Have you experienced "random" grip?

  • Thread starter Voodoovaj
This sounds quite similar to the recent thread by sdi_03 where he eventually upgraded to a Fanatec wheel and declared that it fixed all his issues.
I see a mix of pad and wheel users here but is anyone experiencing this problem using a direct drive wheel?
Clutching at straws but just thought I'd throw it out there to maybe eliminate it as a possibility.
I upgraded to T300RS from G29 wheel. It solved most of the problems. Made the cars drivable, I still suspect that my g29 is broken somehow.
I still have those lost grip moments in offline races, always the same lap, 2 laps to go to finish.
Grip stays mostly same in the same online race / qualy. But when you log out and back in, the grip sometimes changes.
Just curious, does the loss of grip, especially understeering, happen when you are alone during the race, or noticed when you are following a car. If by yourself, I have no answer for that, but if following, could it be aero wash from the car ahead affecting your front end grip? Just a thought.

Aero wash is absolutely modeled in the game. It's very noticable grinding at BMB in the X Bow while passing cars in the final turn and it does have a massive effect even with my Fanatec.
interesting, i've never heard about this before.

Really? it seems to happen to me more times that not. Maybe the server is saying you are in the draft, when your screen says otherwise. I've had a few friends mention it to me as well.

I keep getting bitten by it though. It's happened a few times at Nurb so far this week where I just drift out for no good reason on decent tires. I think I had something like 25,000km on nurb in GT6 and I don't even know how much on GTS, but suffice it to say, I know the track. I know it can bite you, but it's still strange.

That said, I've also had strange excesses in grip this week as well. I go for an apex and the next thing I know, I've hopping curbs.

Just curious, does the loss of grip, especially understeering, happen when you are alone during the race, or noticed when you are following a car. If by yourself, I have no answer for that, but if following, could it be aero wash from the car ahead affecting your front end grip? Just a thought.

It's not aero wash, or at least, it's not happening where aero wash SHOULD be the cause. I've had it happen in clean air as well. The worst was last night. On the last corner before the long straight at nurb (sorry, I still have't remember the corner names) I was on the proper line and the car just washed right out and onto the grass.
Some things I observed about random grip:

- Possibly related to lag. Noticed weird behavior when I tried racing in the European servers. Loss of grip happened in situations where it'd be impossible for me to reproduce a similar mistake on my main south-american account.

- This is probably well known by now, but I noticed there's a huge loss of grip after you spin and hit the dirt. Not sure if it's actually related to dirt, but once you start spinning or lose grip, car will be uncontrollable for a few seconds.

There's also the effect of loss of grip due to cold tires, which I didn't notice before the January tire update, but seems to be real now. PD should be more clear about the physics they're trying to simulate. I don't understand why everything has to be so mysterious.
I remember something liek this early on in lobbies. I had forgotten about it.

Good luck. iRacing is still coded by humans, ergo, still prone to it's own bugs/issues.

Drop a few k on a gaming rig n set up, account n all that, just to find out iRacing is also a coded video game with all its own issues.

I'd get on a rig and test before you invest.
This week race B has been no grip event for me. Watched the pigems vid on his hotlap, and I cant keep same speed in corners. Not even close, he's going roughly 15kmh faster thru bus stop and the down hill s curves. All I got is understeer, no matter what I try.
Last week on Tokyo, my and pigems times were at 0.0x sec off from eachother. Now I can just be slower by nature in this track....
But I'm 100% sure, that the understeer I have is not normal. Again it seems, that the pad has more grip when I tested.

K3Tuning, did you tested the iRacing already? Or did I misunderstood your post?
- This is probably well known by now, but I noticed there's a huge loss of grip after you spin and hit the dirt. Not sure if it's actually related to dirt, but once you start spinning or lose grip, car will be uncontrollable for a few seconds.

Yes, this is from dirty tires and over heated tires. The dirty tire lasts quite a while. You can hear the sound of stones and dirt hitting the inner fender. When you spin, the tires will over heat.
In the run up to the last manu round I did a lot of lobby practice and a fair bit of time trialling on medium tyres. I know TT is different as there is no tyre wear, but I got a pretty good feel for the car by the end of all my practice.

When the time for the actual race came the thing was handling like a dream - completely unlike any of my practice sessions in how easily it turned in. I thought it was psychological.
Goodbye. This community doesnt needs a person like you anyway.

Negative opinions always allowed but if you really think gt sport is that bad then this community doesnt needs you.

You're not a moderator here and as a retired mod I can quite clearly say that this attitude is the exact kind of thing we actually don't need here.

This community may have started out as a GT one, but over the years its evolved far past that, this is a Sim Racing community and we embrace all views and opinions, fans of all titles can talk here and they can praise and raise issues with all titles. Members who think GTS is bad are just as welcome here as those that love it, however most are mature enough to see that a middle ground in reality exists, in which titles have areas that are bad and areas that are good, and we discuss those (which is what @sdi_03 was doing).

What this community doesn't need is members who think that they can enforce who can and can't post based on how favorable act towards a single title, that's never been the case and never will be the case. Right now the member who is out of step with the GT Planet community is you, you do not get to bully a member off the forum because of your own investment in a single title.
You're not a moderator here and as a retired mod I can quite clearly say that this attitude is the exact kind of thing we actually don't need here.

This community may have started out as a GT one, but over the years its evolved far past that, this is a Sim Racing community and we embrace all views and opinions, fans of all titles can talk here and they can praise and raise issues with all titles. Members who think GTS is bad are just as welcome here as those that love it, however most are mature enough to see that a middle ground in reality exists, in which titles have areas that are bad and areas that are good, and we discuss those (which is what @sdi_03 was doing).

What this community doesn't need is members who think that they can enforce who can and can't post based on how favorable act towards a single title, that's never been the case and never will be the case. Right now the member who is out of step with the GT Planet community is you, you do not get to bully a member off the forum because of your own investment in a single title.
I tought negative opinions allowed here. My opinion is a person who thinks gt sport is that bad shouldnt be part of this community. If you really think Im not belong to this community just because i have a negative opinion then you dont belong it either.
I tought negative opinions allowed here. My opinion is a person who thinks gt sport is that bad shouldnt be part of this community.
And you are entitled to hold that view, you're not entitled to try and use it to harass someone off the site.

If you really think Im not belong to this community just because i have a negative opinion then you dont belong it either.
If someone has a view you don't agree with then you argue against that point (which would be within the AUP), you don't attempt to bully the person out of the community (That is against the AUP).
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Glad its not just me then, I had a race last night where I started from pole and was on rails the entire race, literally felt like I had maximized every single corner on every single lap, just on the edge of losing grip the entire time, nailing my entry and exit points etc it was one of my best races control wise, yet all of my laps were around 3 seconds off my quali time, then next race I put in an awful lap, hit the wall at the bus stop then lost line through the uphill esses an had to back-off to avoid the grass, yet I am on a tenth off my pole time its strange.

I had previously put it down to me just being terrible at the game :lol::lol: So its comforting to know that other people are having issues.
I haven't experienced any noticeable grip issues lately, but I've never experienced the dc bug or other problems either so I "think?" my account is pretty bug free.
I've definitely been thinking that lag has been far worse since the region re-merge though. Not just worse than the Oceania only gameplay (and that was obviously fantastic), but seems to me significantly worse than I recall before the region split.
I tought negative opinions allowed here. My opinion is a person who thinks gt sport is that bad shouldnt be part of this community. If you really think Im not belong to this community just because i have a negative opinion then you dont belong it either.

It has nothing to do with your opinion: it has to do with you telling another member they shouldn't be here because they don't agree with your opinion.

That has not been, nor will it ever be, acceptable.

Take a quick look here:

See all those other games? GTPlanet is a community for all of them, and nowhere in the rules you agreed to when joining did it state someone has to be a fan of any or all of them. People are entitled to their opinions of the game — yes, even negative — and unless they're breaking the AUP, they can post those opinions.
I've noticed, in Sport Mode, that initially, at the start of the week, my lap times are great then if I come back to it mid-week its like playing a different game, then suddenly on Saturday or Sunday, nine times out of ten, out of nowhere I'll smash my own time and if feels the same as it did at the start of the week. Its almost like there is a teeny-tiny change to the physics mid week to keep you chasing your own time because, psychologically, it should be easier to chase your own time (as you've already done it once and is achievable) than, if you're not an alien, to go after something that may be unachievable for you.

At first I thought this could just be in my head, but the start-mid-end weekly cycle happens like clockwork. I'm wondering if its an artifical way to keep people playing mid-week after the initially flurry of activity, thanks to people wanting to hit the Top 10's first, and the weekend when there may be more time to play. Is it a sly artificial way of keeping Sport Mode lobbies more active mid-week?
Ok I've often thought this existed but I was quite happy to accept it's just me being a bit inconsistent and there is certainly no way to prove anything is wrong but now with the SF race I can see and feel something is "off" somewhere, it's just odd. :odd::crazy::embarrassed:

Using my main account the car just seems to understeer more whilst still being a bit looser (I know makes no sense) and yet I can go quite quickly on it, up to a 1'36.7 best lap now but come race it is chewing the tyres (mainly the fronts) and the last couple of laps of each stint I can barely get 1'40 lap times if I don't just crash. Then on my GTP account whilst I never complete a Q lap I've yet to have splits that would trouble the 1'36 mark (maybe not surprising in itself since I've done little running in this mode here) however the car feels much more attached to the road but yet it feels slower somehow. In the race however it's a different story (not that there are many opportunities for a clean lap without traffic), with it feeling better it does not wear down it's tyres as much, even after someone has spun me and knocked me offline or even off the track, which really should wreck the tyres with this stupidly high multiplier, so come the end off the race I can do 1.39s no problem (maybe a tiny boost on the last lap but I do that on my other account too) and it doesn't feel like I'm about to crash at any moment quite as much although this doesn't mean I won't or accidently cut a corner and get a penalty. :banghead:

I really want some space on lap 8 though to use up the boost and see if I can go faster than my main account over that one lap because I have not quite managed it yet and my times on that lap still seem a bit down on what should be possible (on both accounts), it's really confusing me and I wish I had an answer for it. :boggled:
Ok I've often thought this existed but I was quite happy to accept it's just me being a bit inconsistent and there is certainly no way to prove anything is wrong but now with the SF race I can see and feel something is "off" somewhere, it's just odd. :odd::crazy::embarrassed:

Using my main account the car just seems to understeer more whilst still being a bit looser (I know makes no sense) and yet I can go quite quickly on it, up to a 1'36.7 best lap now but come race it is chewing the tyres (mainly the fronts) and the last couple of laps of each stint I can barely get 1'40 lap times if I don't just crash. Then on my GTP account whilst I never complete a Q lap I've yet to have splits that would trouble the 1'36 mark (maybe not surprising in itself since I've done little running in this mode here) however the car feels much more attached to the road but yet it feels slower somehow. In the race however it's a different story (not that there are many opportunities for a clean lap without traffic), with it feeling better it does not wear down it's tyres as much, even after someone has spun me and knocked me offline or even off the track, which really should wreck the tyres with this stupidly high multiplier, so come the end off the race I can do 1.39s no problem (maybe a tiny boost on the last lap but I do that on my other account too) and it doesn't feel like I'm about to crash at any moment quite as much although this doesn't mean I won't or accidently cut a corner and get a penalty. :banghead:

I really want some space on lap 8 though to use up the boost and see if I can go faster than my main account over that one lap because I have not quite managed it yet and my times on that lap still seem a bit down on what should be possible (on both accounts), it's really confusing me and I wish I had an answer for it. :boggled:

I drove the SF car quite a bit in a lobby over the weekend and it really chews thru fronts compared to the rears.
Last night I ran some laps at Suzuka (you are about 2.5 faster than me so far so I'm sure your lines are much better) but there were some laps that I was around 1 second quicker to the timing line at the bridge after Degner, the car seems very sensitive to your line and I am also guessing downforce, like if you slow down too much for a corner you must slow down even more because you lose downforce and the car plows.