High School

I've just started high school, and so far, I think it's just fine. One question though; do your guys' schools have a ridiculous wait to leave the school? The parking lot at my school has one exit, which for whatever reason, has cones obstructing one lane, forcing all the cars to leave the parking lot one by one. Took 20 minutes to leave the parking lot today. :scared:

My school doesn't even have a parking lot, most people walk, take the bus or cycle home. Very few get a car home.
My school doesn't even have a parking lot, most people walk, take the bus or cycle home. Very few get a car home.

That would not fly here in AZ. :dunce:
There's quite a chunk of kids that take cars home; another big chunk takes the bus; a couple bike to school, and several walk, but in 115 degree heat, most parents drive their kids to school right now. I bet traffic will get lighter in the cooler months when parents are alright with letting their kids walk home.
I live across the street from my school. So I leave my house five minutes before the warning bell.
Wake up, shower, grab pop tart, leave house. All in about ten minutes. :sly:
I'm extremely worried about school already.


I live across the street from my school. So I leave my house five minutes before the warning bell.
Wake up, shower, grab pop tart, leave house. All in about ten minutes. :sly:

I don't know. I wouldn't like to live across the street from a school.
I drive/get driven to school. The bus doesn't stop near my house and school is too far away to walk to.

Same situation with me, though I'm not complaining. I'd rather have one, quiet, continuous car ride rather than one, choppy, noisy, bus ride. :P
Same situation with me, though I'm not complaining. I'd rather have one, quiet, continuous car ride rather than one, choppy, noisy, bus ride. :P

Agreed! It's hot most of the time so I would hate not being driven home.
That Awkward moment where you walk into a room and you see three people you hate.

That awkward moment when you're in the hallway, and you make eye contact with a couple.
Happened to me on Friday, so, so awkward. :dunce:
School starts next week for me. I'm not at all excited- I want to get the hell out of this stupid city and go off to college.

Ahh. I feel the same. I want to move to the West coast.

Also. I love these awkward highschool moment things. Keep em up. So so true.
Ahh. I feel the same. I want to move to the West coast.

Also. I love these awkward highschool moment things. Keep em up. So so true.

GTP Top Tip- Dont move anywhere north of Sacramento. It's either stupidly cold and dreary with rain, or outrageously hot in the summer (117 at my house today)

Ah, awkward High School moments. So, so, SO quiet, yet so painful
Ugh, I have to wake up at 5AM. I don't want to gooo !

5 AM?!
And I thought waking up at 5:45 was a stretch...at least, compared to my uber-cushy schedule last year where school started at 9:00, and I could get away with getting up at 8:00. :dopey:
That akward moment when you see 2 of your ex- es in the hallway... Ahh highschool.. good times..

BTW for those of you in AP... dont sweat it. Just pay attention in class and NO GFs, ( for those with 3 or more APs)
5 AM?!
And I thought waking up at 5:45 was a stretch...at least, compared to my uber-cushy schedule last year where school started at 9:00, and I could get away with getting up at 8:00. :dopey:

Here, all the girls have to get up at 5 to do their hair, to be at school by 7.

I usually get up around 6:35, still tired from the Essay/Project/Report/Telephone Call/Wikipedia Adventure/AP Facebook Page Chit-Chat/Political Debate/Text With that one girl I'm trying to get from 4:30 the night before.

Shower, clothes, and off to school at a very high speed.
Here, all the girls have to get up at 5 to do their hair, to be at school by 7.

I usually get up around 6:35, still tired from the Essay/Project/Report/Telephone Call/Wikipedia Adventure/AP Facebook Page Chit-Chat/Political Debate/Text With that one girl I'm trying to get from 4:30 the night before.

Shower, clothes, and off to school at a very high speed.

Then you have to hear each girl's monologue half way through the morning...
Then you have to hear each girl's monologue half way through the morning...

"Oh my god, so I stopped at (Insert Local coffee place- Starbucks isn't cool enough) and got a Blended Red Bull Strawberry-Passionfruit, and then my (Parent or older sibling) made me late to school. And this morning my hair wouldnt (Style), so I (style)-d it instead. Its awful."

10 minutes later

"Oh my god, I love the way I did my hair!"

another 10

"Hey! Maddie! Will you french braid my hair?"
Here, all the girls have to get up at 5 to do their hair, to be at school by 7.

I usually get up around 6:35, still tired from the Essay/Project/Report/Telephone Call/Wikipedia Adventure/AP Facebook Page Chit-Chat/Political Debate/Text With that one girl I'm trying to get from 4:30 the night before.

Shower, clothes, and off to school at a very high speed.

What happened? Did she get stuck in time and you're trying to get her from 4:30 in the past to the present time? :dopey:
What happened? Did she get stuck in time and you're trying to get her from 4:30 in the past to the present time? :dopey:

Im not entirely certain what the proper syntax is for transitioning away from the list, and continuing the thought.

Ha. AP English, here I come!

Advanced Placement. You take a (supposedly) University-Level course, and at the end of the year you pay to take a test.

It is scored from 1-5. If you get at least a 3, you automatically get College credits(Unless you want to go to a prestigious school, which usually dont honour AP credits) and you get a "Bonus" grade point, allowing you to have a 5.0 Grade Point average.

Regular/College Prep


Sure, it's one thing to have a 4.0 GPA by taking regular classes. But having a 4.5 or better says "Yeah, I did well AND took the hard classes". When you apply to Universities, your GPA is a Major part of what they look at.

To put it in perspective, most schools require a 2.0 to be eligible for Sports or Extra-Curricular activities.

At our school, your last Middle School teacher has to approve you for an Honours course (AP difficulty without all of the perks) Freshman year. If your Honours teacher thinks you did well, they sign of your application for next year's classes that you are "Eligible" for AP.
At our school, AP is an elite group, where you have to not only be intelligent, but also fit the personality correctly. As a result, most of the "Jocks" or other "Cool" kids dont make it. There are about 50 AP students in my year, which has a total of about 500 students.

As a result of its difficult nature, AP classes tend to have smaller class sizes, and thus, the learning goes much faster.

I have often found that taking University-Level courses at your local College is substantially easier than AP. But, you have to attend them on your own time, and it is more expensive.
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