High School

I'm looking forward to school slightly. For one, I hope I can meet some new people. Every year is a new start to me. No, it's not a new school, but there are many kids in my class I've never met, so I'm excited to meet them. I'm not good at making friends so I'm trying even harder this year. Maybe I can finally get a girlfriend.

Also, I'm beginning German next year. I can't wait to learn German! I think Germany is a cool place with a lot of history so I'm looking forward to learning the language. Plus my ancestors are from there.
I've got my last year to go...I want to do it but at the same time I'm worried aabout afte.r..
Got my report cards a couple days ago. I got one for the 3 courses I have in Blenheim (The school I attend) and one for the online course (The online instructor is at the Tilbury school). So, I got 92 in Math :D (Bopop4 had the same course at his school, he got 91), 88 in English, 84 in Principles of Accounting, and 78 in Marketing. My gismo puck project and high mark on my exam increased my Marketing mark from 71 to 75 to the final 78. Am I impressed with a 85.5 average? Yes, considering I had a 78 average in grade 10. My lowest mark in all of grade 11 was a 75 in communications, in grade 10 I had a 68. In Science. Science has always boggled me. Anyways, I can't wait for grade 12, I have co-op in the morning periods for 1st semester, meaning I will be at dad's work in the accounting department. After my 2 weeks of instruction at school, of course. Assisting someone who works in the field I want to work in, and it counts for 2 credits. Score!
They will withhold your credit if you don't pay it, but you should make a formal argument about it.

In my school they won't let you graduate until your debts are paid off.
School is a month from starting and already the homework is stressing me out. All of my Advanced Placement homework is done besides 5 tests and they are so hard. I am so stressed. I believe I bit off more than I can chew. I am ******.
We start the 23rd.
I'm taking AP classes.

AP Econ/US Government (Ironic, right?)
AP English IV- Literature (Still havent started the Homework)
AP Computer Science
Sports Medicine (Yeah. And I get to be on the Football field for injuries and such)
French 3
Integrated Math 3

Time to cough up $60 for the "Good" Parking Permit...

The only reason I'm taking a 3rd year of French is the people... 3 is always a small class, and pretty much all of the class is going to be my best friends from the previous years.

AP= Don't have to put up with class disruptions from fools. And because the work is engaging, I actually do it, rather than just not doing the boring, easy, busy work.
I finished with a pretty rocky rep. Some **** took my paper, erased my name, put his name in and handed it in at a different period. When I searched for my paper I couldn't find it. I asked if I could check the pile of the other class's papers and there it is, with a scribbled and printed name with beautiful script(my HANDWRITING) answers filled in. so we called the kid over and it tuns out he was failing history and wanted to get a passing grade by cheating off of an honors kid (me).

I got a 0 and he got a 0. I finished with A's and B's. and one C. :grumpy: So now my summer is filled with boredom and scolding. [SIGH][/SIGH]
I finished with a pretty rocky rep. Some **** took my paper, erased my name, put his name in and handed it in at a different period. When I searched for my paper I couldn't find it. I asked if I could check the pile of the other class's papers and there it is, with a scribbled and printed name with beautiful script(my HANDWRITING) answers filled in. so we called the kid over and it tuns out he was failing history and wanted to get a passing grade by cheating off of an honors kid (me).

I got a 0 and he got a 0. I finished with A's and B's. and one C. :grumpy: So now my summer is filled with boredom and scolding. [SIGH][/SIGH]

This was always stupid to me. I get my paper stolen, but per the rules, my test grade is also tossed out. Insane.
^ I was placed in accelerated government class when I was in high school. I had pretty high A grades in both my history classes during my freshman and sophomore years. I figured my guidance councilors though being that the history classes were easy -which they were- they though I should be pretty well placed in acc. government class. I decided to accept the challenge and bite the bullet since I really haven't had any knowledge about government. NOPE! I failed that class pretty damn good and had to take it on the computer in my senior year. :lol: Not only that, but the teacher was strict and picky with everything, I pretty much sat there in class and looked out the window. That was the only class I failed in high school.
^The only class I've done that in is Math... nothing like 180 hours of looking out the window, and planning how to ask someone to prom.
I can't talk about High School (one more year and I'm a Freshman!) but I guess I could talk about my first year as a teenager. Basically, 7th grade is what I think the transition from childhood to teenage years. 7th grade finished 2 months ago, and here's my thoughts on it.

Initial thoughts - 7th grade was a mainly boring year, nothing compared to the fun in 6th grade. Sure, I made dozens more friends, developed 3x more common sense than I did in 6th, became much more intelligent, and my social skills developed exponentially, but I felt it wasn't as eventful as 6th. Due to my much more developed common sense and intelligence I didn't take place in as much crazy events as 6th, but I came out as a much more friendly person. I never had any enemies, and what you guys consider the "in crowd" weren't as bad as I expected. People around me changed a lot, like for example this girl who was a smart, friendly, nice person back in 6th changed to a showy, dumb, and a bit more... preppy type of person. I didn't try out for the basketball team like I did in 6th, because the nearest basketball court near my house was under construction and I couldn't get a practice. I was much more "internet-based" and I felt the internet was my home for the 1st 3 months of school (GTP). That meant I didn't make much new friends in the 1st trimester.

2nd trimester - I sort of opened up and left the computer for a while. My love for racing grew and I was a more "motorsport" based person than a lurker. I made a couple of new friends and my grades grew even higher. I was in a more happy mood and hung out with my friends a lot more. Things fell in a routine, but then I had developed a crush on this girl in my 3rd-4th period class and every day in school was a more "get her attention" type of day. That didn't mean I spent my whole 2nd trimester trying hopelessly to get her attention (although I did spend the whole PE Unit on Basketball trying) but it was most of the time 70% trying to get her to notice me and 30% hanging out with my friends.

3rd trimester - I developed even more common sense during the spring break and I realized this girl wasn't going to talk to me by chance and I decided to ask her out in the last school dance. Nope. I chickened out at the last minute (the final day when they were going to sell tickets) because I weighed out my options and getting rejected in front of her friends wasn't one of them. (She's very popular, has a jock-like fraternal twin brother, another guy who's friends with her twin brother is very close to her, etc.) So after that I decided to focus my time studying. Testing was approaching, and I needed to be prepared. So I did, testing week went by very quickly, and it wasn't that hard overall. Well, not to brag, but I was in honors classes, and I jumped from 6th grade math to Algebra, so I probably should have lowered my expectations since the English tests were for the average 7th grader. Meh. So after that, the work died down, and I had more time to hang out with my friends than worry about some girl who will never talk to me or grades. That's the time when I had made so much new friends in short time, since I was less worried about work, and I had become much more "higher up" in the social class in my school. Sadly, a boy in 8th grade died during this time, and everyone in his grade was devastated, since he was a popular guy. I didn't know him, but the 8th graders around me in Algebra did. A lot were crying, and this showed the true characters of others in my grade, below, and above. Some people were angry at others because they were crying, but they didn't know the guy. Only 4-5 were joking about it, and they were instantly marked as d:censored:bags. There was a kid who sprayed graffiti on the walls saying,

"Thanks for dying, now we have less homework"

and signed on the bottom the name of a kid who was usually a very "teacher's pet" sort of kid. He was framed, but some people actually believed it was him and he took a lot of blame and hate. Of course people did their best to forget about it, and in 3 days people didn't want to talk about it, and the routine (sort of) went back to normal.

Last week of school - Pretty boring, but it's the closing days of the school year so I guess it'd be nice to separate it. We had activities, award ceremonies, the 8th graders spent the whole week preparing for their graduation, etc. I actually managed to talk to my crush 2 times (though it was a really short talk, and she probably doesn't remember it) and I said farewells to my friends on the last day of school, the usual.

My grades throughout the whole school year:

1st period (English) - A/A/A+
2nd period (Soc. Studies) - A+/A+/A
3rd period (P.E.) - A+/A+/A+
4th period (Science) - A/A/A+
5th period (Tech) - A+/A/A
6th period (Algebra 1) - A-/A/A+

Now - 2 months in the summer break, school starts in 3 weeks, I have a project due for my honors class in the 1st day of school that I've been putting off (I tend to procrastinate, a lot) and it was a boring summer. I didn't get to hang out with my school friends AT ALL during the summer (partly because I don't have my phone anymore) and how I don't have the will to go outside unless my parents take the family somewhere. I've karted a lot, though, and I actually became less shy. Now I'm thinking about school more and more each day (hence me posting here) and I'm thinking of starting the project tomorrow, just to get it out of the way.

tl;dr - First year as a teenager was boring, I developed a massive crush on this girl that I plan to ask out this school year, and I gained more friends.
I've got my last year to go...I want to do it but at the same time I'm worried aabout afte.r..

Holy smokes, me too. Grade 12 is going to be scary.. mostly because after that I'm done, no more Christmas holidays, no more sitting around talking to friends, no more Summer break, just done. :nervous:

Such a great way to look at that situation. :dunce:

I try my best.
Depends where you are and go to I guess. Being a freshman in high school wasn't bad for me at all. I pretty much just looked at how the school was planned out so I knew where to go and minded my own business up until sophomore year. Usually a lot of quietness happens until a few weeks in the school semester.
I've always found the American grade system confusing :confused: .

Here a 90-100 is an A, 80-89 is a B, 70-79 is a C, 60-69 is a D, and anything less is an F, for fantastic. It seems pretty simple to me, maybe because I'm an American.
Man, Kindergarten - Grade 6 was Elementary school for me, 7 - 9 was Junior High (Or as it was called "middle-school" but that sounds dumb so I never say it) and then 10, 11, and 12 are High School for me.
English system seems fairly simple, in state schools at least.
Primary School: 4-11
Secondary School: 11-16
6th Form/College/Other higher education: 16-18
Ireland is as simple as it gets..
Start primary school at 4 until your 12.
Start secondary school at 13 until 18.
He meant grades as in years. Like 8th grade etc.

Oooohhh. :dunce: In every school it's different but in my area it's K-5 is Elementary, 6-8 is hell, and 9-12 is High School.