High School

If all goes well I should be doing my Maths GCSE next year, a year early. As a result of (probably) being in the top set next year. But it means I have to cover a 4 terms work in 1 term. :ouch:
Understandable to have a different outlook then. Any idea as to what field?

I honestly have no idea but I've bee going to trade school during my school hours for automotive stuff and having a large interest in cars and having worked on them most of my life I think that will be the direction I'm headed. However I really wanted to keep it a hobby so I can enjoy it.

Lets take a look at my report card. I've got some low marks but then again I hate those subjects and put hardly any effort in.

English/Lang. Arts III - 83, 70, 81, 83: Final 79
Enviromental Science - 87, 67, 68, 70: Final 73
Geometry - 82, 68, 70, 76: Final 74
Physical Education 11 - 93, 94, 93, 98: Final 95
U.S. History Comprehensive - 91, 89, 90, 80: Final 88
Automotive Technology - 88, 86, 85, Unkown Last Quarter

Overall not too shabby for me. Actually that's really good considering last year nearly every class I had a 30% of less in.
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I'll look into that, thanks. I was thinking about somewhere in Nova Scotia if my brother is still there in a few years, but that would be a long shot.

That's what I'm doing, going to Saint Mary's University in Halifax. I was born there (we moved to Ontario when I was 4), my parents grew up there, and all of my extended family live there.
Well, Monday we did some review in Socials and cleaned up shop in Auto. Tuesday I did my English exam and finished my final project in Science. Get today off & Now all I need to do is go to the school tomorrow at 1 pm for the Socials Provincial exam.
Math exam was today.
At about 4:45 my teacher called my house, I thought "What did I do this time?".
Turns out that I got the highest mark in the class. :D:cool:
Did my Spanish speaking Monday and at the end my teacher say's the grade she predicts you'll get.... well she was supposed to but mine was so bad she didn't even say it XD

Also had to do a rant in English for my speaking mark, think it went well seeing as I love to complain ;)
Going to pick up report cards tomorrow (Don't ask why they can't just send them to us). Then it's all done for another year.

I'm starting to remember why I dread the holidays.. Only thing you do is just sit around all day, doing 🤬 all & sweating like a pig.
Going to pick up report cards tomorrow (Don't ask why they can't just send them to us). Then it's all done for another year.
I'm going to guess the following:

1. Lazy
2. Cost
3. Thinks it will be good exercise for students to "walk" to school to pick up report cards
I've got the same thing... nervous for my marks. I had an 79 at the beggining of math, and I managed to raise it to an 87 by exam day. If I get close to perfect, I'll at least get a 90.
I get my report card mailed to me. Good ol' Ontario :D. Where our teachers don't constantly strike! I found out I got 95 on my math exam, and 86 on my accounting exam.
:censored:ing French teacher. Said I didn't turn in my textbook when I specifically remember going in the day after the exam and giving it to her.

Now I owe the school $104.05.
:censored:ing French teacher. Said I didn't turn in my textbook when I specifically remember going in the day after the exam and giving it to her.

Now I owe the school $104.05.

104 dollars just for the sake of forgetting a collection of paper held together with some staples? That's unreasonable even in my books (almost literally).
:censored:ing French teacher. Said I didn't turn in my textbook when I specifically remember going in the day after the exam and giving it to her.

My history teacher wrote on my most recent report that I handed in a project late. What actually happened was that I handed it in two weeks early, and she lost it. Two weeks after it was due, she tells me she doesn't have my project. I then re-printed it and handed it in first thing the next day. :mad:
Got my report card today, here are my marks:

Subject (Term 1/2/3/Final Mark)
Art (86/88/89/88)
English (83/84/86/88)
Home Ec (-/88/85/87)
Math (81/83/84/84)
PE (70/76/68/71)
Science (90/86/86/86)
Social Studies (88/71/81/80)
Tech Ed (83/85/-/85)

Marks are all in percent.

I'm pretty happy with those marks. My PE and Socials marks could have been better, but overall my marks are pretty good. I'm glad the two modes are A grades. Can't argue with that.
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I get my report card mailed to me. Good ol' Ontario :D. Where our teachers don't constantly strike! I found out I got 95 on my math exam, and 86 on my accounting exam.

We get them mailed? Awesome.
That's a pretty damn high math exam mark too.

Edit: Canada on strike!
Yeah, textbook prices are way too high, it's like that here as well.

There's no way I'm paying that.
I'll go to a different high school if I have to get out of paying that.
They will withhold your credit if you don't pay it, but you should make a formal argument about it.

No, on the letter they sent to me it said I just won't get a bunch of benefits i.e. prom tickets, senior breakfast, graduation gowns etc. I'll have to look into it though.
I REALLY don't like that French teacher.
I've e-mailed her with the secretary on CC (secretary is in charge of this stuff). But that won't make a difference because she doesn't know how to operate the school e-mail account.
Ha, don't pay. I'd just say screw it.. Not like they can MAKE you.

Now, let's see..

I got two A's
Three B's
A C+
And a C-.
No, on the letter they sent to me it said I just won't get a bunch of benefits i.e. prom tickets, senior breakfast, graduation gowns etc. I'll have to look into it though.
I REALLY don't like that French teacher.
I've e-mailed her with the secretary on CC (secretary is in charge of this stuff). But that won't make a difference because she doesn't know how to operate the school e-mail account.

Ah ok, here they will refuse your credit.
My friend bought a text book that he owed the school off Amazon for $30. See if you van buy one from somewhere else.
Prom was amazing.

Went to pre drinks at a friends grandma's house (cause they had a huge garden). Lots of pics were taken then, and here are a couple of facebook.



In both of these I'm the person on the right.

And in this one I'm the second person to the left.

Prom itself was alright, not much food and only water as a drink, the music was ok. Spent most of the time chatting outside with people. The best bit however had to be seeing some of the drunk teachers stumbling around talking about random stuff.

Afterparty was the best bit, got there at midnight, 4 beers and some vodka and just chatting to people, failed at getting a girl but still was fun. Then the police turned up cause of the noise so everyone split up into groups, I was heading to a park with a group of people then saw another group of mates, asked what they were doing and they were walking back to the same village as me. :). So after some detours to drop drunken girlies at their homes at 4:45 and as the sun was rising we made it home. Due to the extra vodka I drank on the way home I didn't feel any pain in my feet for the 9mile walk, woke up this morning and my feet were dead, along with a huge hangover. Just woken up at 5pm wondering how I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.