United States
Having posted earlier about the problems I am having with my B-Spec drivers, I need to note that I am TOTALLY STUCK on the Cote 'd Azur race in Seasonal Events, B-Spec #5. All of my drivers (6) are level 32 or beyond and all 6 are running into the guardrails on this course (and then they act really stupid, like flooring the gas with their nose stuck against the guardrail, or backing up into a wall or another car, or waiting until all of the other cars have passed them before moving). I've tried a variety of things and nothing has seemed to help. I've managed to clear most of the events in the game, albeit some with serious difficulty, but this event is driving me nuts.
Any suggestions welcomed.
Give them some pop rocks and a different car
Pop rocks is a definite no-go! :dunce: Valium is a better fit!

Being serious & helpful, read this thread:

You need to babysit Bob thru the hairpin section before the tunnel thru the swimming pool section after the tunnel. Coming out of tunnel you should be in blue.

The other corner to watch is the last corner leading into start-finish straight. If Bob is trying to pass here he will stick his nose into the armco and wait until everyone passes him.

You have to have Bob drive this like a real race. There are only a few spots on the circuit to pass. Pass at the wrong place and you'll meet the barrier. Unfortunately, Bob, regardless of level, can't pull off a pass coming out of the tunnel if he is still to the left without finding the barriers.
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Having posted earlier about the problems I am having with my B-Spec drivers, I need to note that I am TOTALLY STUCK on the Cote 'd Azur race in Seasonal Events, B-Spec #5. All of my drivers (6) are level 32 or beyond and all 6 are running into the guardrails on this course (and then they act really stupid, like flooring the gas with their nose stuck against the guardrail, or backing up into a wall or another car, or waiting until all of the other cars have passed them before moving). I've tried a variety of things and nothing has seemed to help. I've managed to clear most of the events in the game, albeit some with serious difficulty, but this event is driving me nuts.
Any suggestions welcomed.

I won that race using the Pagani Zonda LM Race Car and a B spec driver 29 level !
Yeah, i had to find a 650pp car that bob liked driving, i tried every detuned LMP i had then the McLaren F1 GTR showed up in my UCD, won the race easily with it.
I've won this with about 10 different cars.

This is the only B-spec race I've come across that, no matter what care you give him and even with a level 40 Bob, you still have to control him and give him direction the entire race. He typically tries to pass coming out of the tunnel on the 2nd lap, and he hits the barrier at the chicane. So tell him to slow down when he's in the tunnel. If he's passing on the left coming out of the tunnel, it's gonna end bad every time. He also like to try and pass on the inside of the last corner, that always ends bad too. Slow him down if he looks like he might try it.

Controlling Bob the entire race is really about all the advice you should need.
If you use a car that's good enough, you don't have to control Bob the whole race.

Case in point: Chaparral 2J

Bob should take the lead by lap 4 or so, at which point you can generally throttle down to blue, and by lap 6 or so you can just leave him alone to win easily.

The key to avoid running into barriers is being in the blue. If he's in the red, he will hit the barriers quite a bit.
The Chappy was the only car my bob managed to win with and I tried... too many cars to list!
Lowered the gears, dropped the height, lowered the front suspension/dampers/roll bars a couple of degrees each and put 30-40kgs of ballast right at the front. This is my basic complex track setup, pretty rough but works for me! My Bob won first time with little guidance.
Iv got a 2J online, send me an fr mentioning bspec 2j or something.
If you use a car that's good enough, you don't have to control Bob the whole race.

Case in point: Chaparral 2J

Bob should take the lead by lap 4 or so, at which point you can generally throttle down to blue, and by lap 6 or so you can just leave him alone to win easily.

The key to avoid running into barriers is being in the blue. If he's in the red, he will hit the barriers quite a bit.

Yeah but I don't have a 2J, and haven't seen one in my UCD for like 1000 game days.
i used the audi playstation touring car fully tuned and upped the transmission i still hit the barrier after the tunnel but won it with ease
I nailed this with a lvl35 bob, using a Jag XJ13 and ignoring it all.
Won with a convincing lead too.

Tried it previously with lots of different cars and kept hitting the chicane and spinning out.

Sometimes its just luck
try a detuned Mazda Furai, nice car for all the 650pp B-spec events

That's what did it for me, after countless tries! But believe me it wasn't easy....ya gotta baby your driver the entire way....make sure they don't lose their cool 'n are nice 'n calm at that z-turn or however ya refer to it. VERY annoyin'....but the Furai's the way to go.
I used my BMW McLaren F1 GTR Race Car for this one. Every time another McLaren started in 1st, I wouldn't win. I eventually resorted to entering and exiting until another car was in front (might have been a Ford GT LM Race Car). I didn't tell my Bob to do anything when the Ford was in front. But that McLaren... Geez, it was getting on my nerves!!! Finally beat it about a month ago. Then the Japanese 80's Festival showed up... D:
I find that overtaking cars on the corner leading to the chicane causes the problem(for me at least), as the car won't be taking the correct racing line to avoid the guard rail.

Something else PD should look into fixing.
I can share my Ford GT LM Spect II Test Car, Tuned for this event no worries with my car

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PSN: JedikeeperUS
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