Here comes an update!!!!

  • Thread starter doggyollie
Any new car, real life or not has his lot of detractors/promotors, as I drive in front bumper cam view I really don’t care much how it looks. That beast may handle like a dream and become part of my favorites... or not. Anyway, even-thought I have great expectations for this game or game’s sequels, and as other members just suggested, anything that will be added for free will be welcome even if not useful at personal level. We already paid for the game at some some point so any free addition is a bonus.
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If that's true (and it seems so) online racing is no more fun atleast for HSR.
It's already to bad they haven't got more competitive cars for HSR with current PP rules but if this hit the next minor update we only gonna see GTbyCitroen's on the track for a while

Not necessarily, the GTLM holds the fasted online TT records for HSR, but Amuse S2000 and Corvette Z06 drivers, among others, regularly beat the GTLM, so it would just be another contender.
Not necessarily, the GTLM holds the fasted online TT records for HSR, but Amuse S2000 and Corvette Z06 drivers, among others, regularly beat the GTLM, so it would just be another contender.

The Blitz Skyline is also competitive on the PP800 HSR.
Update is here! But there is no any new cars or tracks. Only new opening video :(

Wtf? Im sticking in my disc...

EDIT: NO it's not here. You sure you've downloaded the Expandable Content under Network in the Options Menu? thats the small 5mb Update that includes the new intro. No new update yet guys/girls.
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I agree with kekke. We should be grateful whatever the update is, as long as it is playable ;)

Perhaps I'm a bit cynical, but I'm never grateful to companies. I've spent too many years inside companies and I've seen how it works. Companies exist to get my money (and yours). They've gotten some of my money. They'll doubtless get more. They aren't giving us free updates for charity. There is a profit motive. Updates maintain interest in the game.

I could give a crap about some useless electric-powered concept car. I would like PD to improve the online racing experience. That's what I want from the update. I hope I get it.

Those who wish to feel grateful for a this Citroen paid advertisement please do. Just don't preach to those of us who hope for more.

Will I buy the car? Sure. What else do I have to do with my credits, except buy more F2007s...
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Are you sure you didn't just download the R8 chase scene intro? I just loaded up my game and no update is present. Also, the update will be more than an intro/video because it was stated that rankings/setups would be reset.

EDIT : Marky264 beat me to it xD
Are you sure you didn't just download the R8 chase scene intro? I just loaded up my game and no update is present. Also, the update will be more than an intro/video because it was stated that rankings/setups would be reset.

EDIT : Marky264 beat me to it xD

Hehe lol im on the ball! :D 👍
I can't wait for the Citroen to be honest. It looks so damn hot, like a hornet or some other insect. For those that say it looks ugly, I just hope you won't put it down once you drive it. That is, unless it drives like crap.

I also wouldn't mind a new track or so, but an online revamp would suffice just fine along with the Citroen.
Yeah i agree too Polyphony do hardly anything for us seriously? Wow all their time gets put into doing nothing i just cant beleive how lazy they can be espcially Kaz/ Sarcasm just incase your stupid.
Ok, I admit I should be more grateful.
All i can hear from your *Speech* Is *ME ME ME*..... ^^^^

Well he can't exactly post YOUR opinion, can he?

Personally, I'm always grateful for free updates, but I don't exactly go OH WOW LOOK HOW KIND THEY ARE!!!, its obvious they do it to provide the game a bit of longevity and gain a larger audience through word-of-mouth about how supportive they're being of their game (like Criterion and Burnout Paradise, unlike Ubisoft and Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 (the online modes still suck)), but since I paid money for it in the beginning any free extras are a bonus.
Well he can't exactly post YOUR opinion, can he?

A point which sadly escapes so many who dislike differing opinions.

I state my opinion, and give my reasons. You all may agree or not, of course. But to become angry because I express a differing opinion defies logic. It seems some people see any dissenting viewpoint as a personal affront.

Ad hominem attacks are a sure sign of a weak position. If you disagree, refute the argument, not the person.
I hope this new update downloads with the new advanced download system or I hope it downloads a lot more smoothly this time. I am greatful for any update we get wether its 1 ugly car , 1 track or a small physics update. At least its an update. I am still as anxious as hell waiting for the full GT5 though. I am hoping it will come out next year but I am sure it wont :(
Those who wish to feel grateful for a this Citroen paid advertisement please do. Just don't preach to those of us who hope for more.

I have not a single clue on what are the conditions of the deal here, but maybe this Citroën/Polyphony GT “world premiere”(if you skip the japanese demo) is pretty good news for us mortal consumers/GT enthusiasts. Imagine creating such a franchise where car manufacturers are rushing out to put their new “toy” on top of the rankings. Sure its a commercial agreement between companies that will only continue to exist thru their own profits, but then again we “end of chain/ final approver” humans (depending your personal point of view) may eventually end up with a nice and tasty "free" part of the cake.
If no one else already has, I present to you guys the GT by Citroen,

0:17 - 1:00
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They have no idea that prologue exists:

"We'll see the car in Gran Turismo 5 between now, and the holidays" haha

Nice find though!

Thats what I was thinking, lol. Now that I know what that sexy beast looks like, I look forward to this new update, even though without a PS3.
Yeah, lol at him right there! Journalists journalists journalists... 👎

Funny thing is, he isn't even a journalist, he's just a host who reads stuff off a Prompter.
Bloomin heck this Marky264 guy must be Kaz in disguise as an Ozzie :P how many people has he got all high and mighty and arrogant with today now? as soon as anyone has a simple moan regarding GT5P ( like they are entitled too ) .. he's in there laying out the big 'here's how it is' speech :lol: He's only been here a couple of months and he's definitely blowing out loads of hot air!

Marky you don't have to reply to everybody defensively as if you created the damn game :dunce: some people .. pffft!!!! :rolleyes:
The way that guy was pronouncing Citroen was annoying. A sneak peek at the new Aston there too, not sure on the front from that corner biut we'll see.
Bloomin heck this Marky264 guy must be Kaz in disguise as an Ozzie :P how many people has he got all high and mighty and arrogant with today now? as soon as anyone has a simple moan regarding GT5P ( like they are entitled too ) .. he's in there laying out the big 'here's how it is' speech :lol: He's only been here a couple of months and he's definitely blowing out loads of hot air!

Marky you don't have to reply to everybody defensively as if you created the damn game :dunce: some people .. pffft!!!! :rolleyes:

Hehe lol im on the ball! :D 👍

LOL Mr P, maybe he's on 8-ball.:scared:

Somethings do need fixing in GT5P but I think these opportunities for PD are too good to turn down. Maybe the franchise will really benefit in the future from more money, higher broader profile and experience working close to manufactures that it goes beyond being a game and becomes unbeatable (some people think it already is, no doubt:)).

Hopefully we'll get some decent online functions soon as its really the same basic game since December 07.
the servers are being updated right now !!! i can smell the update lol

btw am i the only one that wants R tires in practice/time trials?
the servers are being updated right now !!! i can smell the update lol

btw am i the only one that wants R tires in practice/time trials?

Darn, I ran to my lap top to post that. And I do want R tires on both.
If no one else already has, I present to you guys the GT by Citroen,

0:17 - 1:00

FULL version of GT5!!! not Prologue.. we might be getting something else in the update. WOOOT PRIVATE ROOMS!
wait, what?
If i pop my gt5 disk in now it will update, is that what y'r saying with "the servers are being updated" ?

Or is just online play disabled at the moment?