High School

Never really understood the freshman bitching myself. "Don't act like hot ****" pretty much applies to everyone, not just freshman. They go to the same school as I, but happen to be a couple years younger. Who cares?

Never really understood the freshman bitching myself. "Don't act like hot ****" pretty much applies to everyone, not just freshman. They go to the same school as I, but happen to be a couple years younger. Who cares?
When they start acting like they run the school, that's when chit starts to happen. The only time it doesn't apply is to seniors.
A tip to incoming freshmen so you won't annoy upperclassmen: Do not act all high and mighty because you aren't. Also, don't stop and stand around in the hallway. Keep walking, especially at a quick pace.

My class one of the worst with that. And as for interacting with upperclassmen, I agree massively with the high-and-mighty and don't clog the hall bit, but I wouldn't say avoid upperclassmen entirely. Just know that you're new and there's people that have been working hard for quite a few years, so treat them with respect.

*Edit: ^ This really applies to everybody, it's just often notoriously bad with freshmen straight out of the middle school environment.

Definitely get involved with anything that interests you - clubs, sports, band, etc. - you'll find people with common interests, and it'll allow you to easily melt in with the rest of the school. Dedication will earn respect with the older peers, I know from experience.
Probably an ego thing. "Yeah! We're eighth graders! King of the school!" in middle school. Then they carry that attitude into high school and get laughed at.
It's an age thing. I've always found Years 8 and 9 to be the most difficult. The other day I had Year 9 try and bargain with me to get part of their assessment task removed because they were too lazy to do it, but they knew that if others did it, then they would be at a disadvantage. So rather than do the work, they tried to stop everyone else from do it.

They didn't get their way.
So, things are going on. The whole job provincial job action thingy has been going on for a while, and I was supposed to start Grade 11 tomorrow, but it's been delayed because yeah. I don't know when I'll start now. I am indifferent.
Aren't all schools like that? :lol:

I'd say it's more about personal circumstance; some people may get nothing but B.S. from either students or bad teachers and staff, and have a rather negative outlook on their school. Others may grow close bonds with teachers, coaches, counselors, etc., or get heavily involved with the school's culture, clubs, sports, performing arts, or some other portion of the school, and think very highly (or even just some parts of it) for those reasons.

Of course we all hate the getting up early and the shuffling through boring or tough classes and the late nights spent on homework and studying and the dealing with dumb people, but sometimes there can more than just that.
First day was actually decent. I have to admit it was fun messing with a new teacher, thought I was a freshmen lol. But, I think overall this will be an OK school year
Well today was the freshmen orientation day, and I was a link crew leader... What we do around my area is have a junior and a senior lead a group of 6-10 freshmen and introduce them to the culture and show them around the building, all the while doing activities to get to know everybody better. As a running tradition we all made costumes for our links, and I stayed up literally all night...

...Making minecraft creepers:


I totally didn't even finish them the way I wanted them, and my links didn't want to wear them 'cause they were all lazy butts, but our group still got an honorable mention in the costume competition...

My last first day of high school, What a boring one it was. Let's recap:
  1. Law- Interesting group of classmates I have. The teacher is awesome, I had him last year as my Ap gov teacher.
  2. Gym- Couple of friends in gym, will be interesting but I am not wasting $25 on a uniform!
  3. Spanish 2- A lot of the kids in that class are geniuses, the exact opposite from Spanish 1.
  4. College Math- A couple friends in that class. The math doesn't seem like it'll be too difficult.
  5. Lunch- Favorite subject, nuff said
  6. Robotics- 1 friend in that, looks like it could be a great class based off of what they did last year.
  7. Creative writing- A couple friends, Will be fun
  8. College English- I'm genuinely terrified, Could be my most difficult high school class to date
Anyways, Let the senior year begin!!!
My English teacher is making us hand write our essays with a pen and you must write in cursive! And. I have to write a one page essay today with pen in cursive. ON THE SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL. WTF. We learned cursive in 2nd grade and I haven't used it in years. This is going to suck. :lol:
Year 13. Day 2.
Still no girls pulled yet.

In other, less important, news, my three A2 subjects have started off smooth, if unremarkable. I'm looking forward to English Language a lot. I get to study F1 commentaries as my project.
My English teacher is making us hand write our essays with a pen and you must write in cursive! And. I have to write a one page essay today with pen in cursive. ON THE SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL. WTF. We learned cursive in 2nd grade and I haven't used it in years. This is going to suck. :lol:
I had a college instructor who said that she would only take assignments either in cursive or typed in APA format. I just typed all my assignments in that class. :lol:
Well. I skipped 11th, 12th Grade. And never went to proper High School. BUT must say Homeschool high School as quite boss 👍
My English teacher is making us hand write our essays with a pen and you must write in cursive! And. I have to write a one page essay today with pen in cursive. ON THE SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL. WTF. We learned cursive in 2nd grade and I haven't used it in years. This is going to suck. :lol:

Are you taking English Honors? I know Honors classes are tougher and have you do extra assignments than regular classes.
Well, next week my 12th and last year at a German gymnasium will start. People still call me insane because I want to study math at university afterwards.
It brings a tear to my eye just thinking of my educational career. It took me many years to realize that lazy is not the way to go but rather an organized, clever lazy.