High School

One week left. Then I'm off for two months. But it's not over yet. I have tests coming up. On Monday, I have the math final. That'll be easy, I know it. Math is hardly a problem for me. I'm more concerned about next Tuesday morning. What happens then? The science final. I'm normally good at science, but this is serious business. I'm still unsure on how well I'll do. I've gotta do 100 questions, apparently 75 of which are multiple choice. And I have to all 100 in 70 minutes, which is plenty. This gives me 42 seconds a question, and I can easily average less than that on the multiple choice, though I might lose some time to check as I have to also fill out a Scantron sheet. As long as I can tear through most of the multiple choice fast enough, I'll have time to check it over as usual. Here's to hoping I can average under 42 seconds on answering multiple choice.
Okay guys, I don't know what I should do.

Should I beat up the kid that I talked about In my last post. Or just leave it?

They finish school tomorrow. The kid is 2x bigger than me. If I gave it my all I still wouldn't beat him. Should I even bother?
Okay guys, I don't know what I should do.

Should I beat up the kid that I talked about In my last post. Or just leave it?

They finish school tomorrow. The kid is 2x bigger than me. If I gave it my all I still wouldn't beat him. Should I even bother?
It's not worth it if you know you'll lose. Just get a couple of your larger freinds to help.
But the USA education is a joke, so really there's nothing to be jealous about, I have to go till the end of June.
I live just outside Washington D.C., and my junior year went until June 24th. It was awful. Now I'm in college and getting out on May 5th is really nice. :sly:
All you Americans are making me jealous! I've still got a month left! :grumpy:

Yep, one month left starting tomorrow. Oh and what a way to start it I have a maths exam :grumpy: Then in a week I have a French speaking test which frankly I couldn't care less for and a Spanish one after that which again I couldn't give two 🤬 about.
Graduation today! Can finally get out of prison high school! Kinda wish I followed this thread more often, but this thread updates too fast for me. :crazy: Anyone else graduating soon? :dopey:
Next year I graduate. I'm watching the movie Clear and Present Danger, I have to compare the film to the novel. Damn they got rid of so much in the film.
10 days then I'm finished and onto college, hopefully. :scared:

It's actually a bit sad to be leaving, never thought I'd say that.
Well, some 🤬 girl in my class uploaded a video of me on Facebook of me getting beat down in school. and yes the whole school saw it. FML.

Report it to the principal. The girl and the dude who kicked your ass will get run over by the Shinkansen when their parents find out (they will more likely get a shin to their head.. this one here 慎. My rents used to hit my in the back of the head with the empty rolls of plastic wrap/aluminium foil back in Japan, and we called it a shin).

...or call them a Dorobo/Dobutsu and run away for your life.

I've got 1 more instructional week left, then exams start. Math on the wed, and frenchy french on Friday.
I have kinda finished now, however got to come in for a couple of lessons for the 2 exams I still have to take. Tommorow I have 2 lessons in the middle of the day for tech but will have to take the bus in and back at the beginning and end of the day because it is going to rain so I can't cycle. I have history on Tuesday afternoon but that is really easy.

Next lesson I have then is next Monday :) then the exam on Thursday and that is it :D :D.
I'm really starting to worry about the Latin exam that I have tomorrow... I pretty much know the stuff, not perfectly though, and I very rarely go into an exam not knowing it perfectly, so we'll just have to wait and see :indiff:

I have an exam every day this week, including 2 tomorrow, so it's a big week, and I'm not looking forward to it one bit :(
I am gonna bomb this maths test tomorrow I can feel it :nervous:
Damned factorisation, Y U SO COMPLICATED!

You mean prime factorization? That's actually pretty easy. But everybody has their strong and weak suits. I'm only concerned about Tuesday's science test, and I'm only worried about time.
Well just did the test, didn't fare to badly actually, I mean I missed out 3 questions (out of 18) and slept for the last 20 minutes but I feel like all the questions I answered I did really well in :D Got no tests (that I care for) till next year.
I hate math. I cannot understand it. I can do your basic 2+2 stuff but not the a=x34567876654 triangle square find what A is garbage.
Latin actually went well :D Now to start revising (and I mean for the first time... :scared:) history for the exam tomorrow... I've been too busy with Latin, that I completely ignored all the other exams I have this week :lol: Ah well, it's not difficult... :)
:lol: You can learn the entire course in an hour for history. Science & History tomorrow, but Euro's are on :nervous;
Latin actually went well :D Now to start revising (and I mean for the first time... :scared:) history for the exam tomorrow... I've been too busy with Latin, that I completely ignored all the other exams I have this week :lol: Ah well, it's not difficult... :)

Topics in history? I can maybe help you get some last notes?