The entire system is all about standardization of everything. Students no longer learn, but memorize and regurgitate. And now, the federal government is enforcing SLO testing, which would now require every (Even P.E and Fine Arts) course to have a standardized final exam.
So now instead of teachers being able to make their own finals to suit the needs of their students, it will yet again be the standard fill in the bubble crap that has ruined the education system. It was so nice when in AP and Honors courses to be able to have finals and other work that wasn't just memorize and regurgitate, but required actual thinking and analyzing. A true understanding of the material.
This. This so much. I was talking about this in a Facebook rant after learning about the SAT testing way being changed (SAT aren't requiring essays anymore and that comes online in 2016).
We aren't learning anything. We're just memorizing and repeating. It's like that every single school grade. I make high grades and are in Honor classes, but I honestly don't feel very smart. The Honor classes (well, honor class because I only have US History since I took Algebra 2, Biology 1, and English 2 all honors in the first semester) I had were just the same classes only moving at a faster pace than a normal class.
I honestly don't get why there are standardized tests in the first place. Everybody is different. Some don't test very well, but can have a high amount of potential and ability. I remember seeing a quote that involved saying that students don't value learning as only the education system is only concerned with grades. I can definitely agree with that.
On the personal school life:
Music Appreciation is okay for me; it's the class other than three other girls that makes it bad (No, I'm not attracted to them. See my signature and you'll understand why).
Art is fine.
US History is fine and that's my favorite, not because of the stuff we learn but because the teacher is a bit laid back so we can use our smartphones during the class. It's not we are learning anything new; see the first rant I mean paragraph, and the tests are basically the same review questions we get after each section.
Spanish 1... not muy bien (very good). We hardly learn anything and most of us don't really know most of the stuff, the teacher isn't doing such a bien job, and frankly most of us don't really care, which is another argument that I ask about (Why be forced to learn about stuff that aren't very interesting instead of us learning what we actually want to know?).
Relationship doesn't exist and I'm starting to fall out with my current crush after hearing about a past action that happened (Reason why I'm becoming a bit jaded at liking anybody... well one reason. Other reason is that I fall for looks so then when I attempted to ask them out, I always get heartbroken when the answer isn't yes. And... my self-esteem is already low as it is and quite low so I just don't want to bother anymore). If you want to talk about that, just message me. I honestly don't care if I talk to anybody about it.