I know I haven't posted here in a while, so I thought I'd keep you all updated.
Feeling fairly good about myself just now. It is safe to say I am over her.
Reading through your posts, I am glad you have taken on board some of the advice posted in this thread. It's easy to assume you know best, given you have lived, seen and felt the last 5 years of experience, you know the person better than anyone. How could anyone else possibly have a better idea of the situation than you?
In this situation, you are your own worst enemy, because this thinking deludes you from seeing the more the obvious truth. Everyone else who is detached from the situation can ironically, see the situation from a clearer perspective. They aren't quite as special and different as you perhaps believed over the last 5 years or so. You have thankfully taken note of this advise but I would like to bring similar point, relating to the quote.
I've noticed you mention you are 'over her'. I don't believe for a second this is the case. I don't believe you can get over a 5 year relationship in a matter of days. In my eyes, its more of a defence mechanism so that you don't have to currently deal with the situation. I believe I have experienced a similar situation.
If you have a few good days to put things to the back of your mind, its easy to trick yourself into believing that everything is fine. More likely, is you haven't got over her yet, you just haven't sat down long enough to think about it yet. The only reason I bring this up, is because I think at some point, whether it is a day, week or even months from now, you will wake up with a pit in your stomach and you might start to get cold feet about your decision. You will remember how much time money and effort you invested in those 5 years, perhaps you will miss the closeness that was there almost everyday. It's then you will really have to sit there and deal with it, thrash those thoughts around in your head for a while.
My aim is not to depress you or get you down, only to prepare you for what I think will inevitably happen over the coming weeks. As long as you accept it will at some point happen, I hope that you will be able to deal with it better when you have to face it. It's at that point, that you have to remind yourself that 'hey, perhaps I did have a role in it falling apart, but I bent over backwards to accommodate, and if that wasn't enough then,
it never was going to be'.
Some people get over things quicker than others, and there's no point rushing it. Don't even bother dealing with it at the moment, do what others say, get back in with your friends, do things you enjoy and that broken heart will start to mend itself.
You might wonder what credentials a young 20 year old like myself could possibly input on this, perhaps its not my place to say. But I was in a relationship for just over a year and a half, and while I had invested substantially less time and money into things, when she broke up with me -sort of out of the blue - I was a bit devastated. I put it to the back of my mind and enjoyed myself for two weeks (foolishly believing I was over it). She started texting me saying she missed me yada yada yada. Being the fool I was, I dived head first into trying to restart the relationship, she said she would restart it, but things would have to change. Me, desperate sign the deal, accepted her new contract.
Things went well for another 3 months, I didn't mind trying even harder, just so I could be with her. Around that time, she decided that things weren't quite working and she needed some space (pedalling the old 'its not you, its me'). A month or so later, she started texting me again, talking about getting back together. Once again, being the desperate mug I was, jumped at the opportunity. She wasn't in any rush to get straight back with me, she started with more new terms and conditions. It was about that point I snapped to my senses and saw what was really going on.
She wasn't doing it intentionally, I am pretty sure of that, but she was stringing me along, to try and get into a position where she could be in a position to get other guys, and still have me as the fall guy if things didn't work out. Your situation doesn't appear that dissimilar. I hope you don't allow yourself to ever take up that position in future, not living together is a good start.
Shutting someone out your life completely is not easy, particularly if they keep trying to contact you saying they miss you, and that the break up was all a big mistake. Believing this is the worst mistake you could make, and can set you back another half a year or so. If it didn't work then, its not going to work now, a few months apart wont solve that, it may last another half a year or so, but it will inevitably fall apart again. No change you can make will be significant enough, you already self said you made some pretty major sacrifices such as your friends (a familiar sacrifice).
While you have currently taken the right route, don't allow yourself to fall back into the wrong route. Don't try and convince yourself that getting back together will work, (even if she gets in contact with you saying as such) don't even try the friends with benefits route, if you think its a happy compromise, you are lying to yourself. You can keep in contact, but I would completely avoid trying to stay remotely close, all will do, is allow you to get attached to her again and you will loose all rationality and spend all your time chasing someone you can no longer have. Ideally, take a year out and then start to look elsewhere, once you are well and truly completely over her, will you be able to look at this situation with full rationality and clarity. 👍
Apologies if this post seems a little frank.