High School

I'll see your textbook-sized stack of notes and raise you fourteen reams of paper. Between my five classes, I mark over a thousand scripts in a year. If every script is (on average) six pages long, then that's nearly 7,000 sheets of paper that cross my desk. If it takes (again, on average) twenty minutes to mark one script, then that's over three hundred hours' worth of marking. If I did it non-stop, I would be working for nearly two straight weeks.
So, on Thursday I had the first part of a Chemistry SAC on Gravimetric Analysis. We basically had to form a precipitate so that we can find the percentage of Sulphur in fertiliser.
Anyway, at the end of the lesson we all had to put our flasks in an oven so that we could weigh the precipitates the next lesson. Today I found out that when another group had gone to check on their precipitate, they accidently knocked my one to the floor. They were very apologetic about it, and they said that me and my lab partner could just use their results for the next part of the SAC, which is a good thing seeing as I kind of lost most of the original solution by poking a hole in the filtering paper while trying to speed up the filtering process. :lol:
I am currently doing 6 school subjects and 1 TAFE subject : school class name - 12AGR6 (Agriculture), 12ENS2 (English Studies), 12FTE4 (Food Tech), 12MAG1 (Mathematics General 1) , 12MUS5 (Music), 12SLR3 (Sports, Lifestyle and Recreation (PE for seniors)) TAFE class name - 12TAFEAUTO (Automotive (mechanics))
I am currently doing 6 school subjects and 1 TAFE subject : school class name - 12AGR6 (Agriculture), 12ENS2 (English Studies), 12FTE4 (Food Tech), 12MAG1 (Mathematics General 1) , 12MUS5 (Music), 12SLR3 (Sports, Lifestyle and Recreation (PE for seniors)) TAFE class name - 12TAFEAUTO (Automotive (mechanics))
Curious onto why you are doing 7 subjects especially since you only need 5 and you aren't going for an ATAR.
Had a Physics SAC today. I did decent, but I definitely could have done better. Luckily, it only contributes to about 1% of the final score for the subject.

I'm really struggling to keep up with my Maths homework. I need to do five exercises from my textbook by Monday, or else I'll fall behind. To make matters worse, I'll be going away for the weekend so I need to do them all tonight. rip
Every morning I have to change buses about 5 minutes down the highway that I get picked up on. today was a bit different. usually I get picked up by a tri - axeled coach until I get to a small town called Quaama, then I get on a slightly smaller coach and that would take me to school. Today I got picked up by the Quaama bus and it took me into Quaama, and the oldest road - legal bus in the fleet was to take me to school today. the bus was a 6 speed manual, but it spent most of the trip in 3rd and 4th and occasionally getting into 5th just because of the steep hills. I swear it has a Detroit Diesel in it because the db rating (according to my computer) was pushing 95 db. I could barely hear my music with my computer turned up as loud as it could go.
Our School has forbidden muck up day ever since our new Principal took over 5 Years Ago. I don't mind it since our Uniform is just our School Shirt and any Black shorts or pants so I'm alright with it.

@Duke_of_hazard Surprised you can even survive 7 subjects. I can only just manage 5, though I do a bit extra activities in Japanese like decorating the classroom and making fortnightly quizzes on Kahoot! for our double as that helps me study. Ancient History is just brutal at times to the point there is even an optional after school class session to help us with the exams though what keeps me going is that I find the topics rather fascinating.. Maths General 1, Drama and English Studies are fine with me and actually enjoy those subjects especially Drama.

Funny though, I originally chose Drama for Year 11 because I needed a 6th subject so I chose it as filler and was planning to drop it in Year 12 but I started to enjoy it so much that I kept it and dropped Multimedia instead :lol:. I loved Multimedia though but this was easier for me.
A what now, I never heard of it at my School?

Apparently the Year 10s and below have been acting like animals this year, I wouldn't know since I just hang out in the Year 12 area and the library but in the junior apparently fights are getting out of control with 3 fights happening in 30 minutes.

Year 7s this year are rather rude too, they always try to act tough in front of people in my year and try to make us flinch, it is laughable :lol: but scary on when they become Year 12.
Well, three performances of the musical are completed, two to go. Being part of the pit orchestra is fun. Don't regret it one bit.
Hilarious thing happened at School Yesterday.

I put my hands together and made a rather loud clapping sound. A friend tried copying it but failed so I repeatedly clapped to show him, then another one of my friends clapped because we were clapping and then a few seconds later, EVERYONE was clapping :lol:
I remember when we did lip dubs in middle school. During the guitar solo of Queen's Don't Stop Me Now, we had our school administrators pretending to play guitar on the roof of the school. Fun times. :lol:
Hilarious thing happened at School Yesterday.

I put my hands together and made a rather loud clapping sound. A friend tried copying it but failed so I repeatedly clapped to show him, then another one of my friends clapped because we were clapping and then a few seconds later, EVERYONE was clapping :lol:

lol :)
So I'm 3/4 for all the admission notices I got from universities in California, here's hoping for a good result for the next 4!

So my school has a spirit week this week, and they have a 'stoplight day' (based on relationship status, green=go, red= stop, etc.) planned for thursday. I just know it's gonna go badly for some people in relationships because some certain types of people don't know the meaning of the word "stop" or "no".:lol:
For Simpsons Rule 1, you did + instead of x for the middle number.

Also, I never did any of this in Maths General 1 when we did the Simpsons rule :lol:.
I have to do a mock interview for a year-long Senior Project today. We had to research a career, and now we do an intview on it; I chose Mechanical Engineering. Pretty nervous, but I've done interviews before.

Nice thing about it, is we only get asked 3-6 questions, so that takes some of the edge off. I'm still not used to wearing a tie though.
We had School Photos today. So funny seeing people make massive fusses over looking "nice" and all that (lots of people wasted Drama just doing their hair and trying to "tidy up"):lol:. I honestly couldn't care :).
We had School Photos today. So funny seeing people make massive fusses over looking "nice" and all that (lots of people wasted Drama just doing their hair and trying to "tidy up"):lol:. I honestly couldn't care :).

My SLR class was like that too :dopey:

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