felt in absolute harmony with the car. Give me that sensation with one car and one track over the 1000's of cars that you get in the other console racers that feel so numb and sterile by comparison.
Yeah, my Fifa 15, Forza 5 and H2 and NBA2K14 have been pretty free from glitches. Even Ride which threatened me with a corrupt save message didn't actually corrupt it.

Having to wait for a patch to make the controller work with the game properly is beyond the pale. The bug actually makes it impossible to steer the car properly without instant snap oversteer.

Xbone controller? Are they having issues? I am using a PS4/DS4 and am having an absolute blast. I haven't even touched the controller settings yet. Not sure if I'll need to.
One of the most BUGGY career modes. ;)

This is the hammering point - everyone should be talking about how great the game is, (which it is) but a lot of people are talking about how buggy it is.

I've found career is a bit of a drag so far. Had some fun races but I've also had a lot of tedious ones.
I've found career is a bit of a drag so far. Had some fun races but I've also had a lot of tedious ones.

I'm enjoying it so far although I've only done a few races in the Clios.

I'd also like to add that having all the tracks and cars available from the beginning was a fantastic idea, It means I'm doing career races because I want to, not because I need get access to a car.
Nothing new? Wow, name one other game that simulates the racing on a console that PCars does. You won't find one. This game gives the sensation of racing a motor car better than any console game ever. It is pure joy and if you can't see or feel that you are missing out. I've just spent the last hour sliding the Caterham Super 7 around Silverstone and felt in absolute harmony with the car. Give me that sensation with one car and one track over the 1000's of cars that you get in the other console racers that feel so numb and sterile by comparison.

Maybe this hobby just isn't for me, I've never felt "in harmony" even though I know the physics are good, I just can't ever forget that it isn't real and I find it silly when people spend thousands building virtual reality rigs. No matter what I won't be fooled so at least I expect entertainment, "gamey" entertainment. When a game relies solely on the depth of the simulation then it won't hold me interested for long. Maybe I'm asking for too much, I just want a game that for once gives me the joy I feel when driving my real car.

I don't care for rules and regulations or career modes that accurately represent motorsport, I care for the on-track action, the experience if you will and that is already done pretty good in many racing games. That's why I feel PCARS is pretty standard, not bad but not great
Maybe this hobby just isn't for me, I've never felt "in harmony" even though I know the physics are good, I just can't ever forget that it isn't real and I find it silly when people spend thousands building virtual reality rigs. No matter what I won't be fooled so at least I expect entertainment, "gamey" entertainment. When a game relies solely on the depth of the simulation then it won't hold me interested for long. Maybe I'm asking for too much, I just want a game that for once gives me the joy I feel when driving my real car.

I don't care for rules and regulations or career modes that accurately represent motorsport, I care for the on-track action, the experience if you will and that is already done pretty good in many racing games. That's why I feel PCARS is pretty standard, not bad but not great
As you say at the end, what you are wanting is there for you in many games already.
For those of us that want a more realistic representation of motor sport PCars has finally arrived to scratch that itch for us. Your desires have already been catered for on console many many times over the years, but there are loads of us that are only now getting what we have been waiting for so long with PCars. No it isn't real and I don't want to do real, I want to have a realistic experience at home where I can race a big range of cars over a big range of tracks. We could never have this range of experience in the real world even if we wanted to.
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Nope, 50+ cars with weather in 1080p at 60 fps on consoles? yeah... Making videos about sound, mocking the competition and then not actually delivering anything new...um, yeah. It's good but it'll be forgotten in a year, it lacks the game part, they spent 4 years developing a tyre model and the rest is generic at best.

TBH it is the first sim of this gen with variable time of day and also has weather. I think this feature should be in GT7 on all tracks. Where player can select the time of day and weather conditions. Pcars has nice options like FOV so there are lot of good things about the game. Tracks list is pretty amazing too. So lots of good things to be noted about this game
It was the first hype train I'd caught in years and I'd forgotten how sticky the floor is in the carriage.
Maybe I'm asking for too much, I just want a game that for once gives me the joy I feel when driving my real car.

That's Project Cars in a nutshell, for me anyway.

Yeah me too, and what's more it is simply getting better & better.

I mean when you first play it you have a new physics engine, a new FFB engine, you simply can't expect to jump in and it feel perfect straight away.

My ageing Driving Force Pro felt pretty bad when I first started playing, but first I just went with the settings as they were and drove anyway, getting used to one car & one track

Half hour reading about the individual car FFB settings & learning about the clipping meter and a little bit of testing the individual settings and I am frankly amazed at the depth of the FFB response. I can't believe how much useful feedback I am getting from an old, low end wheel.

I find myself sometimes just driving on the edge, not going for a fast time, but just doing a "Top Gear" and ragging the car around the track sideways spinning wheels. It is amazing and makes me literally laugh out loud when I have it in control.

I've never had that in a console or PC racer before. Now tie that in to a decent competitive AI and proper race structure and you basically have racing heaven.

Open your mind, have a bit of patience, put in a tiny bit of effort & you will be rewarded with a really excellent gaming experience.
Give me that sensation with one car and one track over the 1000's of cars that you get in the other console racers that feel so numb and sterile by comparison.
I've had this game since the first builds, and I've mostly used a handful of cars only. With the track selection + practice/qualification/racing + dynamic weather/time that's pretty much all I need to keep me entertained.

And mind you that there's a lot more content coming in the next two years! :cheers:
Maybe this hobby just isn't for me, I've never felt "in harmony" even though I know the physics are good, I just can't ever forget that it isn't real and I find it silly when people spend thousands building virtual reality rigs. No matter what I won't be fooled so at least I expect entertainment, "gamey" entertainment. When a game relies solely on the depth of the simulation then it won't hold me interested for long. Maybe I'm asking for too much, I just want a game that for once gives me the joy I feel when driving my real car.

I don't care for rules and regulations or career modes that accurately represent motorsport, I care for the on-track action, the experience if you will and that is already done pretty good in many racing games. That's why I feel PCARS is pretty standard, not bad but not great
I still doesn't understand how you can say it hasn't lived up to it's hype. It was never hyped to be what you wanted it to be. It was hyped to be what I described. Everyone talked about how it was a proper racing game with a proper sim physics model. No one said it was going to be need for speed or Mario Kart ;)
I've had this game since the first builds, and I've mostly used a handful of cars only. With the track selection + practice/qualification/racing + dynamic weather/time that's pretty much all I need to keep me entertained.

And mind you that there's a lot more content coming in the next two years! :cheers:
They should focus on bug fixing first though. Career is a bit to broken at the moment to fully enjoy it (all wet weather races for example due to the AI being buggy).
What hype? No where near Forzas or GT levels

I guess this depends on what we mean by what that hype is. If we're talking about the amount of hype, as in how many people were buzzing about it, it's short of Forza or GT. If we're talking about to what extent people hyped it up, this then refers to how this game was going to blow Forza out of the water and further bury GT. Regarding the latter, it's failed to do that; at least in the Xbox community. On One, its failed to phase Forza at all and, if anything, has driven players more towards Forza. While it has some nice features to boast, it fell short of how absolutely amazing it was supposedly going to be as a total package.
I guess this depends on what we mean by what that hype is. If we're talking about the amount of hype, as in how many people were buzzing about it, it's short of Forza or GT. If we're talking about to what extent people hyped it up, this then refers to how this game was going to blow Forza out of the water and further bury GT. Regarding the latter, it's failed to do that; at least in the Xbox community. On One, its failed to phase Forza at all and, if anything, has driven players more towards Forza. While it has some nice features to boast, it fell short of how absolutely amazing it was supposedly going to be as a total package.
Let's talk again in half a year. Remember FM5 at launch?
I find it kind of odd that now pcars has been released with some bugs, so many people seem to have forgotten how many other games have had just as many or more bugs on release. People saying it's not as polished as GT games because of the bugs, forgetting that GT6 released with a huge number of very serious bugs in it's physics, some of which never got fixed.

Remember the tyre heat bug? where after 2 or 3 laps the tyres would have smoke coming off them as if you were doing an enormous burnout. They fixed that one fairly quickly, but then there was the bug where wet weather tyres had less grip in the wet than slicks. Last time I tried the wet weather career races in GT6 that bug was still present. How about camber not working? or the broken aero model? or the broken suspension model? Remember how much hype PD themselves generated about their collaborations with Yokohama and KW Automotive, and how it had enabled them to completely re-do their tyre and suspension models from scratch to be the most realistic ever? I remember. I got hyped to the max. Then the game came out and the tyre and suspension models were hardly any different from GT5, but were absolutely chock full of bugs.

I'm not going to write the massive novel that it would take to cover all of GT's bugs, but you get my point. The Codie's F1 games were also more often than not plagued with game breaking bugs on release, and they mostly turned out to be really good games, despite not getting great support after a few bug fixes.

GT6 ended up being much better after patches than it was at launch, but here we are a year and a half after it's release, and it's still unfinished, and still has quite a lot of very serious bugs, that no doubt will never be fixed.

I'm confident SMS will end up fixing most of the bugs in pCARS. So far, on ps4, it has matched, or exceeded, my expectations. So I'm happy :)
I find it kind of odd that now pcars has been released with some bugs, so many people seem to have forgotten how many other games have had just as many or more bugs on release. People saying it's not as polished as GT games because of the bugs, forgetting that GT6 released with a huge number of very serious bugs in it's physics, some of which never got fixed.

Remember the tyre heat bug? where after 2 or 3 laps the tyres would have smoke coming off them as if you were doing an enormous burnout. They fixed that one fairly quickly, but then there was the bug where wet weather tyres had less grip in the wet than slicks. Last time I tried the wet weather career races in GT6 that bug was still present. How about camber not working? or the broken aero model? or the broken suspension model? Remember how much hype PD themselves generated about their collaborations with Yokohama and KW Automotive, and how it had enabled them to completely re-do their tyre and suspension models from scratch to be the most realistic ever? I remember. I got hyped to the max. Then the game came out and the tyre and suspension models were hardly any different from GT5, but were absolutely chock full of bugs.

I'm not going to write the massive novel that it would take to cover all of GT's bugs, but you get my point. The Codie's F1 games were also more often than not plagued with game breaking bugs on release, and they mostly turned out to be really good games, despite not getting great support after a few bug fixes.

GT6 ended up being much better after patches than it was at launch, but here we are a year and a half after it's release, and it's still unfinished, and still has quite a lot of very serious bugs, that no doubt will never be fixed.

I'm confident SMS will end up fixing most of the bugs in pCARS. So far, on ps4, it has matched, or exceeded, my expectations. So I'm happy :)
Amen bro'. Both GT5 and Gt6 had their fair share of issues. So far for me pcars hasnt had a single gamebreaking bug. And mind you sms doesnt have the resources PD has..
On one hand I think GT is GT and it's better than PCars. I gotta say I'm not a pro player and I was never so into GT as some of here, I just like playing races and doing hot-laps.

On the other hand, when I started playing GT I used a pad and it wasn't that bad, it got better when I bought a wheel, I even improved times and repeated some races just for having fun. Thing I'm not able to do because DFGT does not work on PS4.

So, summing up, I think if I had the chance of playing with my wheel it may be better than it is right now. Playing with a pad it's not a good choise right now, the initial settings are bad as hell and takes long to get used to.

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