Whichever you decide to use (i'd personally go with a 2 part epoxy), just make sure to test it out first, on a car you don't mind scrapping (that's what i intend to do). That 'Euro-Soft' stuff that Takumi suggested sounds real good (makes sense it being a proper automotive product), though if you do decide to go with a 2 part epoxy like the 'Milliput' (Tamiya also do a version), bare a few things in mind:
1) When mixing, it would be wise to weigh out equal amounts of both parts (putty) maybe use some kitchen scales, so they'd be less margin for error. (i also intend to do the same kind of thing once mixed, to make sure i apply equal amounts for each body part... right & left wheel arches for example)
2) If you use Milliput, it starts to harden after about an hour, it has quite a small operating window in that after 3 hours it starts to become quite solid... so any sanding /smoothing work (by use of water), needs to be done within that time frame (between 1 & 2hrs preferably). It actually takes 24hrs to cure completely, and when it's cured it becomes rock solid, making it impossible to sand or detach from whatever it's stuck too. However it has been suggested, that if you want to remove Milliput from metal surfaces after curing, that putting the diecast in the freezer for a few hours, and give the Milliput a helpful tap (hammer and chisel i suspect

) off the metal surface... Metal contracts when frozen, as does the Milliput.
3) It would be wise to have some safety goggles handy when sanding (dust), you also don't want to go rubbing your eyes with your hands, Styrene based products especially. Would also be wise to wear a face mask, as you don't want to go breathing in the dust (kinda obvious), for Styrene based products especially.. there has been suggestions that certain levels of Styrene could act as a carcinogen.. though it hasn't ever been proven, but rather safe than sorry. Oh, and if you use the wet technique when sculpting/molding with epoxy, don't lick your fingers (again kinda obvious).
I know it's obvious common sense info AOS, but i hope you find it helpful anyway.
Anyway, i decided to do a quick wheel swap on the 993 using?... you guessed it, the crusty white painted wheels, (i'm so predictable

I don't intend on using them on the final car, it's just the wheels i have in mind are the exact same diameter, the original wheels that came on the 993 are actually 0.5mm less in diameter, so i'm pleased that the larger wheels fit nicely under the arches with no clearance issues.