So is Fred still around? He's been here since the old days.
The D17 came in the 2001-2004(?) civic and isnt a good motor stock. They have some potential, but not as much as the older d's do.
The B17 is a great engine, full of torque, and who the hell needs a gazillion RPMS? If the car makes torque theres no need for high RPMS, because you have a consistent torque and HP curve unlike other cars that need high RPMS to make power...
Sure it sounds bad ass to rev to 9k rpms but without the power there to back it up it's utterly pointless. And if you have the power to back it up, you have very little power down low... My car has a rev limiter set to 6800rpms, and i'm contemplating leaving it there. I know the car probably doesnt make power that high, but when i get tuned i'll know for sure how high i should rev and still be able to make power.
But you have to remember stock internals can only take so high of RPMS...