High School

Yesterday, we had a snow day. Today, we had a two hour delay. Tomorrow, we have a 3 hour delay! Could it get any better!?
The second semester officially began today, but gone with the first semester were all the fun single semester long classes I had. I dread my 8th period already because how the teacher is. Do what you're supposed to, and she'll still find a way to yell at you. Everything we do in the class is so insanely tedious.
It;s supposed to snow 12 inches tomorrow. And the school hasn't cancelled yet. -_-
My school district is terrible with delays and cancelations. They wait sometimes until after midnight to make their decisions. The warmest day we had a delay was 0°, for a cancellation, wind chill of -25°.

Clearly (and lord forbid) that something serious has to happen before they get their noggins out of their you-know-what. :rolleyes:

And that's with as much respect as I can give the district, which in all honesty isn't all that much.
You can say ass, the forum has an auto censor :lol:

EDIT: Turns out it doesn't filter that out :lol:, anyway there's always the 🤬
I think the school district forgot about us :odd:
The majority of the surrounding towns are already closed. 40 minutes till midnight too. :odd:
School district, Y U DO DIS.
Woooo! No school and the weather is so bad that my mom doesn't have to go into work (We live a five minute walk from the school, so they consider it to dangerous for that too :lol:)
I'd love snow days, if it weren't for the fact that the school year gets pushed back each time we would have one. We already had two, maybe three snow days this year and I personally find them annoying.
I've been off for almost 2 weeks just because I only had to go to only one exam day and snow days just kept pushing back those days I wasn't there. I was supposed to go today too but again, a snow day. Last week they didn't cancel one time and it was so bad they sent the kids back home as soon as they arrived to school. I sometimes I think whoever makes the decisions of when the buses run is either high or drunk every morning...

On the bright side when semester 2 starts my Auto/Welding class is home room :). Other then that It's math, english and history :mad:
Snow day today. Why? Because of freezing rain. Plus, I lost power. I don't know about you guys but I would rather be in school than sit at home with no power.
So my district is off today. But now our entire spring break is gone and the next days that get called off are getting added on to the end of the year which is already in mid June.
No school today. Instead I got to sit at home and do nothing considering I don't have power.
Had off yesterday, and the day before and the day before that!!!!:lol: i have a 2 hour delay today due to ice and half the town still doesnt have power haha.. this week is the best...luckily my street is the only street in the entire town that has power yay.:lol:
With all the snow and snow days you guys on the opposite end of the country are getting, you're not gonna be leaving school until July. :ill:

...and I'm just here with no snow days and the promise of summer break starting at the end of May.
I skipped my mandatory ethics class today. We have one lesson every week even if we don't choose religious studies or philosophy as an a-level. It sort of just packs both things into a pointless subject which doesn't even lend you an a-level at the end of college. Anyway I've now stopped going because I felt like the 'teachers' stupidity was almost infecting me, to give you an idea of what she's like she got suspended temporarily for telling a gay student to burn in hell, so you can understand my discrepancies against her?
Turns out this day, the first lesson I decide to not go to, was what I've been waiting for all year, a chance to argue with her! It sounds petty but I really do love a good bit of verbal murder. The incident was she told a girl to shut up because she didn't think her opinion was valid and that she's only allowed to express an opinion if it's... correct. WHAT!? In previous lessons she's proved she doesn't understand what the word theory means, or how evolution works, but this is on another level. Not understanding how opinions work. Opinions are subjective, if said subjectively they're neither right nor wrong, and from what I was told she said it very subjectively.
Well next 'lesson' we're discussing the big bang theory. Seems my holiday from there has been cut very pre-maturely. :lol:
Someone got caught skipping my computer class today and got a suspension on the spot. Then he got in more trouble for talking. He may have screwed himself for the rest of the semester.
Someone got caught skipping my computer class today and got a suspension on the spot. Then he got in more trouble for talking. He may have screwed himself for the rest of the semester.

I always managed to talk my way out of things haha.

You're more prepped for such things up North. Down here we're screwed. :indiff:
That's true.
I have no clue what to do.. anyone?
This is what I tell all of my students in their final year: there are three things that are going to get you over the line - your physical, emotional and mental well-being.

There are going to come times when you do not get the results you want. It is natural to feel disappointed during these times, and the best thing you can do is ride it out. Don't bottle it up, put your head down and pretend that it means nothing. One more night of study is not going to make your final result - but if you are refusing to deal with these emotions, it will break your result.

Keep in mind that if you do not get the results you want, there is always another way. This right now just happens to be the easiest way to get the future you want. And it is my experience that life often takes you in directions that you never considered possible, many of which are often better than anything you could have thought of yourself. I am living proof of that - four years ago, I had never considered being a teacher; now, I work in a selective high school, one of the best in the state.
Had my first Chemistry quiz today. I think I did fine but I'm not too interested in the subject in general. On the bright side, I didn't receive much homework at all for the weekend.