- 745
- Canada
That series is already done. I'm over it. There's like another 50+ cars to do so I'll improve as I work through that.
I found I'm probably going to need to upgrade my paint booth again because I found room for improvement. The first is to make compartments that will hold any objects with wet paint with a cover so that do dust will catch on. The second is to widen the paint booth's opening so that I won't get paint outside. The third if I get go that far is to install a small fan that will channel fumes up toward the ceiling fan in the washroom because that car paint is going to give me cancer if I keep inhaling as much as I do now. Totally need a respirator.
It's honestly less of a hassle overall.
Less so than installing a fan and all that?
:[3rd EDIT]
Decided to post a couple of pics anyway, (bit blurry, bad lighting and unfinished).
I don't even have access to a fan actually though it would be nice. But I enjoy making stuff more than I do move around for the sake of getting something done.
You need not try to justify anything you're arguing. Plus, cardboard isn't exactly the hardest material to work with.
Well, I place some newspapers against a wall and go to townbut I do understand you, because I also do it inside the appartment, I'd have to go to the building's rooftop to "paint outside", and I'm lazy too.
I just stand right outside my apartment balcony door, spray the car, and then bring it inside and let it dry on the counter.
So you're worried about the paint quality, but you're ok with dust in the paint?
Want the body, Cano?
What does that mean? And why can't I ? Lol
Oh! Okay sorry guys. Makes sence to me now. Won't happen againno bro I havnt seen it?