Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Well what was a nice idea/car with a great paint job was turned to junk by crappy decal quality and an orange peel clear coat. Not even going to bother on the photoshoot for this one, it's ruined. :indiff:

May do another run of the decals on clear paper this time and put them over the existing ones to try and darken them up a bit. Don't know if I will do another clear.
Run some 600+ grit sandpaper to smooth out the surfaces. Clean up the surface and do one final coat?
Finished designing the word "Hamada" for the Hamada, now I just got to get the rest of the graphics and everything else.

In the process of designing a GMC Motorhome, but not sure what just yet.

Im also working on a Combat Medic that will make ya'll laugh. ;) (in a good way) It will be one of my funniest customs yet. :lol:
Yeah I know the new Boulevard Porsche is a 993 and what is pictured below isn't, but I now know what I am going to do with one as soon as I get it. :drool:

I don't know, I'll just have to gather all my various 911s and compare them.
If my mind serves me right, I should have all the different 911 castings.
Good job with that Nova Cano! 👍 How can someone overlook something so awesome?! That Nova rocks! 👍

Curious but did you have to layer your decals when you applied them?

How can they overlook it? just like here. Thanks for the sole comment, man. Makes one wonder why in heck I post stuff in here anyways. As for your question about "layering" my decals... I don't know what you mean o_O could you be more specific?

I don't know, I'll just have to gather all my various 911s and compare them.
If my mind serves me right, I should have all the different 911 castings.

Hint: you won't use a Hot Wheels casting because they all look like crap. Find a Matchbox 930 and go from there.
Makes one wonder why in heck I post stuff in here anyways.

Dude. I'm the only one who can complain about attention here. You're too old to think like that.

It wasn't overlooked. I saw it. I look at everyone's works- I just didn't have anything to say about it is all.
How can they overlook it? just like here. Thanks for the sole comment, man. Makes one wonder why in heck I post stuff in here anyways.
I really enjoy the stuff you post Cano. Great to see a more in depth post on the Gasser too (that one picture you posted a while back, wasn't enough really). Sometimes it's really hard to appreciate all the hard work that goes into these customs, and that's why i like your detailed account of your works, there's much to learn from your hints tips and methods/solutions. Keep up the good work bud. (and imo, your Nova gasser is on another level, when compared to the one in the Lamley blog this week). 👍

Hint: you won't use a Hot Wheels casting because they all look like crap. Find a Matchbox 930 and go from there.
^This, the HW casts are terrible.

[Slight 240Z update]
Thought i'd test the BMF on the front bumper, will redo once i apply a final coat of paint. (please excuse blurry crappy photo).

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Bleh, don't mind me people. These past days have been a load of crap to me, and work isn't helping. I shouldn't vomit that over here.

I really want to see that thing done, At1.
While that happens, here is the Matchbox Lesney Challenger that also participated in the muscle car contest. It looked like this when my friend found it in her magic, miraculous flea market:

And soon it was all appart. I think this is one of the worse castings ever done by Matchbox but this version had that certain street freak charm that made me give it new life precisely as a 70s street machine.

Here it is stripped and with the wheels it would sport, and the extra pieces chosen for the project.

I had to cut the interior piece so the blower (from a HW Metrorail) would fit. I also had to trim the hole in the hood a bit. The interior was later painted flat black.

The humongous rear wheels, Co-Molded 5s from a HW I Candy, fit surprisingly well into the cavernous rear wheelweells of the car, as it's stock wheels were already pretty big. They chassis only required slight trimming, as well as the fenders, but really, very slight.

The horrible side exhaust pipes were cut away and discarded:

And the body was thoroughly reworked with the Dremel to trim away the die-casting marks, which were horribly evident troughout all the car. You can see the scars of this in the pic (arrow, duh):

I wanted psychedelic panel painting because 1970s, so I designed some stuff in Photoshop with a slew of brushes I found here and there; it all was printed in white water decal paper.

The final result looks like this. The green was Ahmed's custom mixture for this car:

The top was resprayed flat black, but the windshield could not be saved/polished, so it was just reused in it's sad shape with a bit of clear to at least make it shine a little.

The grille was spayed flat black, then the chrome parts were stripped off their paint with a tiny screwdriver; the blower received a hole too:

The rear got the same treatment as the front:

The chassis was polished with the Dremel's steel brush tip; the exhaust tips are two cotton swabs cut to fit and spray-painted chrome. Yes they are humongous, but come on, the entire car is a car-toon.

Even with it's shortcomings (the glass, specially), I really liked the car, the combination of the white wheels with the psychodelic decos is what makes it stand out, I think.
Dude, ever since I saw you did this stuff I told you to go buy an old clunker and save it. Come on, 25 cents. I'd empty that box like there was no tomorrow, I've bought restoration projects for $5!
How can they overlook it? just like here. Thanks for the sole comment, man. Makes one wonder why in heck I post stuff in here anyways. As for your question about "layering" my decals... I don't know what you mean o_O could you be more specific?
Your welcome Cano! All your works are amazing!:)👍 By all means keep up the good work. 👍

As for the decal question, reason I ask is because I recall you saying something earlier when I was asking about the Hamada and I was wondering if you had to do that with your Nova.

The quote below should explain what im talking about.
paint the car blue, print yellow decals in transparent waterdecal paper, apply same twice one EXACTLY over the other so they won't show blue transparency, clear, add lettering and side number, clear again, enjoy ugly.
This is what I was talking about. ;)

Even though im not a Matchbox person, I really like that Challenger! :)👍 If making awesome customs was illegal, you would be Americas most wanted! :lol:
(240Z update)

The metalic red over red mica is no more... It's now just a bright-ish red.

I like it more in standard red than metalic... I think. I dunno. FINISH IT ALREADY GOT DAMMIT.

This is what I was talking about. ;)

Aaah I get you now. No I didn't layer them over because the background color was light enough not to get lost in it, and surprisingly, the yellow of the side decal didn't turn into green once applied in the car. But maybe it would have looked better. You never cease to learn while making these things. I may do that next time.

Dig that green. Why didn't you smooth out that cut-out in the blower? :lol:

Because it is a really small piece. I was afraid of breaking it and it was the only blower motor I had.

Thanks for the comments you all.