High School

Kid A: The vertex is at 5 and 3.
Kid B: Are you retarded? It's at 2 and 7.
Kid A: The hell? Was your mom a crack ....... when she had you? 5 and 3 🤬!
Kid B: What did you say about my mom?!?
Kid A: Come at me bro!
*commence rumbling*
Kid A: The vertex is at 5 and 3.
Kid B: Are you retarded? It's at 2 and 7.
Kid A: The hell? Was your mom a crack ....... when she had you? 5 and 3 🤬!
Kid B: What did you say about my mom?!?
Kid A: Come at me bro!
*commence rumbling*

Funny thing is, at our school I wouldn't be surprised if that happened.
Thank god to get out of it..the worst was year 10-11, I was alienated by the classmate (of year 10-11) esp the males because I sometime hang out with a male friend, a year lower than me who is quite effeminate. When it comes to finding a partner in the science lab/sharing a book/etc anything that has to be with another person, everyone tries to avoid sharing/sitting with me unless he doesn't have a choice. It certainly helps to enforce the loner status since year 9.

Apparently, the reason why the males (especially the jocks) are kinda distant with me is because they thought I'm gay.

The jocks spread their stupid conclusion (with me not knowing) to the rest of the year 10 and 11, because I hang out with an effeminate friend :rolleyes: (A female classmate told me this).

I manage to get through the last year with a fight with a tomboy girl who is so sure that I was gay because I sometime act quite childish (was 14-15 y/o and was the youngest child).

Most of us when to our different college after we finish our O'levels..

The jock group likes to act (very) gay sometimes to each other like hugging, almost kissing, seating on each other's lap, etc2 especially in class . Most of the jocks went to a different college than mine but still in one district and I heard through the same old female classmate who goes to the same college that some of them are now (sort off) openly bisexual/gay....

At first I was like :odd: and then :eek: when she really confirmed it.

Then I was :mad: because of them spreading stupid rumors about me in HS while some themselves are closeted gay/bi and you know what really :irked: me is that they weren't alienated or whatever like they did to me because most of the them are rugby players = apparently helps to boost your social hierarchy position to a very high one

Another strange thing is that 80% of the year 11 males in HS who went to the same college with them didn't treat them like they did to me where most of the guys was a little bit homophobic to me. No, they happily accepted them :)


Double standard much?

They're using me as a scapegoat all this time :banghead:

Remember the girl I had a fight with?

She is now a bisexual human being and currently in relationship with a girl..:rolleyes:
Yeah, school can be a bitch.
And I wouldn't doubt you for a second on your story. Kids can be cruel.
You have to be smart and get a good rep early on.
It's hard to be semi-popular if for the first 2-3 years you just hung around in a corner all day. Plus most "popular" people are ignorant sheep.
Kid A: The vertex is at 5 and 3.
Kid B: Are you retarded? It's at 2 and 7.
Kid A: The hell? Was your mom a crack ....... when she had you? 5 and 3 🤬!
Kid B: What did you say about my mom?!?
Kid A: Come at me bro!
*commence rumbling*

That is the funniest thing I have ever read. How can you fight over math?
Was sent to the office for "Cheating" on Standardized testing.
What actually went down:

Which of the following would be the best media with which to record data whilst in the field?
A. (Picture of a Leaf)
B. (Desktop Computer from the Late 90's)
C. (Pen and Notepad)
D. (Frog)

*Thinks to self*
What the hell is this?

"Pssst! Emily! Look how stupid this is!"
*she looks up from her equally stupid Biology test*
"Wow. Thats pretty dumb... This is a waste of time"

*Teacher makes B-line for us*

"Mr. West! You are destroying the integrity of the test by asking for answers."

"I'm not asking for answers. Besides, she has a totally different subj..."

"I don't care! Go to the office!"

What the **** ever.

I really didn't realise when I showed her the question that it would look like cheating. Ah well.
I felt like I was in grade school today, in accounting we had to read a page about business partnerships, that's it. In math we just did some trigonometry questions, some of which used the pythagorean theory which we learned in grade 8. In marketing we did short-answer questions. And in English we read novels. That's it. No homework!
Was sent to the office for "Cheating" on Standardized testing.
What actually went down:

Which of the following would be the best media with which to record data whilst in the field?
A. (Picture of a Leaf)
B. (Desktop Computer from the Late 90's)
C. (Pen and Notepad)
D. (Frog)

*Thinks to self*
What the hell is this?

"Pssst! Emily! Look how stupid this is!"
*she looks up from her equally stupid Biology test*
"Wow. Thats pretty dumb... This is a waste of time"

*Teacher makes B-line for us*

"Mr. West! You are destroying the integrity of the test by asking for answers."

"I'm not asking for answers. Besides, she has a totally different subj..."

"I don't care! Go to the office!"

What the **** ever.

I really didn't realise when I showed her the question that it would look like cheating. Ah well.

If your gonna do it do it well.

At college we had a mock exam. When teacher went out the room to get paperwork we all started chatting.
Fights at school are awesome!

Somebody posted a video of one on Facebook. :dopey:

"What did you say?"
"*Says something*"
*Punch Punch Punch*
Teacher: "STOP"
Kid: * 2 or 3 more punches*

Other kid who didn't punch back. "O_o"
Sounds like every day at my school. I've brought homework home twice so far this year. I'm going to be screwed when I get to college.

I find it funny how they say in 5-8th grade that you need to be prepared for high school by getting all this homework yet in high school you barely get homework at all and usually at least have time to finish it.
I find it funny how they say in 5-8th grade that you need to be prepared for high school by getting all this homework yet in high school you barely get homework at all and usually at least have time to finish it.

Wait till college. Intro day. We expect you to do 5 hours per subject per week homework. We get like 1 max.

Although management still think its acceptable to use up almost all your free time.
I find it funny how they say in 5-8th grade that you need to be prepared for high school by getting all this homework yet in high school you barely get homework at all and usually at least have time to finish it.

Oh, I get tons of homework everyday.
Was sent to the office for "Cheating" on Standardized testing.
What actually went down:

Which of the following would be the best media with which to record data whilst in the field?
A. (Picture of a Leaf)
B. (Desktop Computer from the Late 90's)
C. (Pen and Notepad)
D. (Frog)

*Thinks to self*
What the hell is this?

"Pssst! Emily! Look how stupid this is!"
*she looks up from her equally stupid Biology test*
"Wow. Thats pretty dumb... This is a waste of time"

*Teacher makes B-line for us*

"Mr. West! You are destroying the integrity of the test by asking for answers."

"I'm not asking for answers. Besides, she has a totally different subj..."

"I don't care! Go to the office!"

What the **** ever.

I really didn't realise when I showed her the question that it would look like cheating. Ah well.

You will quickly realize that standardized testing is not the place to chat with your friends, or talk about how stupid the test is, or look at someone the wrong way, or even look up from your paper nowadays. If you do, the teachers will devour you like vultures. You just gotta do the test in silence and get outta there as quickly as possible.

I find it funny how they say in 5-8th grade that you need to be prepared for high school by getting all this homework yet in high school you barely get homework at all and usually at least have time to finish it.

High school: it would seem that you are doing it wrong. For me, in a hyper-AP/college prep-obsessed school district, it was 7+ hours of homework nearly every night my junior year. No exaggeration. That seems to be the upper end of the spectrum, and most people seem to get at least a couple of hours of homework regularly. If you're getting almost none then a) your school system is really lax and you'll get a HUGE shock in college, b) all of your teachers are really lax and you'll get a HUGE shock in college, c) you're taking all of the easy classes and you'll get a HUGE shock in college, or d) you're in a school/school district that realizes that assigning loads of busy work every night is pointless and only assigns things that will ACTUALLY HELP, in which case I am very jealous. However, this last situation is extremely unlikely.
Driving Park
You will quickly realize that standardized testing is not the place to chat with your friends, or talk about how stupid the test is, or look at someone the wrong way, or even look up from your paper nowadays. If you do, the teachers will devour you like vultures. You just gotta do the test in silence and get outta there as quickly as possible.

High school: it would seem that you are doing it wrong. For me, in a hyper-AP/college prep-obsessed school district, it was 7+ hours of homework nearly every night my junior year. No exaggeration. That seems to be the upper end of the spectrum, and most people seem to get at least a couple of hours of homework regularly. If you're getting almost none then a) your school system is really lax and you'll get a HUGE shock in college, b) all of your teachers are really lax and you'll get a HUGE shock in college, c) you're taking all of the easy classes and you'll get a HUGE shock in college, or d) you're in a school/school district that realizes that assigning loads of busy work every night is pointless and only assigns things that will ACTUALLY HELP, in which case I am very jealous. However, this last situation is extremely unlikely.

Well put, I'm in group B. Last year (before I quit french immersion) I had a teacher for French and Socials (both in Français) who gave at least an hour a day of homework. Most of my other teachers would give about an hour or two per week. This year, it's about an hour a month in most classes, with the occasional big project.

I am in group D for my english class this year, my teacher realizes homework is pointless. I'm getting an easy A in that class, simply because I show up, pay attention, and don't mess around. It's the only class I take seriously, because if you work hard-ish in class you'll get good marks. Slack off and you'll fail (quite a few do fail his class)

Every other class I can slack off and get As though, which is pretty cool :)
You will quickly realize that standardized testing is not the place to chat with your friends, or talk about how stupid the test is, or look at someone the wrong way, or even look up from your paper nowadays. If you do, the teachers will devour you like vultures. You just gotta do the test in silence and get outta there as quickly as possible.

Its not as if the test has any significance to me. It doesn't show up on my transcripts, and is used more as a way to see how the teachers are doing rather than how I'm doing. I know I "should" do well to support my school... but sometimes I just can't be bothered.

During the SAT, or Final Exams and things like that, I'll act like a professional and go about my work. But this is a waste of time, especially with such stupid questions.
We just had an assembly for student council Prime Minister.
Out of the 3 runners only 1 wasn't :censored:ing ridiculous.
One did a spoof of the Hunger Games, and the other did some bull**** video crap.
The last one I could barely tolerate. (For being stuck in an assembly then that's pretty good.
I was slightly pissed off when I came to school and now I am well and truely ticked.
Had a great question in RE today. We're doing life after death and we were talking about Jesus being resurrected. Somebody suggested he may have been a ghost, or just his soul, then someone else asked 'If ghosts can walk through walls, why don't they fall through the floor?' Took ages for the laughter to stop, even the teacher cracked a grin. :lol:
Had a great question in RE today. We're doing life after death and we were talking about Jesus being resurrected. Somebody suggested he may have been a ghost, or just his soul, then someone else asked 'If ghosts can walk through walls, why don't they fall through the floor?' Took ages for the laughter to stop, even the teacher cracked a grin. :lol:
That should be in a philosirapor meme :lol:

Anyway, we just had a whole day of learning about the Holocaust. I found it rather depressing that 11-17 million people were killed in death camps and all of their possessions that were of any value were melted down and sold.
Yeah, it's horrible to even think about what they did.
And then some little 🤬 draws swastikas all over the place.
Lol ghost Jesus