Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
That Cobra looks pretty good, it needs a bit more detailing and a bit of fiddling with with the axle lenght, but it's absolutely in the right direction.
done with the Nissan

custom chassis with the instagram username of the person who order it. this one is going to Canada. Close to 13 hours of work to get it right! Chassis and bed cover made out brass.
That looks coolio, as is 👍 can't wait to see some details on that. :drool:

@ Xavier.
I'm with Cano (prefer it painted), but still really diggin the drop and those amazing custom chassis's. 👍

@ AOS.
Really like the wheel swapped T-Bird. 👍

@ Cano. (destroying Realtoy 993) Do it. *Ben Stiller meme*


You guys and your fancy workspaces... outdoors is where i have to do mine (atm). :lol:
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Look at my badass collection of errors and ITF (impossible to find) wheel variations:


This is actually just a collective offspring of bodies and wheels I have stored away that I'm trying to get rid of. I haven't bothered trying to list it as I imagine no one would buy these so I threw on wheels at random, will bag them up and toss it into the donation bin at the thrift store tomorrow. I'm sure kids won't be able to tell it's not legit.

Super glued them back together.

Most axles don't resist, though some lengths are longer, but I don't care. You think someone who's pays $4 for 9-10 beaten-up cars will care? :odd:

I sure hope not. :P
Just nail polish. If I ever get the patience to sand every micro-inch of surface that isn't smooth, you'd be blown away at the finish :lol: I have that Shelby Cobra in the works still and a Porsche Boxster. I may have to leave out the top coat after a while and switch to clear spray for a more even look.
What kind of paint are you using, Xavier?

I have access to metal cast anodized paint which tints the surface. If I polish up a zamac surface with a wire brush, I can achieve something similar, but that paint comes in a low variety of colours.
What kind of paint are you using, Xavier?

I have access to metal cast anodized paint which tints the surface. If I polish up a zamac surface with a wire brush, I can achieve something similar, but that paint comes in a low variety of colours.

i buffed the car to get a chrome like finish. cleaned it with acetone to get all residue out from buffing. i heated the car a bit with my heat gun. then one light coat from a regular red spray can. then i heated it with my heat gun again. i didn't give it a clear coat but i might in the future just to experiment some more.
I higly doubt you can achieve a real Spectra finish with regular paint, unless it's PPG's spectraflame :crazy: if I remember correctly, a guy I know that restored several redlines told me he used ink, the kind of ink used to achieve candy finishes for example. I'm not sure, that was a long time ago. I'll ask Ahmed, he knows a fair bit about paint.
check how this guy does it. i'm just not really into painting. i'm kind of impatient and can't deal with the waiting game.

most of my modifications are to race, so making a pretty car is not a priority most of the time. watch this video


those are stock. once you add some weight and modify the wheels they get pretty fast and hard to see going down like here
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It's not August yet, but this grass grows SO fast! I had to trim it by over half its length just yesterday. That flash flood we received a week ago contributed to this:


The tree and moss were planted some time after I posted the first picture. I might skip out on sand for another month as the soil is slowly packing itself in still.

I may have to pull out the random seeds I sprinkled around the basket. I did not expect the grass to be the coarser type.
I'm proud to say that I'm gonna start fiddling with my cars soon! :D

For now I'm not going to try anything big, all I intend to do now is adding little details to my old (and new) cars, like head/taillights, indicators and so on. Hopefully my dad's going to be able to help me, he's pretty experienced with RC planes.

My paint (3 Hevell cans - 01 Clear, 30 Orange and 34 Ferrari Red) and brushes (also Hevells - 00, 0 and 1) have just arrived, I'm so hyped to start working with these babies! :D

Anyway, I'd like to ask for your help, guys. What paint do you use to do the headlights (or side mirrors)? I've been searching for silver/silver chrome gloss paints for quite a few days now and still can't find them :( I was wondering if metallic paints would be acceptable here, but they are kinda sparkly, which would make the details look slightly (?) unrealistic. How about matte (or half matte) paints? Will they do with a coat of Clear gloss paint?

For now I'll have to finish some work; hopefully I'll be able to start with my models next week :D

Thanks for any help in advance 👍

1,300th post!
Welcome to doom.

Paint: Tamiya, mostly. For chrome, the best paint I've had is Model Masters silver chrome, pretty shiny and not sparkly, just don't touch it afterwards or it'll go opaque. For taillights, apply this, and then Tamiya Clear Red over it for a really cool look 👍
I cracked and decided to buy a Testor's start kit because they had silver chrome in it, but the store wasn't supposed to sell them anymore so I wasn't able to get my hands on it. But I have seen results of it and that is what you want to use for chrome appearances.

For now, I can either use Testor's silver enamel or a Sharpie silver metallic marker to do wheels and headlights, though they at most come out as a brilliant finish than anything.

just don't touch it afterwards or it'll go opaque

You mean dull. I think you mean dull anyway.

New custom car, new display as well.



That's still nail polish. I went at the clear coat with 600-grit wetsanding many many more times than I did with the Jaguar. I just can't get a smooth top coat without blotting excessive amounts of it, so I used a can of clear spray instead. It works, but the problem I have with clear spray is that I leave fingerprints working on the surface really easily. I figured it was a result of not letting it cure. But come on, 48 hours should be PLENTY of time. I can still leave marks on it just picking it up. The hell. :grumpy:
Guess not. Top coat dries pretty hard and isn't susceptible to smearing from heat as easily as Krylon acrylic paint. Maybe I need to brush on strengthener/hardener next time. Or if I ever get an airbrush, mix hardener with a clear coat.

Oh. I also painted in the brake discs in case you didn't notice the first time. :D