How do you feel about Israel?

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Hmm.. lemme check. Nope, nothing in the Bible about Native Americans, sorry.

You can't just assume (for the purposes of this debate) that we base it on the preachings of the Bible only, and dismiss all other religions. Life isn't that simple.

Yeah, that's worked out quite well for them so far.

Not so far, no, but they were elected for a reason.

Where they got it is irrelevant. They have it.

It is relevant since it's the worlds only superpower, and this has consequences. Yes, it gives them a means to protect themselves - but now they've bcome too overzealous in their actions because of the unwavering, unquestioned support they receive.

As for them being defated.. Even if the entire Arab world united in an effort to take Isreal, all Isreal would have to do is ask for help, assuming it was even needed. It's one thing for the UN to step in where it's not wanted.. controversy and all that. It's quite different if a nation actually asks the UN for help. There would be a military force there in no time at all that could repel any incoming invasion. Nothing short of a nuclear attack would do it. And that's not going to happen, for several reasons. First, the missle would probably never reach it's destination. Second, whoever launched it would be subsequently destroyed themselves, probably by the Isreali counterattack, if not by their allies. You ARE aware that Isreal is a nuclear power, yes? And thirdly, the Arabs also consider Jerusalem to be a holy city.. they wouldn't destroy it any sooner than they'd destroy Mecca. Damage it, yes, that's already been done.. but destroy it? I don't think so.

Ahhh, but think back 100 years from now, who would have thought that the jews would be given land smack in the middle of neighbouring arabs and have to displace the Palestinians there already. Times change, and they are not invincible.

Bear in mind that my belief about Isreal's abilities aren't soley based on military knowledge. They're also religious. These are God's people, in God's land, put there by God Himself, and given what they need to defend themselves and keep it. That's the main reason that I believe they would win against any aggressor. God truly is on their side.

Many people, in fact billions of people believe that God is on their side when they go to war, so it's illogical to bring that up when debating the conflict.
I'll go with this. While Israel will blow up the terrorist, his wife, kids, dog and all the neighbors.
Actually, That's textbook Old Testament Biblical Justice.
Going directly hand-in-hand with what the Bible says.
So Catholics, Christians, Jews, all of these, should believe what Israel is doing is correct.
And Israel could likely wipe the middle east off the map, if they strike first. Air Force baby, Air Force.
The way the U.S. ****ed up Iraq in the Gulf War? Israel could do the same thing.
Let them do their thing. There is no peaceful solution. What so different from what Israel is doing now from what America did after 9/11?

There nation is constantly under terrorist attack, from terrorists supported by it's neighboring countries. Well, they are finally doing what they should have done long ago. Wipe the scumbags off the face of the earth. Defend their existence. I'd fight for Israel if we got called on to do so.
There will be peace when Israel wins . Until then the other side has shown no inclination of ever letting peace rear its ugly head . They have proven it time and again . let Israel do the world a favor and destroy the terrorist and the states that support them. Then we will have peace .
Did anyone see that film "Promises" on More 4 the other day?

Amazing film, much better docu-film than Michael Moore's.