Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
I got some of that Tamiya masking tape you mentioned by the way AOS-. ;) I have to ask but when spray painting a vehicle, can it still bleed through? I have never used it before.
I got some of that Tamiya masking tape you mentioned by the way AOS-. ;) I have to ask but when spray painting a vehicle, can it still bleed through? I have never used it before.

Of course it can bleed through. Any tape can still cause bleeding if you don't seal the edges well enough.

Some tapes just do a better job than others, but the product can't do its job if the user doesn't make the best use of it.
I figured that was the case. I am glad they are small strips, good for making stripes. Although I can't read a darn thing on the packaging since it's in Japanese. :lol:
If any of you guys are faced with the problem of not being able to paint year-round.........

mini booth is a great idea...i think i need extraction over filtration though, my space is small and i have a window

ive been rattle canning outdoors so far but plan on using an airbrush for top coats.....if i can find any 40's colors ever, its all war game fluros camos or candies in the city hobby shops, next stop auto shops

Got some nice rusty matts though so im trying the hairspray aging method covered on youtube

Rust colors are drying, hopefully this technique will add to my looks easy on TV

definitely after any aging tricks you guys are willing to share, would love to see more finished examples.

...the woody by Victor Cardenas posted at (2013 WILD winner) blows my mind. I would love to get results like that

also new, torture tool upgrade:

jewelers saw..for a sunroof or a door somewhere maybe
Here's an update on the tbird funny car
View attachment 124420
I got the two pieces bonded (temporarily)

Mad looking missile! what bonding process will you use?

@yabiggoose Ive got a bunch of those shells too, reject shops are full of them hey

Rusty shoe-box update:

After a wash and dry. The grainy undercoat actually helped alot, stoked so far...


...and Herbie got a rag hole, its amazing how well jewelers saws cut..great for tough plastic bits too. Woody trials truck got an engine swap.
...and Herbie got a rag hole, its amazing how well jewelers saws cut..great for tough plastic bits too. Woody trials truck got an engine swap.

What did you do when you get to the corner? You didn't just simply steer the blade to make the 90 degree angle, did you?
Started with two drill holes on opposite corners so that the cuts meet at the other two corners then cleaned it up with a file....i did experiment with angles and managed to steer a cut roughly 45 degree before the blades started breaking, recon a circle about the size of a testors paint lid would be possible.


VW lid bottom right, got some smaller drill bits on the shopping list. also made a new base for the landy, couldn't bring myself to tub the original...turning into a collector maybe?


starter holes/ cornering
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? :banghead:


Pulled the car out of the bag I had it in and the base just up and split. :mad:
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Guys I have a problem.

I got through painting one of my Vipers with the Testors chrome spray paint and this was the result:

As you can see it came out rather "grainy" and I made sure I shook it up well, let it get a little warm as well so it would work best and kept proper distance when spraying and you see what happened. I looked at pictures on the internet of models sprayed with it and it wasn't like this....

My dad says there may be some crud in the can that is causing this, but I still wonder. Color is just the way I want it, I just hate that it didn't come out smooth.

Any suggestions?
Last edited: of the F117 Nighthawk.

dude, that's one beautiful bird!

:0 that looks really good. Metal?

yeah cheers, its 2mm aluminum plate...and its raised some potential and changed my plans alot, the next update will reveal good time

Color is just the way I want it, I just hate that it didn't come out smooth.

Any suggestions?

I'd prolly start over to make it smooth, bummer, you could always make a grainy rust bucket out of it? or maybe some correspondence with the manufacture might help? send em some photos and a free can might come out of it...shrug
I'm guessing you held the can too far away? Was the work area cold?

From my experience, holding the aerosol can further gets you a lot of light coats at the expense of textured surfaces due to the nature of misting.

What you can do is get like 1000 grit sandpaper and smooth it down. You'll get scratches, try not to rub out the paint entirely. Try another coat after, but try it on something else first such as paper to see if its the aerosol can.
Finally, I think I may have finished painting a car:

I know, it's not the greatest casting, but I did this one because I got bored yesterday, and decided to paint something. I actually painted over the original color. I chose this one because it was all I could find in a light color (such as silver or white). I also put the car in the oven for a while (not sure if it really helped), and then polished it, which gives it a beautiful shine. I'm not sure if the paint is really durable, but it seems pretty good.:D
try it on something else first such as paper to see if its the aerosol can.

yeah that's my guess..nozzle. looks a bit scattered and splattery (is that a word?) to be misting?, i have a hunch that may have contributed to my grainy undercoating....over spray misting

...everyone knows to blow the cans upside down to clean the nozzles right? If it is a fault i would definitely try some email Q&A with the tell them there's a forum full of interested folks

I know, it's not the greatest casting.....I'm not sure if the paint is really durable.:D

hmmm sounds like you should run some test on that ugly cast? (j/K) but seriously nice looking finish for just a paint and polish!...still needs a kombi nose cab
You guys should get more light in your photos. It'll definitely help bring out the best of your smooth paintjobs!
Okey I just attempted to spray it again and just as I figured, ya'll where right, there was a some stuff in the can, it wont spray at all now, it's pretty much clogged up.
Every aerosol can will tell you specifically not to poke a hole into the nozzle. Do it. Get something to scrap all dried paint off the nozzle. If it still doesn't spray, tough luck. I've had a few cans that had content but won't spray.
I may consider that, but I am going to wait until my dad gets home and talk to him. In the mean time, I have my Launch Edition Viper, the Hamada and my GMC Motorhome to work on.

As for the Launch Edition Viper, I have painted it white and I am looking to use the Tamiya masking tape to mask off where the stripes are going to be and just paint the rest with GTS Blue Pearl. How many layers of tape should I apply? I have had to redo it once and I am hoping I won't have to again.

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