HELP! My Nissan R390GT is shot!

  • Thread starter Mr. White
Guys, I really need your help.

I saved up a LONG time and got the Nissan R390GT, got the big turbo etc.

Did the final race in the professional series...and a couple endurance races.

It has roughly 1800-2000 miles.

Now, for some reason, the car is messed up. On the high speed ring or any other straight away where I can hit atleast 220 mph, the car becomes uncontrollable. It just started doing this. It feels kind of like a wheel is not in-balance. REALLY bad vibration and it just darts around really bad. Like I said, it's pretty much uncontrollable. You can here the tires constantly screeching even when I'm going in a straight line with no braking.

I've tried everything (I think). Did the rollcage, did the body refresher, tried different tires, the settings (suspension etc) all seem ok.

None of my other cars do this...and it did'nt do this when I first got the just started all of a sudden.

As it sits right now, it won't compete. It's too uncontrollable at high speed.

Please help, I don't want to have to save up another $4.5 mil for another decent car.
Hi Mr. White, and welcome to GTP. :)

Maybe you should go to the settings and make everything default. That'll probably help.
Hi Mr. White, and welcome to GTP. :)

Maybe you should go to the settings and make everything default. That'll probably help.

Thanks for the welcome. :)

Tried that...I already put the settings back to default.

Like I said, this is REALLY strange. It might be a glitch or something. I thought I was going crazy last night so after I fiddled with the settings, bought all that stuff for the Nissan I drove a bunch of other cars on the ring and none of them are like this.

You know the little marker that indicates the steering wheel position? Well, when I'm on a straightaway, it's jumping all over the place. And when I get to the turn, it's just about impossible to keep it off the wall.

I'm stumped right now.
I'm not sure if this is what you mean but i'll say it anyway. I have a DFP and when you hit over 210mph in a Le Mans car the wheel starts shaking, this is similar to real life, with high downforce cars. But it should do it from new :confused:

About the tires screeching, mine did this on the nurburgring, but it was because i had all the driving aids on and the front suspension too hard and it was bouncing over the bumps in the track, try turning the driving aids off if you havn't already or Just save up for a new one :)

Hope this Helps 👍
Jacks-I know what you mean about the bumpy straight aways...but it does this on the ring (which is very smooth). And it's not's loud and constant. I don't want to have to save up another $4.5 takes me a while (Endurance races in b-spec). And what's to say that my next $4.5mil car does'nt start doing the same thing?

Sirlosealot-I did the chassis refresh...did'nt help.
To give you guys an idea of how crappy this car is now...(I'm trying to remember these figures off the top of my head) get's totally blown away in b-spec. I have roughly 4400 b-spec points...and it get's smoked by other similar cars (Bentley speed 8, Mazda 787B, Audi R8). On the Mt. Fuji race it's normally in 4-5th place after a few laps...the car just flies into the sandpit everytime after the straight away, and it spends alot of time in the dirt/grass. Does'nt matter if I have it on cruise, steady, fast or's just all over the place.

It's not just me...the computer can't even control this thing.
I can't think of anything that can help then sorry, did you try without driving aids??

Easy way to make money :) Buy Audi A4 touring car and stage 4 turbo and enter the german touring car championship it takes 10mins with B-spec x3 and if you sell the prize car you get about 900,000credits each time.
Strangely, I think I have had a similar problem with my CLK GT car. I haven't done as many miles as you had, but all of a sudden my B-spec driver just couldn't keep it on the track, no matter what setting it was on. I drove it and it just does a 4 wheel drift straight into the kitty litter. Its almost like its on road tyres when its actually on slicks. Can't say it has problems at high speed though.
Have you smashed a wall hard, etc. there are a few unconfirmed reports on this forum of cars acting strangely after major impacts, (and never getting straightened out again. :indiff: )
Your car is too low. When your car bottems out the car becomes uncontrollable. This ussually happens on straight-aways in the game because the force pushing down on the car at really high speeds is multiplied by the aerodynamics and down force. Its happen to me a few times, just raise the ride height by 5-10mm or so, problem solved.

I can't think of anything that can help then sorry, did you try without driving aids??

Easy way to make money :) Buy Audi A4 touring car and stage 4 turbo and enter the german touring car championship it takes 10mins with B-spec x3 and if you sell the prize car you get about 900,000credits each time.

Yep, I think I tried no aids.

I'll try the touring car thing. Thanks for the tip. I've been doing the grand valley endurance with a JGTC car w/ big takes a couple hours and you get about 500K (after selling the prize car). I normally just set it up before I go to work and when I go to bed.

I'm just agrivated with it. I don't understand why it just started doing this out of the blue.

BTW-Here's a kind of "off-topic" question...but how do you get it to stay at X3? I tried doing the 24hr race with that Nissan, (before it went to hell) and it had a sizable lead after a few laps, so I just set it to X3, and went to bed. Well, I check it in the a/m and it's only completed about 6 hours. I'm thinking it resets to X1 when it pits but I'm not sure.
AF 86: Exactly, it's totally uncontrollable. And it was'nt like that when I first got the car.

dbartucci: Yes, I have smashed many things (cars, walls etc) many times, very hard. I hope you're wrong about the car being toast...but I think you could be right. That would explain it. :guilty:

Twisted: I tried that...I normally keep my cars at about 5 mm above the minimum...I raised it did'nt help.
Yes every time your b-spec driver pits the speed gets reset to X1 kind of stupid but oh well, and did you rear what TwiztedParallel wrote?
apperntly im to slow when it comes to typing replys :)
Mr. White
Twisted: I tried that...I normally keep my cars at about 5 mm above the minimum...I raised it did'nt help.

5mm from the bottem is really low. If you dont adjust your spring compression accordingly then you will bottem out. Try raising the height all the way, its not good for racing but it will show you the problem. Like I said, Ive had this problem a few times before. Since then I only lower my cars 5mm or so from stock, and if that doesnt work then I raise it alittle more ect..
5mm from the bottem is really low. If you dont adjust your spring compression accordingly then you will bottem out. Try raising the height all the way, its not good for racing but it will show you the problem. Like I said, Ive had this problem a few times before. Since then I only lower my cars 5mm or so from stock, and if that doesnt work then I raise it alittle more ect..

Like I said, I normally keep the cars low, so I went back and set it all to default, and it's HIGH then (IMO) like 10mm from the top...and it did'nt help.

I'll try fiddling with it again tonight...but like tucci said...I think this one's bit the dust. :grumpy:
I can confirm this bug, it has happened to my 98 Audi S4 it has also become uncontrolable. I played with it for 3 hours last night and I cannot fix it. The car feels like it is on ice and I have soft racing slicks on it. 4 days ago with the exact same setup as I have now I made a 7:42 pass at Nurembergring. Last night the best run I could get was 10:02 and that was nearly impossible.
doesnt hurt to try to adjust the spring height as high as possible then start lowering it to the perfect height (to where it doesnt go crazy)
I find that in my LeMans cars after every race series I typically have to do a chassis refresh, especially if I B-spec a city course and there is much wall contact. I have found that if the chassis refresh box in the tune shop is unchecked the car is probably due. I just think of it as the closest thing to car damage in GT4 and live with the expense. My Mazda 787B got to the point where it would steer itself into the wall on the long straights, chassis refresh fixed it right up.
The same thing is happening to my Minolta. The Minolta is my horse (did most all the enduros with it including the ring 3 times), and the wheel was shaking something crazy when I tried to do some laps on LeMans.

I just accepted it as wear on the car as it has over 20k miles on it. Good thing I did the El Capitan endurance twice and have 2 Minoltas-one with 20k and one with 0.
Does taking the turbo upgrade back off make any difference? I had a similar problem with my Audi R8, but that was when it was new. Even with default settings and using a DS2 it would drive like it is on ice, and you could forget about going above 180 mph. Then I took the turbo back off and it was fine. Recently I tried it again with the turbo upgrade, and now it works just fine for some reason, with the same settings, and it will only start shaking if I am using the DF.
If you look at some pre-made replays in the game, of the Bentley Speed 8, you would notice that EVERY car is shaking his wheels off, I got it with my jag. (purple ugly thing) too! It REEEAAALLLLYYYYYY SUCKS, I know, the vibration is REALLY strong
Does taking the turbo upgrade back off make any difference? I had a similar problem with my Audi R8, but that was when it was new. Even with default settings and using a DS2 it would drive like it is on ice, and you could forget about going above 180 mph. Then I took the turbo back off and it was fine. Recently I tried it again with the turbo upgrade, and now it works just fine for some reason, with the same settings, and it will only start shaking if I am using the DF.

Changing the turbo did'nt affect it.

I think I'll just have to scrap her and get an R8 or something.
I can confirm this, too -- after I B-Speced my Toyota Minolta in the Nurb 24 hour race, it became completely uncontrollable at high speed. Absolutely box-stock except for tires and turbo (and I tried undoing those changes, even though it was *fine* before the 24-hr race).

Interestingly, it doesn't seem to affect B-Spec. The B-Spec driver can hurl it around the Test Course at 250 MPH all day. In A-spec, it refuses to go in a straight line and is 100% uncontrollable in the turns. (And yeah, I know how to drive.)

I haven't tried a chassis stiffen -- I'll give that a whirl. It's pretty much unusable in its current state. Anything over 150 MPH or so and it dives for the grass/sand/wall. I'd given it up for lost and was going to get another from El Capitan.
Have you tried leaving your car stock, go strip it down to stock and see how it handles. If it handles fine, then you put the parts back on and it handles crappy, then it just sounds like your a noob at modifying cars. No i'm just kidding, but did it handle like this right after you modified it or just one day after it being modified it just decided to be gay?

Edit: Also I know it may sound dumb but have you tried changing the oil?
Well...I guess I'm not the only one....I seriously thought I was losing it.

And I have had MANY major collisions with that car. On a few races, after it went to hell, I'd get pissed and start ramming other cars like a heat seeking missile. Broadside them at 200+ mph.

Looking back, that probably was'nt a good idea. I had no idea it would inflict permanent damage.

This "bug" or "defect" or whatever you want to call it sucks imo.

If anybody has any tips or has had a similar away.
Mr. White
Guys, I really need your help.

I saved up a LONG time and got the Nissan R390GT, got the big turbo etc.

Did the final race in the professional series...and a couple endurance races.

It has roughly 1800-2000 miles.

Now, for some reason, the car is messed up. On the high speed ring or any other straight away where I can hit atleast 220 mph, the car becomes uncontrollable. It just started doing this. It feels kind of like a wheel is not in-balance. REALLY bad vibration and it just darts around really bad. Like I said, it's pretty much uncontrollable. You can here the tires constantly screeching even when I'm going in a straight line with no braking.

I've tried everything (I think). Did the rollcage, did the body refresher, tried different tires, the settings (suspension etc) all seem ok.

None of my other cars do this...and it did'nt do this when I first got the just started all of a sudden.

As it sits right now, it won't compete. It's too uncontrollable at high speed.

Please help, I don't want to have to save up another $4.5 mil for another decent car.

Did you try getting going into the shop and under "lighweight" area and resetting the rigidity of the car? I forgot what its exactly called but its on the far right on the list. Try that...because all cars lose their form after awhile.