High School

Done school at 11:00 on Thursday. Friday I have a Math exam from 8:15-10:15, then an Accounting exam from 11:30-13:30. Then the weekend. Then 2 more exams. Then Tuesday at noon I will have completed Grade 11. With my current marks I could write my name on my exam, leave, and still pass.
Finished my Calculus and Vectors exam today, and now it's just cruise control until the end of grade 12.

English exam tomorrow is going to be a joke, Accounting exam on Thursday will be a bit of a challenge, and then my Religion exam on Friday will be a mockery of the entire concept of exams.

Then high school is done for me. A bit of a weird feeling, it really did fly by. I've had some good times and some good memories, good friendships to look back on, but I'm ready to move on with my life.
Finished my Calculus and Vectors exam today, and now it's just cruise control until the end of grade 12.

English exam tomorrow is going to be a joke, accounting exam will be a bit of a challenge, and religion exam is going to be the holy grail of ditto exams.

I'm not going to lie, I'm scared to leave. It's all I've ever known. I always said I can't wait to get out, but now I don't want to leave....
Ugh, not going to school feels so different. And I don't go for nearly 3 months. The contrast is gonna be massive. Oh well. But I have to go back on the 28th to get my report card. Wonder what my marks are like. I got 86% in Science, but that's all I know. 86 is okay, I guess.
Calculus and Vectors? I have a 93 in Grade 11 Functions. My teacher showed me some of the Calculus stuff when I was selecting courses for next year. That stuff confuses me. Think I need that course if I want to go to Uni. Or instead I'm going to have to do a 3-year Accounting - Business Management thing at St. Clair College, which after the 2nd year allows the option to switch to the University of Windsor's program. Which I will do. After completing the University of Windsor's program, I can go to be either a CA, CGA, or CMA. I don't know what of the 3 I should choose.
93 percent? Not bad. The best mark I've gotten is a 94 in English, which I got in Term II of this year. If you have happen to have any sample calculus problems, could you post them here? I'm not sure if you would, but if you do, I just want to have a look.
Calculus and Vectors? I have a 93 in Grade 11 Functions. My teacher showed me some of the Calculus stuff when I was selecting courses for next year. That stuff confuses me. Think I need that course if I want to go to Uni. Or instead I'm going to have to do a 3-year Accounting - Business Management thing at St. Clair College, which after the 2nd year allows the option to switch to the University of Windsor's program. Which I will do. After completing the University of Windsor's program, I can go to be either a CA, CGA, or CMA. I don't know what of the 3 I should choose.

I had a 54 in MHF3U, I'm really lazy. With a 93 you either have a very good base knowledge of math, a good work ethic, or both. You'll do fine in Calculus and Vectors with a 93; in fact, I'd really encourage you to take it. You have to take Grade 12 Functions beforehand, which isn't much harder than Grade 11. I think the jump from Grade 10 academic to Grade 11 Functions is bigger than MHF3U to 4U. I also found Calculus and Vectors to be a lot easier than MHF4U.

The calculus part primarily centers around derivatives, which give you the slope/rate of change for a function much easier. You'll spend a lot of time doing average and instantaneous rate of change stuff in 12 Functions, only to have all of it be made obsolete a few months later by a 75 minute Calculus class :lol: (although the concept is what's important). You can get into certain business/commerce courses (and major in accounting) with just grade 12 Data management, but I'd recommend that since you do so well in math to begin with that you take Functions as well as Calculus and Vectors, with those two you can apply anywhere.

As for CGA vs CMA vs CA, http://www.iwanttobeaca.com/2009/04/ca-cma-or-cga-designation.html this link is a good quick summary. I've decided to pursue a CMA designation, as I don't have much interest in public accounting, which is the big benefit to getting a CA designation vs a CMA or a CGA. The big thing for me is a work/life balance, and the CMA seems to lend itself to that better than a CA designation, as well as giving me a boost in credibility relative to the hundreds of thousands of people with BBA's or BComm's.
I'm not going to lie, I'm scared to leave. It's all I've ever known. I always said I can't wait to get out, but now I don't want to leave....

I'm seeing a lot of my friends reacting this way. I guess I'm ready to leave though, I just can't see myself at high school anymore. I'm really excited for University in the fall, and to start the next part of my life.
only to have all of it be made obsolete a few months later by a 75 minute Calculus class :lol:

I will cry when that happens. I spent 5 hours revising it and finally now understand it.
93 percent? Not bad. The best mark I've gotten is a 94 in English, which I got in Term II of this year. If you have happen to have any sample calculus problems, could you post them here? I'm not sure if you would, but if you do, I just want to have a look.

Ok, this is a paper from the series I sat in may, it's not all calculus, but questions 1, 5, 6 and 11 are. Ignore the fact it's an exam board you've never heard of, Calculus is still calculus! Calculus questions
Calculus and Vectors? I have a 93 in Grade 11 Functions. My teacher showed me some of the Calculus stuff when I was selecting courses for next year. That stuff confuses me. Think I need that course if I want to go to Uni. Or instead I'm going to have to do a 3-year Accounting - Business Management thing at St. Clair College, which after the 2nd year allows the option to switch to the University of Windsor's program. Which I will do. After completing the University of Windsor's program, I can go to be either a CA, CGA, or CMA. I don't know what of the 3 I should choose.

Woah, woah, woah. With grades like a 93%, you're going to go to Windsor? Go somewhere better. UofT, Mac., Queens etc.
You might want to look into Waterloo's AFM (Accounting & Financial Management) program with those grades. However, it does become a little irrelevant if you do get an accounting.designation. A CA is a CA. Waterloo does provide you with much better opportunities for co-op though.

UofT is a really nice school too, at least give it a chance. Toronto's awesome. And yeah, Western is a great school as well.
You might want to look into Waterloo's AFM (Accounting & Financial Management) program with those grades. However, it does become a little irrelevant if you do get an accounting.designation. A CA is a CA. Waterloo does provide you with much better opportunities for co-op though.

UofT is a really nice school too, at least give it a chance. Toronto's awesome. And yeah, Western is a great school as well.

I'll look into that, thanks. I was thinking about somewhere in Nova Scotia if my brother is still there in a few years, but that would be a long shot.

Anyways, I have a 1,200 word essay due today. I had 741 words last night. So today I finished it. I used my powerpoint outline and built sentences around my key points.

The result? A 1,971 word essay. All in my own words.

I understood none of them, except question 12a which was strangely easy.

Have you started calculus, or As-level ? If you haven't most of the maths in C2 is like a foreign language :lol: Differentiation as already said, helps you find gradients of a curve, and integration finds area's under a curve. Integration is reverse differentiation basically. That's about all there is to it. Obviously you have to learn how to do those, you can't just look at it and see, unless your pretty smart.
Ok, this is a paper from the series I sat in may, it's not all calculus, but questions 1, 5, 6 and 11 are. Ignore the fact it's an exam board you've never heard of, Calculus is still calculus! Calculus questions

Okay, I'll check those out later. If I don't understand them now, I still will eventually.
For summer homework I'm almost done with my first and probably most difficult, at least as far as paying attention, assignment! I just have 25 pages to take notes on!
Have you started calculus, or As-level ? If you haven't most of the maths in C2 is like a foreign language :lol: Differentiation as already said, helps you find gradients of a curve, and integration finds area's under a curve. Integration is reverse differentiation basically. That's about all there is to it. Obviously you have to learn how to do those, you can't just look at it and see, unless your pretty smart.

Nope, starting AS levels in pure mathematics in a few months, GCSE results depending. :scared: Some of those signs I don't even know what they mean. I suppose that's expected but I understood some of the History and Computing past papers when I saw them.
Nope, starting AS levels in pure mathematics in a few months, GCSE results depending. :scared: Some of those signs I don't even know what they mean. I suppose that's expected but I understood some of the History and Computing past papers when I saw them.

Well, good luck with those results :) Yeah, calculus is something entirely new, as are logarithims. Everything else is just harder stuff you've already done. Don't worry, this isn't the first module, that's easy, just more GCSE stuff, and one new thing.
Well, good luck with those results :) Yeah, calculus is something entirely new, as are logarithims. Everything else is just harder stuff you've already done. Don't worry, this isn't the first module, that's easy, just more GCSE stuff, and one new thing.


At GCSE I struggled in Physics as we were supposed to have a basic understanding from Years 7 & 8 but everyone messsed about and I didn't learn anything and when it came to GCSE lessons, I didn't have a clue about any of it. I really don't want this to happen again so I'm looking for books to read over the summer so that when it comes to the courses I'l at least understand the basics. Any recommendations anyone ?

Same for Maths too as there are still a few things at GCSE I didn't quite understand, mainly things like factorising fractions etc.