Heartfelt congratulations to Jammy for winning ITCC 3!

  • Thread starter ITCC_Andrew
Was, is, same thing. Nothing has changed. One final week of preseason left.

Also, I'm sorry, guys, I had a bunch of things come up, and the clouds went away and the dog finally came downstairs... Long story short, I got new shoes, headphones and things but didn't have time to update the OP. I barely have time for dinner. :(
Updating the OP tonight. Just a very small amount of homework from college, clean/new shoes, full gas tank and a quick dog walk.

Homework; 30m maybe?
Dog walk; 1h

So, leaves me with 6ish hours. Anyone got any other ideas, then?
Updating the OP tonight. Just a very small amount of homework from college, clean/new shoes, full gas tank and a quick dog walk.

Homework; 30m maybe?
Dog walk; 1h

So, leaves me with 6ish hours. Anyone got any other ideas, then?

mabye a little bit of world domination prep?
Monza Driver's Meeting!

First Post
  • All drivers must brake earlier than the car in front, when following closely behind
  • All drivers must ensure that room is given, to allow a fellow competitor to stay on the track, without contact
  • Swerving on a straightaway to prohibit passing may only occur once
  • Subsequently, a driver may re-align for a braking zone.
  • Brake-checking is expressly prohibited
  • Dive-bombing is intentionally braking too late, for a corner, in an attempt to pass, by "diving" to the inside of the correct racing line before the corner. This must NOT happen under any circumstances.
  • Any intentional drifting, sliding, or fancy driving is expressly disallowed.
  • Horn use during the start of the race is disallowed for everyone excluding the Series Director; The Series Director will use the horn to signal the "Countdown" during the standing starts

I expect everyone to avoid dive-bombing. Dive bombing is when you brake too late when following another driver, and "dive" onto their racing line in the corner. Whether contact is made or not, you are not Kobayashi, and this isn't Formula 1. Instead, focus on corner exits and getting the power down sooner than the car in front. Use the draft, get alongside, and then show us how late you can brake, from beside the competitor.

The long braking zones at Monza may lead to dive bombing. I don't want to see it. Zero tolerance policy in effect, any "dive bombs" will receive small penalties for the start of the season.

Braking earlier than the opponent you're trying to pass normally allows for better corner exits. 💡 Given that this is the ideal way to set up a pass, it's surprisingly helpful to brake sooner than you need to, and position your car for corner exit.

Fourth Post
Next Race

Pre-season at Autodromo Internazionale di Monza, Friday Sept. 6th, 21:30 GMT + 1 (BST)

Various timezones:

EDT (Eastern Summer time) 1630h

Australian EST 0630h


Special Info:


This demonstrates an acceptable usage of curbing.

The inside tires are on the red and white surface of the curbs. This is acceptable and recommended!


This shows an unacceptable usage of curbing.

The inside tires are on the grey surface inside the curbs. This is unacceptable.


This shows an unacceptable usage of off-track surfaces.

The inside tires are on the astroturf (green surface) beyond circuit limits. This is absolutely unacceptable.​

All drivers, please acknowledge that you have read the details I've brought forth from the first set of posts, please!

It is vital that I know, that you understand the expected conduct for Monza. I want these Monza races to go off without a hitch, but this is adding two new elements to ITCC competition that we've not seen since the first season - or ever.

Adding these new elements (specifically, weather and Monza) is something I'd like to see happen successfully. However, if the only problem comes down to one or two drivers abusing a rule I bolded from above, they will be penalized.
So are we not allowed to out brake from behind entering a corner, even if we know we can pass with success?
I feel naughty now, I got used to illustrate how you shouldn't act! So it's no driving on the green run-off, astro-turfy stuff right?
So are we not allowed to out brake from behind entering a corner, even if we know we can pass with success?

Out-braking from behind is fine, provided you're on the outside line.

In that case, you just go wide and leave the circuit, if you don't get slowed down in time.

If you try to out-brake from behind on the inside, you'll push the other driver wide, or off of the circuit; penalty.

I feel naughty now, I got used to illustrate how you shouldn't act! So it's no driving on the green run-off, astro-turfy stuff right?

You're allotted one trip on the "astro-turfy stuff". Every subsequent visit, except to avoid contact with another driver, will result in a 5 second penalty.
Out-braking from behind is fine, provided you're on the outside line.

In that case, you just go wide and leave the circuit, if you don't get slowed down in time.

If you try to out-brake from behind on the inside, you'll push the other driver wide, or off of the circuit; penalty.

So if they go wide because of an overtake from now on you get a penalty? :scared:
Not necessarily. If they are pushed wide, the driver who pushes them wide gets the penalty.

If this happens, :dunce: penalty.

Ahh okay, so it's not like, if they can't take the best line around the corner you're out? That's a relief.

And Nascar... I might be able to, anyone else coming?
I take it lag is considered? If there is a lag crash, will your inevitable penalty be able to be appealed, no matter how stupid the crash was, you get a appeal on grounds of lag?
I am highly reconsidering my participation in this series just from this one statement.

I'm the one passing to the outside.

Nice passing! Too bad it's outside the track limits. :P

Yes, the rules are there in the OP, but I don't know how many people have actually read them. Go on, everyone. This is the driver's meeting for Monza. Go ask me the questions about the rules, that you will inevitably have, and then tell me whether you agree, or not, to participate, given the rules.

Ahh okay, so it's not like, if they can't take the best line around the corner you're out? That's a relief.

And Nascar... I might be able to, anyone else coming?

Well, no, if you have what's deemed "considerable overlap," (i.e., if you're beside the driver before the braking zone) and the contact is slight, no problem. If no contact is made, and both drivers are able to negotiate the corner without too much hassle, no problem. But, if contact is made, a penalty will be assessed. Depending on the specifics of the incident (overlap, severity, intentions,) the penalty assigned will range from nothing (in case of honest accident) to 1.5 minute penalty (simulated stop-and-hold-for-60-seconds.)

I take it lag is considered? If there is a lag crash, will your inevitable penalty be able to be appealed, no matter how stupid the crash was, you get a appeal on grounds of lag?

Given sufficient proof of lag, (photos, video, or both drivers' acknowledgement) no penalty will be assessed. If, on my replay, it seems like contact didn't actually occur, it will be deemed a racing incident.
Mel wtf, the pink Focus is clean since the outside wheels are on the white lines/tarmac.. (Half and half)
Actually, I had two tires on the rumble strips, and all 4 on a hard surface. ;)

Also, I wouldn't give Elliot a penalty in the incident between him and Dillon. Elliot went to the inside and Ty came down on him.

EDIT: Yeah, all 3 of those pictures are clean. The red Civic is in the process of going off, but he's clean at the time the picture was taken.
Actually, I had two tires on the rumble strips, and all 4 on a hard surface. ;)

Also, I wouldn't give Elliot a penalty in the incident between him and Dillon. Elliot went to the inside and Ty came down on him.

I think Elliot moved too late. It seems more like a divebomb, since Dillon was clearly already braking... :scared:

Mel wtf, the pink Focus is clean since the outside wheels are on the white lines/tarmac.. (Half and half)

Did you read my stipulations for cutting? Only two wheels allowed on the red/white curbing. Two wheels on the main circuit, two on a curb.

Like this:

:sly: That's clean curb usage for the preseason round. It's better if we see if it works or not during preseason, before the actual season starts.
OK to lag.
Dillon/Elliot was last lap racing, Ty came down as Elliott slid up. Thats racing. Id give a fair warning to both.
I feel that if the position was given back, if you have any off course incident, your penalty is waved off.
Also if im shoved down onto the run-off, ill be tired of the guy and floor it and pass on the run-off, if thats illegal, thats too harsh, even the super-strict FIA allows that...
OK to lag.
Dillon/Elliot was last lap racing, Ty came down as Elliott slid up. Thats racing. Id give a fair warning to both.

Fair enough.

I feel that if the position was given back, if you have any off course incident, your penalty is waved off.

Be very careful with this one: ITCC has lots of close racing. If you don't get far enough out of the way so as not to impede the remainder of the traffic, you could get a blocking penalty. If you decide to do that, it's up to you, but don't cause further crashes.

Also if im shoved down onto the run-off, ill be tired of the guy and floor it and pass on the run-off, if thats illegal, thats too harsh, even the super-strict FIA allows that...

Down onto run-off? Does that mean run-off on the inside of the circuit? As in, corner cutting? That won't be allowed.
The video clarified things for me, I think I'm on the correct wave length for Friday now. Cheers.
Fair enough.
Comming from the NASCAR side of the spectrum, the tesion levels are very high in the final lap, and you are going to make stupid decisions (Elliotts slide-job) (Dillons block) Thats not particuarly dirty, also keep in mind, thats one of NASCARs lowest skilled series, those truck guys are just getting out of ARCA. They want early wins under their belt to get noticed. Im sure you can relate, with your karting, given that ITCC has no sister series, theres just pure points in mind, and these moves should be seen only in the Pre-Season, if at all.

Be very careful with this one: ITCC has lots of close racing. If you don't get far enough out of the way so as not to impede the remainder of the traffic, you could get a blocking penalty. If you decide to do that, it's up to you, but don't cause further crashes.
Yes, i always get out of the groove to let the driver I passed back in line. Thats not rules, just my driving style. Them right turns are tricky! ;)

Down onto run-off? Does that mean run-off on the inside of the circuit? As in, corner cutting? That won't be allowed.
No, Im not blowing of the whole turn, Im saying if I get pushed onto astro-turf, im making my pass there, doesn't really matter if its inside or out. If it is, however inside, I'd likely give back the spot.
No, Im not blowing of the whole turn, Im saying if I get pushed onto astro-turf, im making my pass there, doesn't really matter if its inside or out. If it is, however inside, I'd likely give back the spot.

You mean on the exit of a corner? If the driver on the inside pushes you out?

That will be fine, provided you are actually avoiding contact with the other driver. 👍
I could care less, your being deliberately awkward and silly..


As far as EVERY real life series is concerned at minimum the white lines define the track, the white lines ARE part of the "main track"...

As a result I will not even think about joining for a one off now..
As a result I will not even think about joining for a one off now..

...Because I'm standardizing the rule set for an upcoming event, so that everyone can understand and accept the rules before commencing the races, in order to avoid a general free-for-all?

Certainly, there may be a few inches of tolerance on a few laps (no, not every lap) but I'd like to be sure that everyone generally follows the same rule set.

This is my rule set, I'm putting in place, to ensure that there are no sloppy misinterpretations. I've provided a video. I've provided a full explanation. I've provided everything a competitor needs. However, this just ensures that no one takes advantage, that everyone is held accountable, and that every has the same rules set in their mind before the races commence.

Otherwise, who's to say that people won't start saying "well, he was on the grey of the curb, so I thought I could use the green" and "you need to be more strict and consistent with your rules."

No, this is the most consistent rules set you will find for a race at Monza. I have no reason to doubt that fact. Anyone who questions the reasoning will hear the same thing: I want to run a series wherein everything is controlled to be fair to every driver.

Everyone is bound by the same rules, which I'm attempting to make as clear, concise and accurate as possible. I believe that it's fully fair.

These rules also only apply at Monza, where it's possible to gain something like 2 seconds per lap by cutting corners. Or, to Gold the Vettel X2010 challenge, just by using a bit of run-off.


OLRs for "Offline Racing" Section
Two wheels (except when airborne, where the vertical projection of the car onto the track counts) must be in contact with the track/circuit which includes the rumble strips and footpaths, but not grassed areas.
All green areas are not part of the track unless otherwise stated in the Race Specifics section of any given event.

Curbs, sidewalks/pavements are not part of the track unless otherwise stated in the Race Specifics section of any given event.

OLRs for "OLR General Rules"
Cutting the chicanes or "shorting" the track at any point is strictly prohibited on all parts of the track, including the asphalt-areas in behind out-of track-lines. Track specific boundaries will be clarified in the Race Specifics section of any given event.
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I could care less, your being deliberately awkward and silly.. Your trying to make yourself look smart by making a pointless new system that simply isn't needed.

I refer to this, With the addition I didn't put in because I thought I may have been wrong.

We ran this is Pure after we got bored of the OLR all 4 wheels off, we used the white lines as track limits and it was pretty darn clear for all, don't see how doing your silly new system will do any difference..

Also 2 seconds, ha.. More like half a second to .750 at most, only if you going way past the kerbs that is.. (You can gain 4 seconds by not taking the middle chicane but if you did that why bother racing in an ORGANISED series.. Seriously.. :dunce:)