The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
But you suggested teaching about sex in preschool. As that is my daughter's age, I am seeing it in that context.
My bad. I used the wrong word to indicate the school for kids aged about 6 - 12 go to.

There are also processes that are meant to prevent attraction to genetic family.
Yes, and probably quite a few more, like higher fertility indicators.

It isn't forbidden here, but it is forbidden for a parent to knowingly consent to it happening, because the law does not view the kids to be of an age of consent at that age. The moment an adult enters the consent equation at all it is viewed negatively, same as a parent letting a kid drink or smoke.
I don't think that there should be a law regarding this. But it is not a big deal to me.

I sit around arguing for legalization of prostitution and seen as some crazed deviant.
Again, a language barrier. I misinterpreted the use of "off base".
Because the only way to show sexuality, gay or straight, is through sex acts.

So if someone says "Hi, I'm Lisa and I'm a lesbian", that's not showing their sexuality? Perhaps "showing" isn't the best verb there, but it's definitely communicating their sexuality, even though it's not visual.

There's no need to show a dude plowing another dude to communicate that they're homosexual.
So what you're saying is, a single parent and children =/= family?

No, you misread. I asked if you felt a M+M+children family was as valid on kids' TV as the more average M+F+Children family?

Single-occupancy-parent families aren't on the radar as there's no-one for them to have sex with, not in this thread a least.

Children need to be loved, supported, to feel that those things happen and to be part of a loving family unit. If the sex-life of the parents is any sort of issue in that then there's a serious problem that goes beyond their orientation.
@BHRxRacer: Hi, I get the feeling that you don't know what homosexuality is.

A person is gay when he/she can only be attracted to people of the same sex. Just like you are (probably) only attracted to the opposite sex. You never chose to be straight, like a gay person never chose to be gay. It is not some fetish. This means that a gay man can fall in love with another man and I'm talking real love with all the associated feelings: Joy when the person is close, feeling pain when he is gone and of course sometimes lust. Gay sex is a side effect of being gay, not the other way round.

Am I making any sense?
How would you show they're gay without sex?

Same way you show that any two people are a loving couple. I recall being very clear on the fact that, oh let's say the parents in Calvin and Hobbes, were married, even without Bill Watterson drawing pictures of them banging in full-page, full-color Sunday edition glory. Are you really that dense?

Intimate? It doesn't have to be "intimate".

Intimate can mean a lot of things, many of them not sexual at all. I'm not sure if you, in fact, know that and are just using that as a strawman, or if you really don't have any concept of people feeling a deep connection for reasons other than sex.

Because the only way to show sexuality, gay or straight, is through sex acts.

Again, are you really that dense?

TV Show: "Hi audience. Meet these two nice people. See how they are usually nice to each other? How in most episodes they work together to help their family have a better life? How their kids feel safe, and loved, and protected? That's because those two nice people are in love."

Audience (except for BHRxRacer): "Yep. I see it. They're a couple. Got it."

BHRxRacer: "Eh. I'm not sure I'm buying it. Can you show me a scene where one of them is balls-deep in the other? Only then can I truly buy into their 'love'."

Come on man, get real.
Because the only way to show sexuality, gay or straight, is through sex acts.
You know, when I was a kid (I'm talking probably 8-10 here), I remember seeing gay/lesbian couples and thinking not much more of it than they were together just like mom and dad were, or grandpa and grandma. I didn't totally understand how two guys or two girls could be together, but at the same time my mind didn't go straight to what tiny info I had about sex.

I remember when the movie Paranorman had its controversy over one of the teenagers saying he had a boyfriend, and some of the argument against that was because it implies sexuality towards kids, amongst other arguments. Now let's look at movies like The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Finding Nemo, or even Cars. All of those movies are rated G, yet all show more interaction between straight couples than Paranorman did about a gay couple with its little snippet at the very end.

For whatever reason, most people are still completely hung up on the idea that because two guys or girls are together it instantly implies sexuality. Remember, there's romantic attraction and sexual attraction. Just because gay individuals have a sexual attraction to someone of the same sex doesn't mean it's immediately prominent over romantic attraction. Maybe the hangup is there because the idea and concept of homosexuality has always been pushed as being "sexually attracted to the same-sex," and not "romantically and sexually attracted to the same-sex."

That's my distinction, at least. If two people are together I don't see the need to see it past romantic attraction, and I know I didn't as a kid either.
You're all saying more or less the same thing, so I'll give a little clarification here.

Before I do, I have a question. Are okay with allowing children watching pornography? If not, why?

Issue 1: Having to mention sexual orientation or anything sexual on children's TV. It doesn't really matter if it's hetero or homo. The reason I pointed this out, is because everyone these days seems to want homosexuality promoted*, even to kids. I find that absurd. I'm not saying you should stay in the closet, but don't take your religion, sexual orientation or any of that **** in public and rub it in kids' faces. It doesn't help. As an adult I can deal with it, but I wouldn't want my kids to. Even for the sake of adopted children with gay parents. What if the kids with biological parents ask "how come they have two dads/moms?"? You can be nice about it all you want, but some kids might see that as a way to look down on others in school and bully them. Let's not pretend all children are fun loving angels.

Issue 2: "Love". The difference between two gay dudes loving each other, and for example how my brother and I feel towards each other, is sex. This is why it's always the topic when someone says "boyfriend" or "gay".

*promoted doesn't imply you can change your sexuality if you wanted to.

He specifically used the word "might" with the black people example and also clearly said "nope" to needing media to avoid being a bigot.
I suggest you read his previous post.

This is completely different. I didn't ask if the gay couple's sexual activity was left unexplained. I asked if they were left unexplained. The heterosexual analogue of this would be a totally unexplained heterosexual couple. A show with such a depiction of a family would feature child, random man, and random woman instead of child, father, and mother. The homosexual version of the latter would be child, father, and father or child, mother, and mother. Would those last be acceptable for TV in your opinion?
If they were referred to as fathers, yes. That has nothing to do with them being gay though, just the fact that they're not "real" fathers. They can use the term foster parents or something.

(and Lion King is in on it too)

I don't see any sexuality depicted in the toy story clips. In Lion king, it shows two animals loving each other. My cats are like that. You're looking at this from an adult's point of view, not a child's.

So if someone says "Hi, I'm Lisa and I'm a lesbian", that's not showing their sexuality? Perhaps "showing" isn't the best verb there, but it's definitely communicating their sexuality, even though it's not visual.

There's no need to show a dude plowing another dude to communicate that they're homosexual.
........When did I say that? Of course if they mention they're gay, they're gay. They shouldn't do that, period. I was talking about ways of SHOWING it through context while maintaining subtlety.

Children need to be loved, supported, to feel that those things happen and to be part of a loving family unit. If the sex-life of the parents is any sort of issue in that then there's a serious problem that goes beyond their orientation.
What, being adopted? Or having gay parents? You don't need to make a TV show for them to feel loved and cared for.

@BHRxRacer: Hi, I get the feeling that you don't know what homosexuality is.

A person is gay when he/she can only be attracted to people of the same sex. Just like you are (probably) only attracted to the opposite sex. You never chose to be straight, like a gay person never chose to be gay. It is not some fetish. This means that a gay man can fall in love with another man and I'm talking real love with all the associated feelings: Joy when the person is close, feeling pain when he is gone and of course sometimes lust. Gay sex is a side effect of being gay, not the other way round.

Am I making any sense?
Yes. I don't see how that's relevant to my stance though.

Same way you show that any two people are a loving couple. I recall being very clear on the fact that, oh let's say the parents in Calvin and Hobbes, were married, even without Bill Watterson drawing pictures of them banging in full-page, full-color Sunday edition glory. Are you really that dense?
No, are you? There's a difference between showing (making use of the visual medium) and telling (exposition).

Intimate can mean a lot of things, many of them not sexual at all. I'm not sure if you, in fact, know that and are just using that as a strawman, or if you really don't have any concept of people feeling a deep connection for reasons other than sex.
There's a reason I put quote marks.

Again, are you really that dense?
No but apparently you are.

If a pair of biological entities (humans, non-humans) are shown with signs of "love" and compassion, kids and adults alike don't think sex. They just see two creatures caring for one another. It doesn't matter if it's male/male, female/female or male/female. We only think about sex if either we see them engage in it, or it's verbally told.

I am 15 and I've not done any "sex acts". What sexuality am I?
I don't know, you tell me. If you've hit puberty, you should already now who you're attracted to.

You know, when I was a kid (I'm talking probably 8-10 here), I remember seeing gay/lesbian couples and thinking not much more of it than they were together just like mom and dad were, or grandpa and grandma. I didn't totally understand how two guys or two girls could be together, but at the same time my mind didn't go straight to what tiny info I had about sex.
I'll do you one better. Whenever I heard people use "fagga" (Arabic slang, derived from f@g), I had no idea what it actually meant. I thought it just means a feminine-acting male.

I remember when the movie Paranorman had its controversy over one of the teenagers saying he had a boyfriend, and some of the argument against that was because it implies sexuality towards kids, amongst other arguments. Now let's look at movies like The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Finding Nemo, or even Cars. All of those movies are rated G, yet all show more interaction between straight couples than Paranorman did about a gay couple with its little snippet at the very end.
Hey, that's hollywood. Not me. Read my issues/thoughts above.

For whatever reason, most people are still completely hung up on the idea that because two guys or girls are together it instantly implies sexuality.
Most people? I disagree. Maybe where you live, there's a lot of real anti-gay people. Only people here that act like that are horny ****ers that can't stop thinking about sex regardless of what they see on screen.

Off topic: In Arab countries, It's actually (and sadly), as I'm sure most people in the world are aware by now, standard practice for men to smooch :lol:
Yeah, but you said you have to do sex acts to know what sexuality you are.
No. You have to do them on TV, for us to know if it's excessive bromance or they're boyfriends.

No. A pair of adults on kids TV have to do them, for kids to know if it's excessive bromance or they're gay.
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It's like you've never watched TV.
Oh no, I even caught the director's subtle hint that Dorian Gray was gay, from the way the actor stared at a portrait. No one else caught while we were watching and I was called a homophone. Minutes later he's showing taking a guy to a room :)

Sorry, by "us" I didn't really mean myself. I meant kids, and adults that give way too much benefit of the doubt.


Maybe it is the way you bring your message but either you have a really obscured way of thinking, or you know very little about life,love and everything around it.
Wanna elaborate?

I'm confused do you want a me, a teenage boy to do sex acts on TV to discover my own sexuality.
What are you trying to get at? No, I don't want you to do anything on TV. If you'd like to share your orientation online, you're old enough to.
BHRxRacer You said and
What are you trying to get at?

In a children's TV show, the kids would only realize you're "gay" through sex acts, or exposition. Neither of which are necessary, and better avoided. By sex acts, I mean anything you would do to a girl but not a boy if you're straight and vice versa.
Oh no, I even caught the director's subtle hint that Dorian Gray was gay, from the way the actor stared at a portrait. No one else caught while we were watching and I was called a homophone. Minutes later he's showing taking a guy to a room :)

Sorry, by "us" I didn't really mean myself. I meant kids, and adults that give way too much benefit of the doubt.


No. You have to do them on TV, for us to know if it's excessive bromance or they're boyfriends

So... why are you arguing again? Is your first name Jim? Because if so you're definitely a homophone.

In a children's TV show, the kids would only realize you're "gay" through sex acts, or exposition. Neither of which are necessary, and better avoided. By sex acts, I mean anything you would do to a girl but not a boy if you're straight and vice versa.

...and yet somehow kids can realize that guys are interested in girls and vice versa without showing said acts... so you're totally wrong.
Why would anyone need to know your sexuality? I see two males kissing I assume that they are in love, not he is gay or things like that. I'm straight which means I just happen to love someone that has boobs. I might walk around tomorrow and declare my sexuailty to everyone because they might need to be warned that I'm straight.
Before I do, I have a question. Are okay with allowing children watching pornography? If not, why
No, due to a potential lack of understanding of sex and all it entails, which could lead to negative consequences for them. This to me is a very separate issue from gay couples which is about as child unfriendly as informing a child that he or she has a mom and dad.

Issue 1: Having to mention sexual orientation or anything sexual on children's TV. It doesn't really matter if it's hetero or homo. The reason I pointed this out, is because everyone these days seems to want homosexuality promoted*, even to kids.
I think it's more along the lines of people these days realize there's nothing wrong with homosexuality. If it shows up on a kids show, that's not a big deal. Just like is a heterosexual couple shows up in a kids show, it's not a big deal. It's something a child can see on any given day and I'm having a hard time finding any kind of problem with a child viewing this content, which again has no relation to sex.

I find that absurd. I'm not saying you should stay in the closet, but don't take your religion, sexual orientation or any of that **** in public and rub it in kids' faces.
There's quite a difference between than and not putting unnecessary restrictions on what kids can watch. Religion, sexual orientation and whatever exist in the real world. Kids will probably have to deal with them even if you barred them from watching TV. Why cut them off and make them ignorant purposefully?

It doesn't help. As an adult I can deal with it, but I wouldn't want my kids to.
It in this case being gay couples, which I could replace with straight couples or just the concept of family. Kids can deal with the concept of family. If you don't want your kids to deal with something, you can control what it is they get to see. In this case, change the channel.

Even for the sake of adopted children with gay parents. What if the kids with biological parents ask "how come they have two dads/moms?"?
"Because some families have two dads/moms instead of a mom and a dad"

You can be nice about it all you want, but some kids might see that as a way to look down on others in school and bully them. Let's not pretend all children are fun loving angels.
This sounds backwards to me. How many kids are bullied because they have a heterosexual family? If there is a reason why kids would bully someone with homosexual parents it's because they find it different, which could be due in part to never being exposed to the concept.

Issue 2: "Love". The difference between two gay dudes loving each other, and for example how my brother and I feel towards each other, is sex. This is why it's always the topic when someone says "boyfriend" or "gay".
Have you married your brother? Have you adopted a child with your brother that both of you are equally responsible for? Do you go on dates with your brother? Are you in love with your brother? The differences between two gay people in a relationship and two other people are all the differences between a straight couple in a relationship and two other people.

If they were referred to as fathers, yes. That has nothing to do with them being gay though, just the fact that they're not "real" fathers. They can use the term foster parents or something.
This didn't clear anything up for me. "If they were referred to as fathers, yes [it is OK for the two gay fathers to be shown on TV?]"

What has nothing to do with them being gay?

How are they not real fathers?

Why would they be foster parents? What if they donated the genetic material to make the children?

I don't see any sexuality depicted in the toy story clips. In Lion king, it shows two animals loving each other. My cats are like that. You're looking at this from an adult's point of view, not a child's.
Mr and Mrs Potato head are married. They're straight.

Woody and Bo Peep clearly have a specific way of interacting that is not seen between any characters of the same sex. And that's not the only scene

Yes, Lion King shows two animals of the opposite sex loving each other, and then getting married and having a kid. This happens after it's foreshadowed by Zazu. The only other explicit couple in the movie is Simba's parents. The closest thing to a gay couple is Timon and Pumbaa, who are never displayed in a similar manner to Simba and Nala. They even explicitly express remorse that their gang of 3 (Timon, Pumbaa, Simba) will be broken because Simba will fall in love with Nala.

I don't think you're giving kids enough credit if you think they'll just walk right by that. They're going to pick out that boy/girl works differently from boy/boy and girl/girl. They're going to recognize that Simba and Nala are a couple like the Potato heads.
No, are you? There's a difference between showing (making use of the visual medium) and telling (exposition).

Wut? I'm not disputing that at all. I'm challenging this ridiculous claim:
Because the only way to show sexuality, gay or straight, is through sex acts.

If you need it reduced as much as possible, here ya go:

That claim is absolutely false.

Now, care to respond to that at all? There's about ten of us who have challenged that, and you have yet to even acknowledge it, let alone offer up a coherent defense.

There's a reason I put quote marks.

Then please enlighten me to what that reason is.

If a pair of biological entities (humans, non-humans) are shown with signs of "love" and compassion, kids and adults alike don't think sex. They just see two creatures caring for one another. It doesn't matter if it's male/male, female/female or male/female. We only think about sex if either we see them engage in it, or it's verbally told.

Again, completely missing the point. We're all trying to tell you that the existence of a homosexual relationship could be clearly established on a TV show/movie without showing any sexual acts whatsoever. So it's irrelevant that kids "don't think sex." They don't need to in order to still understand that two people are in love.

In a children's TV show, the kids would only realize you're "gay" through sex acts, or exposition.

And that was the moment BHRxRacer changed his story.

What if the kids with biological parents ask "how come they have two dads/moms?"?

What if they do? That's what children are supposed to do.

"Hey Dad, I noticed this weird thing in the world today. What's up with that?"
"Well son, let me give you the benefit of my years of experience and explain that to you."

The child is holding up his/her end of the bargain by asking. You're failing at your end by not explaining, or by so sheltering them that they're never in a position to notice something interesting about the other human beings they have to share the planet with.

Are you really trying to dodge educating your child just because it's uncomfortable? Are you afraid that they're somehow going to catch the gay, or start thinking that maybe it's OK for a gay couple to be seen in public? Because that's just revolutionary thinking right there. You could be stoned for heresy like that.

"Love". The difference between two gay dudes loving each other, and for example how my brother and I feel towards each other, is sex. This is why it's always the topic when someone says "boyfriend" or "gay".

Is the only difference between the love a brother and sister feel for each other, and the love a married straight couple feel for each other, sex?

I seriously doubt it.
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By God. Such vulgarity. On the Disney Channel!

Isn't that the scene that caused such an uproar?
If they were referred to as fathers, yes. That has nothing to do with them being gay though, just the fact that they're not "real" fathers. They can use the term foster parents or something.

I missed this gem. If they raise the kid they're "real" fathers.

So... why are you arguing again? Is your first name Jim? Because if so you're definitely a homophone.


I already edited that post and elaborated. And no, I'm not a homophone but thanks for the laugh. I don't like editing my posts if it's not necessary.

...and yet somehow kids can realize that guys are interested in girls and vice versa without showing said acts... so you're totally wrong
Can*. Not all of them. We need to watch out for those who can't.

No, not really, seeing that several people are already trying to explain the simplest things to you and you counter that with your logic, makes me realise that there is very little I could say that would be helpful in any way.

Why would anyone need to know your sexuality?
Ask the folks that tolerate gay parades.

I see two males kissing I assume that they are in love, not he is gay or things like that.
Like, kissing kissing? And you don't think they're gay?

I'm straight which means I just happen to love someone that has boobs. I might walk around tomorrow and declare my sexuailty to everyone because they might need to be warned that I'm straight.
That's equally silly.

No, due to a potential lack of understanding of sex and all it entails, which could lead to negative consequences for them.
Precisely! Which is why I think sexual orientation(or any signs of it) should be left out of TV, and public places.

This to me is a very separate issue from gay couples which is about as child unfriendly as informing a child that he or she has a mom and dad.

I think it's more along the lines of people these days realize there's nothing wrong with homosexuality. If it shows up on a kids show, that's not a big deal. Just like is a heterosexual couple shows up in a kids show, it's not a big deal. It's something a child can see on any given day and I'm having a hard time finding any kind of problem with a child viewing this content, which again has no relation to sex.
It might prompt the kid to ask what the difference is between homo/hetero. Apparently this is where we differ, how much credit we give the kids.

There's quite a difference between than and not putting unnecessary restrictions on what kids can watch. Religion, sexual orientation and whatever exist in the real world. Kids will probably have to deal with them even if you barred them from watching TV. Why cut them off and make them ignorant purposefully?
So that the parents would educate their kids about those subjects the way they want to educate them. Not the way it's shown on TV, and not at the age of 4.

It in this case being gay couples, which I could replace with straight couples or just the concept of family. Kids can deal with the concept of family. If you don't want your kids to deal with something, you can control what it is they get to see. In this case, change the channel.
We've been through that already. I'm all for changing the channel if you don't like content, but you should KNOW what to expect before you or your kids watch a program. Hence, parental rating.

"Because some families have two dads/moms instead of a mom and a dad"
That's fine if you'll go with the storks idea.

This sounds backwards to me. How many kids are bullied because they have a heterosexual family? If there is a reason why kids would bully someone with homosexual parents it's because they find it different, which could be due in part to never being exposed to the concept.
I don't think being exposed to it or not makes a difference. Bullies will bully you if you're different, end of story. It doesn't matter when or how they discover those differences.

Have you married your brother? Have you adopted a child with your brother that both of you are equally responsible for? Do you go on dates with your brother? Are you in love with your brother? The differences between two gay people in a relationship and two other people are all the differences between a straight couple in a relationship and two other people.
Again, all about how much credit we give to kids.

This didn't clear anything up for me. "If they were referred to as fathers, yes [it is OK for the two gay fathers to be shown on TV?]"

How are they not real fathers?
It's okay for them to be shown as foster parents. This isn't a sexuality issue, it's really whether a dad is considered a dad if he's not biologically a dad. That's for another thread.

Why would they be foster parents? What if they donated the genetic material to make the children?

That would be, 1 father one (boy)friend. Not two fathers.

I don't think you're giving kids enough credit if you think they'll just walk right by that. They're going to pick out that boy/girl works differently from boy/boy and girl/girl. They're going to recognize that Simba and Nala are a couple like the Potato heads.
Some might, gotta watch out for them.

Wut? I'm not disputing that at all. I'm challenging this ridiculous claim:

If you need it reduced as much as possible, here ya go:

That claim is absolutely false.

Now, care to respond to that at all? There's about ten of us who have challenged that, and you have yet to even acknowledge it, let alone offer up a coherent defense.
I've already responded.

"There's a difference between showing (making use of the visual medium) and telling (exposition)."

If you have a way of showing(not telling) two guys are gay on TV without sex acts (which I defined earlier), please tell me.

If you'll keep taking things out of context and repeatedly quote it, I won't respond.

Again, completely missing the point. We're all trying to tell you that the existence of a homosexual relationship could be clearly established on a TV show/movie without showing any sexual acts whatsoever.
No, you're missing the point. Obviously you can do it through exposition without the guys touching, but that's irrelevant.

So it's irrelevant that kids "don't think sex." They don't need to in order to still understand that two people are in love
They don't need to understand two people are in love....with benefits.

And that was the moment BHRxRacer changed his story.
Really? Taking snippets of my words that were direct replies to specific questions is not my fault, that's yours. Some of you jump to conclusions very easily without carefully reading. Hmm, who do we usually associate with jumping to conclusions?

What if they do? That's what children are supposed to do.

"Hey Dad, I noticed this weird thing in the world today. What's up with that?"
"Well son, let me give you the benefit of my years of experience and explain that to you."

The child is holding up his/her end of the bargain by asking. You're failing at your end by not explaining, or by so sheltering them that they're never in a position to notice something interesting about the other human beings they have to share the planet with.

Are you really trying to dodge educating your child just because it's uncomfortable? Are you afraid that they're somehow going to catch the gay, or start thinking that maybe it's OK for a gay couple to be seen in public? Because that's just revolutionary thinking right there. You could be stoned for heresy like that.
I mentioned above, that pre-puberty sex ed should be done by the parents, not TV. The problem is, I wouldn't want that day to come too soon because of a TV show.

Is the only difference between the love a brother and sister feel for each other, and the love a married straight couple feel for each other, sex?
Ugh. From the inside? No, there's obviously more differences. From the outside, you shouldn't be able to tell (as a child).

PS I swear if somebody quotes "from the inside" thinking I mean literally, internally, I'm going to e-kill you.


I missed this gem. If they raise the kid they're "real" fathers.
I put it in quotes because it's a controversial subject. If you would like to discuss what makes a father, a father, make a thread about it. If you'd like to jump to conclusions, I've got some bad news for you. I'm fully aware that a foster dad can be 10x better than a biological dad. Can you believe it?????????////
I put it in quotes because it's a controversial subject. If you would like to discuss what makes a father, a father, make a thread about it. If you'd like to jump to conclusions, I've got some bad news for you. I'm fully aware that a foster dad can be 10x better than a biological dad. Can you believe it?????????////

Some definitions are clearly needed:

Biological Father - Male who's genetic information you spawn from
Father - Guy who raises you
Step Father - Guy who is married to your mom but isn't your biological father
Adoptive Father - Guy who pays to get legal custody of you
Foster Father - Guy who gets paid to watch you

Your Biological Father can be your Father. Your Step Father can be also be your Father. Same for Adoptive and Foster. Your Biological Father isn't necessarily your Father. Same goes for Step Father and Foster Father, although Adoptive Father is almost certainly your Father. Note that at no point did I assume that "Father" means "Good Father".