Here’s a quick fix that gave life back to an otherwise worthless 1934 Ford that I found without headlamps:
The car was in good shape, and it’s the small rear wheel variation and a Hi-Raker. I kept it for a good while waiting for a way to rescue it.
Then, months later, in a lot I bought from E-Bay arrived these… things. They were extras, as they were never pictured in the stuff I bought. When I saw them I though “wtf…” but I realized I had landed a cool bunch of organ donors for free.
First one to die was this yellow thing, which donated it’s eyes to the 34.
I carefully cut the headlamps off the yellow thing with my horrible cutter, sanded the offending metal, and on they went.
Result was better than I ever expected:
The only issue is that the chrome of the lamps is a different, yellowish shade when compared to the chrome in the 34 grille, but you’d barely notice it if I didn’t tell you. In real life it’s even less noticeable.
My goddamned bad pulse made it somewhat difficult to glue the headlamps on at an even level, they are a bit off in fact, but it’s almost imperceptible.
And that’s how this thing came back to life.