Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51


Dem lights. Those grills. Dat emblem.


Dat exhaust, dose lights.


Dem roll bars.



Front lights? Sharpie base, orange Tamiya acrylic, white Testors enamel, gundam marker outlines.


Swapped wheels, removed chrome lip, painted brake discs, bottoms out.​
I'm reluctanct to give it a livery because the flat black two-tone, I'd need to urethane-clear over it and then reshooit it in flat clear, not to mention having to use white-background decals on the black... which isn't as difficult until you need numbers and letters :irked:
I hear ya. Would look cool with a subtle 'Gitanes' logo maybe but leaving it as is, gives it a really cool 'eX-Driver' look to it.
Hi Guys!

As I'm new on this forum, please let me introduce myself. My name is Luiz Vallone and I'm a 42 years old big children from Brazil, that still play with the same toys of my childhood. My hobby is scale modeling since I was 8 and I'm also a 1/64 diecast collector.

Scale modeling gave me some skills to restore and customize my cars and I'd like to share it with you. Hope you enjoy!

Some customized Camaros:










Two old SIKU's Ford Transits. As a curiosity the 2nd one was made in Brazil in the seventies.



Some simple wheels swaps and details added:





Some complete restorations of Majorette oldies. All decals were home made, printed on an inkjet printer and sealed with gloss coat varnish.






Well, that's all by today! Hope you enjoy! Tks!
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Hi Guys!

As I'm new on this forum, please let me introduce myself. My name is Luiz Vallone and I'm a 42 years old big children from Brazil, that still play with the same toys of my childhood. My hobby is scale modeling since I was 8 and I'm also a 1/64 diecast collector.

Scale modeling gave me some skills to restore and customize my cars and I'd like to share it with you. Hope you enjoy!

Yes! Welcome, @Vallone. Glad to see moooooore Majorette restorations, I love those myself and have indulged in several of them. Your work is pretty good!

Also, I never knew Sikus were fabricated in Brazil! Those internal-market specials are always rare pieces.

Hope you stick around (:
Hi, Cano! Thanks for your words! Before registering I saw many cars of yours in the pages before and your work is also inspiring, congrats!

Yes, Siku, Matchbox and also Majorette were made in Brazil for a long time in the seventies and eighties. I still have some of them and I'll take some pics to show sooner. These miniatures became a little bit hard to find and today in day we pay a high price for them. Unfortunatelly all the industry moved to Asia and they were not made here anymore...

There was another brand called "Brinquedos Rei" that was pretty awesome, but these ones are very very hard to find and too expensive.


Luiz Felipe
Hi, Cano! Thanks for your words! Before registering I saw many cars of yours in the pages before and your work is also inspiring, congrats!

Yes, Siku, Matchbox and also Majorette were made in Brazil for a long time in the seventies and eighties. I still have some of them and I'll take some pics to show sooner. These miniatures became a little bit hard to find and today in day we pay a high price for them. Unfortunatelly all the industry moved to Asia and they were not made here anymore...

There was another brand called "Brinquedos Rei" that was pretty awesome, but these ones are very very hard to find and too expensive.


Luiz Felipe

Thanks a lot pal, if you want to see more work from me and a good friend of mine check out the link in my sig, Custom Diecast México is a blog we pull off together. Some good stuff there if I may say so (:

Aaaaand with the Brazil-made Majorettes you have my full attention. I never knew they were made there, and would really really appreciate if you took pictures of them, specially the chassis if it says "made in brazil" or something like that.
Cano, thanks for the invitation to visit the site in the link, for sure I'll do that!

Well, lets go with a little bit more of the story I started...

Majorette were made in Brazil by Kiko (the same industry that produced Revell model kits in Brazil). The castings came from france and they received a plastic seal confirming they were being produced here. They didn't change the chassis molds. All braziliam's Majorettes has the seal, or two holes were seal was riveted (unfortunately my trailer lost it's one).

They were produced in Manaus (Capital of Amazonas state) as a plan for that region industrialization (but it's another history).






Another restoration of a Majorette of mine:




The Siku ones were also made in Brazil on a joint venture with Imbrima Industries. These ones received modifications to the chassis as you can see in this Mercedes 250 I fully restored:






The "Brinquedos Rei" brand was another diecast made in Brazil and they were pretty awesome and today in day very rare. Some pics o Mercedes 350SL I restored:






In the other hand, Matchbox/Lesney didn't receive any modifications to their bodies but they were also produced here for a long time (if I'm not wrong by Kiko again). The boxes received the inscription "Made In Brazil", but I don't have anyone to show you (you can find it on Google). Below some pics of an original trailer produced on local industry:



Hope you and other guys enjoy! By night I'll try to place more pics of other customizations.

Have a nice day!


Luiz Felipe Vallone
Super-super-super interesting, I never knew about Brazil-made Matchbox, either. And the Miniaturas Rei Mercedes looks a helluva lot like a Schucco, from wheel style to the data on the base.Do you kjnow if it was also a joint venture 'tween Schucco and Rei?

And those plastic seals on the Majorettes are really cool, what an odd marking. Very interesting story bud, thanks for sharing!

Oh, also top job on the Siku and the Rei, they both came out awesome 👍
👍👍👍 Thanks Cano! 👍👍👍

I don't have info about Schucco/Rei joint venture in Brazil but I'll search for this info. A friend of mine is the owner of "Clube Hot Wheels Brasil" and maybe he has more credits to us. I'll contact him today.

There's also a small paper in the box, I'll look for any license in those almost invisible lines. This range of diecast was awesome, unfortunatelly they became very hard to find items...

Concerning the Majorette ones, if you see chassis with the seal, or the two holes, they were probably produced here.

I'll double check, but I suppose there were Matchboxes with modified chassis too. I have to check before confirming it.

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Seeing this link below I reminded that braziliam's Matchboxes also received a seal as those in Majorette ones. In some cases they "printed" the "Z F Manaus" to the chassis with a pressing tool. Take a look at these links and you will understand almost all the history:

Hope you and other guys enjoy! I'm doing a trip to my childhood! :lol::dopey:👍

Thanks a ton dude, This is very very very interesting. I'm sure @jtl46 will also find it rather interesting (:
You're welcome, Cano!

Another interesting info the site didn't inform (but I remember, I was there) is that Matchboxes' boxes had a "generic" print with the number of each model, BUT the stores used to receive from factory a rotary display (like those with candy) with ALL cars of the year. By this way you could choose the model you wish in the display and ask the seller to take your one in store's shelves. That was cool!

It was something like this:


P.S.: I finished a new custom Dairy Delivery (a gift for my wife's birthday) and will place some pics to you tomorrow!
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Oh dude, your photos aren't doing it any justice. I think it's time you set up a large piece of white paper and a diffused flash light. Your camera might just pick up a lot more with it. Your work looks really cool, but I feel like we only get to see half of it because of the focus being off.
Nice job, Emmcee! Try taking the photos in the shadow of natural light on a clear day. It will do much difference in the images and you will not need flash.
I had to turn the flash of because the paint is to shiny. I can't help with the camera I have. It's of an iPhone.

Try diffusing your light source. If your flashlight is really bright for your camera, cover it with a piece of white paper to see if that helps. Thin paper usually is ideal.
Hi Guys!

Here goes the Dairy Delivery I finished to my wife's birthday last week. She's crazy for this painter (Romero Britto), so I decided to do custom with this theme for her.

Automotive synthetic paint over automotive white primer:

The special decals to be applied:

Decals applied and conformed to the body using Micro-Set and Micro-Sol from Microscale. This is essential to set up decals to any kind of surface.


After adding some details like position lights, radiator grill and decals retouch, it's time to finish the miniature and airbrush it with an enamel gloss coat! I saw people having a hard job to paint circles, I use a Punch & Die tool and they become 100% round and sharp. You can check it in the pics.








Finally a plastic basic with acrylic cover and the car delivered to it's new owner!







Hope you enjoy and have a nice day!!!


Luiz Felipe Vallone
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Think of JB Weld this way: It's just a really really tough glue. Use it for anything you like.. just not your school projects, because that's overkill. :lol:

Also, it's gluing.
I see. :lol:

Once I get familiar with it, I am going to use the JB Weld to glue the aluminum to it and then I will fill it in. Not sure what I am going to do about filling it in just yet or if JB Weld is even suitable for it.

I may try this method of making my own axles with the JB Weld.

EF Honda Civic



Nice to see I am not the only one customizing a Civic! 👍