No. In the end it's still old Beetle, and you need something less thirsty, and as a former rallycar it has received the worst kind of abuse car can experience. Keep looking.. Perhaps Mk1 GTi or 205 1.9 GTi?
For once I agree with you. Sort of, but you still come off as a d*ck. He doesn't
need anything less thirsty and it's not a former
rally car.
HFS, I have some advice and experience with.. It'll be a possible b*tch to daily. Although I have no idea how much you actually need a car on a daily basis (I understand you haven't had a working car for quite a while?). Also, parts availability is good, there are few things that can break compared to a newer car and they are easy to work on. Keep in mind though, things will most probably break. If you have a place to work on it and you're prepared to not necessarily having a working car
every day, you should be fine that way. Also, keep in mind something simple as oil change intervals - 10k miles to 3k miles is a world of difference.
I have driven modified cars all the years I've been driving. I have dailied pan-scraping, windowless, carb'd cars with less restrictive exhausts and high-maintenance headaches. Stripped interiors with no carpets, bucket seats and four-point harnesses. Just changing oil every month gets old (although you may or may not drive 3k miles a month like I've done). Four-speed box gets old at highway speeds and longer drives. There's a possibility of accelerated tire wear with lowered cars, I don't mind myself but just keep it in mind. The knowledge that road salt will eat up the car when winter driven prevents me from driving my fun cars during winter. The fact that it's a noisy car originally, the fact that your possible future car possibly has no sound deadening below the carpets and maybe no headliner, a lot of exposed metal inside, will make yer head go crazy after a while..

Enjoyable at the right time, though.
At the end of the day it comes down to what you want and what you need. If you aren't dependent on it on a day-to-day basis and you're prepared for it, I don't see why not this couldn't be an awesome daily. However, I have to be honest with you, I've always had a back-up daily driver (mostly because I depended on a car daily) and that has been one of the reasons why I can do what I do. Fun cars are good fun - but not always

Also, I have driven a car with no heater. The lack of comfort itself didn't bother me, but I prefer a heater for at least getting the windshield dew free. Some creature comforts are actually very good to have, and the weight saving for removing interior parts and heater do not outweigh the frustration - but that's just my anecdotal evidence
I do love the car though..

I'm sure it provides a real connected drive and has loads of character. You just gotta know what you're up against here so you don't end up hating it. If you make an appointment, look for rust behind sills where they connect to the frame, the floor boards, underneath the battery (it should be below where the rear seat once lived), inside fenders, inside boot and around fuel tank, around the door frame (looks a little brown), oil leaks from engine and gearbox (esp. where they meet is a known leak point for aircooleds). Good luck
PS: Ebay also has a Mira making 110 bhp if this goes to hell