High School

I have teachers that write the homework they set down, and some that don't. After a couple of weeks I learn who does which, then the problem is sorted. :sly:

Just make sure that the teachers at your school don't see this post. Otherwise they will all start writing it down and then you won't get away with not doing your homework :crazy: . Not like anyone does like doing homework though.
Just make sure that the teachers at your school don't see this post. Otherwise they will all start writing it down and then you won't get away with not doing your homework :crazy: . Not like anyone does like doing homework though.

I usually do all my homework anyway, it's just on that odd occasion I can't be bothered...
I usually do all my homework anyway, it's just on that odd occasion I can't be bothered...

I can't be bothered at any given moment. Mind you, it's not unusual for people at my school to pay others to do their homework :P .
I can't be bothered at any given moment. Mind you, it's not unusual for people at my school to pay others to do their homework :P .

I'm always being asked to be copied off, usually 10 minutes before the lesson. :lol:
Besides being copied off, i hate girls who act like like complete wh***s. They literally have no self respect, and expect others to treat them as human beings.
A bunch of people in my English class got confused once and thought we had to do an essay for homework. The next lesson when they found out there was no homework one girl said 'Oh well we did it so should everyone else'. :mad: Luckily our teacher said no to that suggestion.
Besides being copied off, i hate girls who act like like complete wh***s. They literally have no self respect, and expect others to treat them as human beings.

And they're always the ones who complain about being called sl*gs. I mean one put a status and FB saying something along the lines of (changing it to understandable English for here) "Can't believe some people today, being tutted and and called another teen mum, I was only pushing a baby round in a pram"

My response: -.- If you all want to know she looks like she's the result of breeding between Morph and a traffic cone.
Besides being copied off, I hate girls who act like like complete ******. They literally have no respect, and expect others to treat them as human beings.

Thought I would fix that. These days girls have no respect, they think that no one can do anything to them because they're girls and boys aren't allowed to by unwritten law. Which some girls have found out isn't true when I've threatened them. (I had reason)
Thought I would fix that. These days girls have no respect, they think that no one can do anything to them because they're girls and boys aren't allowed to by unwritten law. Which some girls have found out isn't true when I've threatened them. (I had reason)

Yeah i know.. they rub on you expect you to succumb to their charm. As if... their rolemodels are Jersey Shore, and Teen Mum or 16 and pregnant. WTF kind of a lifestyle do you lead??
Just out of interest. Are any of you rebels at school? If so why?

No but my friend is, constantly argues with teachers, but the thing is when he does he's right but they can't accept they've been beaten by a 15 year old.
No but my friend is, constantly argues with teachers, but the thing is when he does he's right but they can't accept they've been beaten by a 15 year old.

What does he argue about? I would always like to win arguments with my teachers :P .
I'll tell a teacher if they are wrong about something.
Ususally they are wrong because they don't know anything about the subject and agree, but if they keep arguing then it is very good indeed when they find out that they got beat.
Ok I lied. It not out of interest, its to help with my sociology. Curently studying youth sub cultures and why they might want to rebel, fail at school etc.
As a teacher, I think it's important to remember that you're learning from the students just as much as they are learning from you. We are all learning even until the day we die. If you can't handle being proved wrong, then you're not setting a good example to the students. What's important is to learn from your mistakes and not repeat it again.

However, there should also be a limit to where a student should challenge a teacher's authority. Just because you're right doesn't mean you can be rude and shame the person in public.

As for screwing up in school, you don't really see the consequences until it's too late. I can't believe how important High School was for me to get into a good studying habit, which got me the marks to get into a decent University. From there, I worked extra hard, never took summer holidays in University to work in internships to earn tuition money + gain real work experience. Now I'm debt free + working overseas straight out of grad while everyone is still looking for work or working in retail. Everything does add up, so if I slacked off in HS, I definitely wouldn't be where I am now.
As a teacher, I think it's important to remember that you're learning from the students just as much as they are learning from you. We are all learning even until the day we die. If you can't handle being proved wrong, then you're not setting a good example to the students. What's important is to learn from your mistakes and not repeat it again.

However, there should also be a limit to where a student should challenge a teacher's authority. Just because you're right doesn't mean you can be rude and shame the person in public.

As for screwing up in school, you don't really see the consequences until it's too late. I can't believe how important High School was for me to get into a good studying habit, which got me the marks to get into a decent University. From there, I worked extra hard, never took summer holidays in University to work in internships to earn tuition money + gain real work experience. Now I'm debt free + working overseas straight out of grad while everyone is still looking for work or working in retail. Everything does add up, so if I slacked off in HS, I definitely wouldn't be where I am now.

I have to say that I agree with everything said in this post. I'm still in high school but I'm not really the kind of person to slack off. The only reason I don't really like school is because I never have time to socialise with my friends since we have so many exams.
I have to say that I agree with everything said in this post. I'm still in high school but I'm not really the kind of person to slack off. The only reason I don't really like school is because I never have time to socialise with my friends since we have so many exams.

Not to dampen your spirits, but welcome to the real world. The busier and harder you work now, the easier your path will be later in life. As they always say, you reap what you sow.

I actually envy you young people a bit since you still have the opportunity to learn for free without all the distractions in life. Gosh, I have to pay for my education now and spend my free time studying at night after work to keep myself competitive globally.
Ok this may not be the best advice, but it depends which way you look at it. Here are a couple tips on how to make tough assignments easier.

If you have a big essay that has to be a certain number of pages and just can't find anymore to write here is what you do. Go to find and change and type . In the find and replace with . But set the replaced one to one size larger font. Bam assignment done. The tiny little periods are all over the place but super unnoticeable at one size larger. Trust me you will add at least an extra page by doing this.

Another tip of you didn't finish an assignment is make an assignment in word or wherever and call it the name of the assignment and save. Than open it with a text editor to view the code. Delete a random few parts. Than email that assignment to the teach and this will buy you a few more days to work on it since the teacher won't know the file is corrupt until they open it. Obviously a few days later they will email you saying there is some error and you email back your new done assignment with a small apology saying your not sure why it didn't work. If you couldn't of guessed already this tip only works if the teachers ask for email assignments rather than printed ones.
Ok this may not be the best advice, but it depends which way you look at it. Here are a couple tips on how to make tough assignments easier.

If you have a big essay that has to be a certain number of pages and just can't find anymore to write here is what you do. Go to find and change and type . In the find and replace with . But set the replaced one to one size larger font. Bam assignment done. The tiny little periods are all over the place but super unnoticeable at one size larger. Trust me you will add at least an extra page by doing this.

Another tip of you didn't finish an assignment is make an assignment in word or wherever and call it the name of the assignment and save. Than open it with a text editor to view the code. Delete a random few parts. Than email that assignment to the teach and this will buy you a few more days to work on it since the teacher won't know the file is corrupt until they open it. Obviously a few days later they will email you saying there is some error and you email back your new done assignment with a small apology saying your not sure why it didn't work. If you couldn't of guessed already this tip only works if the teachers ask for email assignments rather than printed ones.

No you go to bed at 3am like me when you have big assignments to do :lol:

Although they always take 3 hours when they should take 1 due to me being on GTP :lol:
Ok this may not be the best advice, but it depends which way you look at it. Here are a couple tips on how to make tough assignments easier.

If you have a big essay that has to be a certain number of pages and just can't find anymore to write here is what you do. Go to find and change and type . In the find and replace with . But set the replaced one to one size larger font. Bam assignment done. The tiny little periods are all over the place but super unnoticeable at one size larger. Trust me you will add at least an extra page by doing this.

Another tip of you didn't finish an assignment is make an assignment in word or wherever and call it the name of the assignment and save. Than open it with a text editor to view the code. Delete a random few parts. Than email that assignment to the teach and this will buy you a few more days to work on it since the teacher won't know the file is corrupt until they open it. Obviously a few days later they will email you saying there is some error and you email back your new done assignment with a small apology saying your not sure why it didn't work. If you couldn't of guessed already this tip only works if the teachers ask for email assignments rather than printed ones.

I'm usually quite good at typing and can type really big essays in quite a reasonably short period of time. I guess I will find the full stop trick useful and the email trick useful if my ICT exams require the assignment to be emailed. I also found out that using Notepad works very well with the email trick.
No you go to bed at 3am like me when you have big assignments to do :lol:

Although they always take 3 hours when they should take 1 due to me being on GTP :lol:

Lol ya so now you can do less and still get more
What does he argue about? I would always like to win arguments with my teachers :P .

About stuff in letters we get that he thinks is a load of bull 'produce'. And he's always right about it but because he is 15 his opinion is apparently invalid.
Yeah i know.. they rub on you expect you to succumb to their charm. As if... their rolemodels are Jersey Shore, and Teen Mum or 16 and pregnant. WTF kind of a lifestyle do you lead??

Sounds like most of Upper Hutt's female population ages 13 -31.

Just out of interest. Are any of you rebels at school? If so why?

I'm not, but my friend thinks he is. He thinks he is really cool when he gets told off. I think in his case he's trying to appeal to girls, and fit in with everyone. It's annoying because when I follow him on his expeditions into stupidity and we end up in trouble, the teachers think I was the brains (or lack thereof) of the operation. It's annoying because our year dean seemed really disappointed in one of the acts, and it was his fault, I didn't have anything to do with it. But he dragged me in somehow.

He wants to be seen as a cool kid, so he acts rebellious, well that's my judgements on his actions at least. He complains about his father too saying he's too psycho with rules. But from what I've seen, his father will give less rules if he would just do them, and not be a smart ass like he usually is. When I was a little dumber, I thought his dad was the problem, but as he has progressed, I have seen the truth.
So back to school people. Tuck that shirt in :P

Got 3 hours of history today. I like history so its a good day for me.

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