High School

^ Life Skills here means modified subjects for kids with learning difficulties/special needs.

What does everyone else learn in history? Some of the stuff I learned about was the French Revolution, the assassination of JFK, WWI, the rise to power of Hitler; it was all the real juicy stuff :D

Oh, it's not like that over here! Life Skills is a new subject they've brought in that's mandatory for everyone now. I have average/high intelligence, so it's not for the 'special kids' lol. It's basically how to look after ourselves at university, although I'm not going to university, how to do our own DIY, how to cook etc.

Right now in history we're doing about the US between 1919 and 1929, which is pretty interesting to me. At the moment we're learning about US politics and the Great Wall Street Crash and what not. Then we'll move onto Hitler's Germany before WWII, how he ran it etc., then Britain through the wars, how people back home coped, how they survived, yada yada yada. Pretty cool stuff.

Today wasn't too much of a bad day. I started with English, all we did was prepare for our essay and then watch a video of people being interviewed about texting, because our essay is about the language of texting and how it's changed over the years. We were mainly laughing at the derps in the background though... :lol:

Then I had Maths, which was pretty funny. We're doing algebra, yeyz. Some of our little group in the corner got into an arguement about who was better between Tobuscus and PewDiePie. Personally, I'm more of a PewDiePie person myself, but I didn't really get involved lol. Then I mentioned Slender, and then one of the guys was all, "OMG SLENDER NOOOOOO THAT GAME IS SO SCARRYYY" and just freaking out on his own. Then the Tobuscus fangirl was like, "Oh, yeah, I've seen Slender walkthroughs." so then the scared of Slender guy explained to her what Slender was. "Yes, I know what Slender is, when I say I've watched the walkthroughs, I've watched the walkthroughs!" To be honest, I don't get what's so scary about Slender. I mean, if I saw someone walking around my property collecting my notes and momentos, I'd probably kill them too!

I had art too, and drew a pretty cool picture of one of Banksy's works. I'm quite proud of it. I'll post a pic when I can.

Then I had PE, which was awesome. We played dodgeball, which can get brutal when you play against the popular girls... in the end we had to just split and play amongst ourselves. I made some pretty epic dodges. I was staring my friend down (the Tobuscus fangirl), and she was staring at me, and then she threw the ball at my legs and I jumped up and sort of did a star jump without the arm flailing and dodged it, all whilst still staring right at her. I did that twice, and dodged it just by chance :lol:.

Tomorrow is the art trip. A lot of my friends are going... so this could end badly. :lol:
Then I had PE, which was awesome. We played dodgeball, which can get brutal when you play against the popular girls... in the end we had to just split and play amongst ourselves. I made some pretty epic dodges. I was staring my friend down (the Tobuscus fangirl), and she was staring at me, and then she threw the ball at my legs and I jumped up and sort of did a star jump without the arm flailing and dodged it, all whilst still staring right at her. I did that twice, and dodged it just by chance :lol:.

Agreed only change it to boys. The amount of times I've been smacked in the face and had to go the rest of the day with a massive red circle on my cheek :lol: Although quite satisfying getting on of them in the balls, they don't expect it from a guy like me ;)
I got the front ones no problem but it was the back ones that were a pain. I had them set on the frame and I can't remember what the back lifting points were, they were up and to the left/right of the differential. Two small lifting points which were all bent to hell which is why I didn't think I should lift then from there.

Extend the arms and pull them back farther.
Agreed only change it to boys. The amount of times I've been smacked in the face and had to go the rest of the day with a massive red circle on my cheek :lol: Although quite satisfying getting on of them in the balls, they don't expect it from a guy like me ;)

Haha! Yeah, the popular girls get pretty vicious when they play... then they start cheating and it really ruins the game. :rolleyes:

Managed to snap a picture of my Banksy drawing, the quality isn't good because I took it on my phone. I messed up the head a little but other than that I like it.

I suppose I should be looking over a sheet on the Treaty of Versailles for a test tomorrow... well I'm sure my friend will have, she's a smart one :lol:
Our Global class has spent almost 30 minutes this year talking just of the spectator sport that was be-headings during the French Revolution :lol:
Agreed only change it to boys. The amount of times I've been smacked in the face and had to go the rest of the day with a massive red circle on my cheek :lol: Although quite satisfying getting on of them in the balls, they don't expect it from a guy like me ;)

Ah I remember the beginning of past year, my teacher said, "We aren't allowed to play games that involve throwing something at an individual, so we'll be throwing them at their clothing."
I have honors World History... and I have a problem. :L

My teacher only gives us five minutes on a quiz (we have to write out the entire question, underline it, skip a line, put our answers in complete sentences). He took 10 points off my paper just because I stapled it. i mean, seriously? -.-

He is a great teacher though (and he is funny) but I don't want to leave.

I am stuck between what I need (leaving honors history) and what I want (staying in honors and risk my grade plummeting even more, it is at a 79.9)

help meh ;-;
Ah I remember the beginning of past year, my teacher said, "We aren't allowed to play games that involve throwing something at an individual, so we'll be throwing them at their clothing."

Two years ago, a kid complained to the school about getting ganged up on in dodgeball, so the principal banned dodgeball. We played a new game called "Don't Get Hit by the Ball" the next day. We currently call it Ace (Avoid contact with everything).
For the last fifteen minutes of English, our teacher elected to have us go in a circle and play a game. All was well in "Throw the imaginary thing to the next person", until my English teacher hurled an imaginary elephant at me and I suffered an imaginary death.
I like playing games in English! :dopey:
For the last fifteen minutes of English, our teacher elected to have us go in a circle and play a game. All was well in "Throw the imaginary thing to the next person", until my English teacher hurled an imaginary elephant at me and I suffered an imaginary death.
I like playing games in English! :dopey:

I played with toilet paper in English class, your argument is invalid.
Street Racer
????LOL toilet paper????:lol:

Yep, every row got a toilet roll and we could take as many as we wanted. Then after that we found out for every sheet we took, we would have to tell a truth. One kid had to do 140. :)
Street Racer
LoL. I could imagine his face. :eek: :boggled: :confused: :guilty: :ill: :nervous: A combination of those. :lol:

The teacher made him stop after 50 something. It was funny. Luckily I got 5 and gave 3 to the kid that was at the bathroom at the time.
On a more serious note, I think I'm starting to 'fall into place' at high school. It's starting to just seem natural now, and it's certainly not overwhelming, though, it never was. While I do have my gripes about the impossible editing software in TV & Film, and the dumbasses in PE, school is fine. I've gained a small group of acquaintances who I enjoy conversing with in class or at lunch, and today, I just spent the day walking around aimlessly and talking with someone. Along with that, I feel more confident, though I never wasn't confident, I feel 'better' now, I guess.
On a more serious note, I think I'm starting to 'fall into place' at high school. It's starting to just seem natural now, and it's certainly not overwhelming, though, it never was. While I do have my gripes about the impossible editing software in TV & Film, and the dumbasses in PE, school is fine. I've gained a small group of acquaintances who I enjoy conversing with in class or at lunch, and today, I just spent the day walking around aimlessly and talking with someone. Along with that, I feel more confident, though I never wasn't confident, I feel 'better' now, I guess.

Doog no cursing
On a more serious note, I think I'm starting to 'fall into place' at high school. It's starting to just seem natural now, and it's certainly not overwhelming, though, it never was. While I do have my gripes about the impossible editing software in TV & Film, and the dumbasses in PE, school is fine. I've gained a small group of acquaintances who I enjoy conversing with in class or at lunch, and today, I just spent the day walking around aimlessly and talking with someone. Along with that, I feel more confident, though I never wasn't confident, I feel 'better' now, I guess.
I have done things I am almost sure I am not aloud to say in this thread under a stairwell, got caught, 3 day suspension. Worth it? Yes.
I have done things I am almost sure I am not aloud to say in this thread under a stairwell, got caught, 3 day suspension. Worth it? Yes.

So if you can't actually explain what you did, was it worth posting? :P
I have done things I am almost sure I am not aloud to say in this thread under a stairwell, got caught, 3 day suspension. Worth it? Yes.

So you got touchy feely under some stairs? And got caught.

Well, got some credits... I've found that I am all of a sudden very good at English. Earlier in the year I was lazy but then I stopped being lazy and I might get merit in my portfolio. :eek: As usual the end of year is keeping me working. I've gotten half of my graphics project done (the reason being a new teacher that doesn't dislike me... The old teacher was a 🤬, so I couldn't work.). Cabbage computers I still do nothing in, in metal work my Go Kart is making good progress now, and the quality is getting better. I think it goes to show that in Winter my brain fails to work. :P In music it's just theory so I'm still doing well in music. And maths? ... I gave up in maths long ago. There's no point attempting something if I can't force myself to look at the board for 5 seconds or listen to the teacher's high pitch whining voice. :yuck:

And I really wish that students would learn to flush the toilet after they evacuate their bowels, it's not a nice smell which they leave behind, nor is it a nice sight. In the past week I've seen 6 people who left their turds in there, 1 who almost blocked it with bloodied tissues (didn't flush it so not to block it), and 1 who just blocked it for a joke... And I've also seen energy drink cans in there. :rolleyes: Stupid students.
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I'm curious, but why do Queen's English speakers say Maths? It is just math or mathematics... And as for doing it, really just amounts to understanding logic problems and a step-by-step method to solving them.

Regarding English, Skython, I'd be a bit careful with how you use commas and conjunctions; some cases in the above posts generate awkward hesitation when reading sentences.
I'm curious, but why do Queen's English speakers say Maths? It is just math or mathematics...

We say it because we don't want to seem like Americans.

And as for doing it, really just amounts to understanding logic problems and a step-by-step method to solving them.

Yeah, but when your brain is as little as mine that becomes difficult. :P

Regarding English, Skython, I'd be a bit careful with how you use commas and conjunctions; some cases in the above posts generate awkward hesitation when reading sentences.

Okay so not really good at English, but better at it then I am at other subjects. :P And I am aware that I do that when I write, but I don't change it unless it gets really bad.

Also, it's "People who," not "people that." Same goes for you Azuremen.

If I quote myself, I didn't make the mistake. :sly:

In the past week I've seen 6 people who left their turds in there...

I probably made the error somewhere else in there. :indiff:
Also, it's "People who," not "people that." Same goes for you Azuremen.

Either is acceptable in most cases. Much like some people insist there are strict rules on using conjunctions at the start of a sentence but in reality is a flexible rule relating to style and preference.

We say it because we don't want to seem like Americans.


Yeah, but when your brain is as little as mine that becomes difficult. :P

It isn't really about that at all. More an issue of just learning a standard procedure for approaching problems. Those than understand this can often apply it to other problem types, which is leads to some very nice critical thinking skills.

Okay so not really good at English, but better at it then I am at other subjects. :P And I am aware that I do that when I write, but I don't change it unless it gets really bad.

Just make yourself aware of issues that you have in writing and they will, eventually, work themselves out. Having others point them out can also help; I use to have a habit of starting statements with "so" till a friend made mention of it. From that point on, I was extra aware of how I used "so" and my writing has improved as a result.
Either is acceptable in most cases. Much like some people insist there are strict rules on using conjunctions at the start of a sentence but in reality is a flexible rule relating to style and preference.

No, it really isn't a flexible rule. A person isn't an object. It's a who. I'm not talking about the beginning of sentences, it's any time. I guess I'm just one of those strict people.
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