How NASCAR Will Fare?

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Here we have the popular "I'm an old school NASCAR fan. Modern NASCAR sucks!" You also have the same thing with Formula 1 "fans"

I'm still a huge F1 fan but I do admit it's gotten worse over the years thanks to Bernie. Bring back those V10's damnit!! I've noticed over the past year that innovation in pretty much any racing series is disappearing fast. And this was before the economy started to tank. The 90's really was one of the best times to be a racing fan. (for me at least) It was about going fast and noting else.
Truth is these people never were anything close to big NASCAR fans. If they were, they would at least know stock cars have always been heavy and slow
Oh yeah! :D
I love NASCAR since mid/end of the 90's, one of the first games i played on my PlayStation i got at Christmas 1997 (i was 7 years old) was NASCAR '98 and i dont think it changed a lot (except for the imo more ugly design because of the new spoilers).

EDIT: And as you can see, im German and not some sort of stereotype redneck. :lol:
Whether you like NASCAR or not, it will have the fullest grids, most consistent grids, and best competition in the online races.
Here are some match ups I'm going to do once the game comes out and of course my predictions:
(This will be unrestricted and on Talledega and Daytona):

NASCAR vs F1: F1
NASCAR vs Le Mans Proto: Proto.


Once again, I hope my prediction is right because it would suck to know that a car that was built around oval racing actually loses on its home turf. :/
The cars are the ultimate interpretation of the regulations.

For example an LMP1 car could be quicker than an F1 car if they ran unrestricted engines and a lower weight. Likewise WRC cars could be much quicker if like their rallycross equivalents they ran restricted 550bhp rather than 350bhp engines, unrestricted they could produce 700bhp+.

NASCAR's could be much lighter, therefore be quicker on road courses, while Super GT cars could have more power therefore be quicker on an oval.

Most cars competing today are artificially restricted, they could be quicker if the organisers so wished, but safety, cost and competition needs have to be considered.
For me personally NASCAR is a bad inclusion in the game, their isn't much skill required to drive around in circles and it's going to get extremely boring.

Just wondering, since it so easy why aren't you doing it. The top earning driver so far in winnings is Kyle Busch with $3,743,810. That is just for the first 13 races of the season. Since you would obviously be the best you would also win the championship which pays around $20,000,000 added to your total from winnings during the regular season as well as the $1,000,000 prize in the all-star race. So you would probably be walking around with $29,095,200. Now that is without the endorsments and the how much the team will pay you to drive the car. I think last year Dale Jr. earned like $56,000,000 total and he only won 1 race.

Just thought I would inform you so you could enter this form of racing and become super rich.
To bring my post back to OP's topic a GT500 super gt car would destroy a nascar restricted to 450hp, obviously, but if you put an 800hp dinosaur vs a 500hp super gt car then you will have a slightly closer race (still think the super gt car would win due to incredible aerodynamics and weight/power ratio)
The problem is, SuperGTs aren't build for high end speeds & have a tendency to run out of steam when they get up over 170Mph b/c they just never run on courses allowing them to do so. Stock cars however, are built primarily for speeds over 170Mph, and can keep running to 210Mph on certain tracks.

It would be a close race, but I would assume the either one would win on its respective home turf.
I fell that NASCAR would beat a lot of today’s Super Cars because they weigh about 1000lbs or lighter and their full tube car with 800 horse power and gearing to get them at top speed.
I fell that NASCAR would beat a lot of today’s Super Cars because they weigh about 1000lbs or lighter and their full tube car with 800 horse power and gearing to get them at top speed.
Actually the NASCAR cars are heavier or about the same. They weigh 3450lbs.
Ford Fusion-3101lbs
Chevrolet Impala SS-3711lbs
Dodge Avenger-3820lbs
Toyota Camry-3263lbs
Saleen S7-2750lbs
Bugatti Veyron-4160lbs
Koenigsegg CCX-2601lbs
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I fell that NASCAR would beat a lot of today’s Super Cars because they weigh about 1000lbs or lighter and their full tube car with 800 horse power and gearing to get them at top speed.
While I agree with you on the gearing and such, the lightest COT is still 3,100lbs., which is actually around 200-300lbs. heavier than quite a few supercars.

But again, I do agree the 800Hp & the gearing on them is what would give them an advantage.

EDIT*North beat me to it.
This is a good question to comparing NASCAR but as a minor fan of the sport(because 500 laps in a circle isn't worth watching unless you want to get ****-faced with some friends) it would not be fair to compare to other cars i.e. supercars, f1, etc. All NASCAR car's are restricted motor, aerodynamics, suspension, weight, etc. The point of NASCAR back in the day was for STOCK car racing. Until one manufacturer got the advantage, then another. So now days, they have a restriction that will not let one car win over the other, only tuning for the drivers habits or feeling of the car. I do believe there are cars out there that can beat any NASCAR car but remember that these cars are restricted and it would not be fair to compare them to another car with great differences. And saying having no skill is required in this league is just wrong. Look at how many people try to get into NASCAR. There is an about 10% passing rate but then you have to qualify for the races, which means you never see all the drivers. The skills involved here are being VERY consistent. Sure you can be consistent, but can you do it for over 300 laps? Maintaining 170+mph thoroughly, each turn, each straight. And mainly drafting and patience. These cars are all equal, your only advantage to have is being on the draft. And like the end of most NASCAR races, the one that's leading before the last couple laps rarely ever wins. The skill is in the timing and staying on the draft through the turns that allows drivers to come out of no where and take the race. If anyone is ever interested in NASCAR, just watch the last 20 laps of a race to get to the climax of the race, then you will see what the big deal is.
Eh, if thats all of your oval racing "experience" then please stop here.
At least try a proper sim (nothing against your opinion but dont try to prove a point which doesnt exsist).

How many NASCAR races have you watched? Do you even get them on TV? Do you know any of the rules? Any of the drivers? Do you know any of the tracks besides Daytona?

True, I don't know you, but you're just another statistic to me. Your type is very common, easy to spot.

So your hate of NASCAR and oval racing is based on this

As expected you little to nothing about NASCAR or oval racing in general, yet you felt the need to come in this thread and mouth off about how boring it is.

If you want to know what oval racing is about pick yourself up a copy of this game

Go online to one of the servers and get your head handed to you on a platter, that is if you don't get ejected first because you can't keep the car pointed straight or can't handle the 3 wide bumper to bumper racing with cars on the razor edge[

There also such a thing as educated and uneducated opinions.

I dont know why I get sucked into replying to posts like this and others, it's a waste of my time because the truth is they don't care.

Here we have the popular "I'm an old school NASCAR fan. Modern NASCAR sucks!" You also have the same thing with Formula 1 "fans"

Truth is these people never were anything close to big NASCAR fans. If they were, they would at least know stock cars have always been heavy and slow

I will say this to you, and any other NASCAR basher:

Unless you actually go to and watch a LIVE race, you will never understand the sport.👎

These kinds of comments are kind of putting me off posting in this site lately. You guys think that because you like the sport that you need to force others to like the sport. Also if anybody says anything against Gran Turismo then they are flamed to hell. I shoud be allowed to my own opinion and not like the sport. Can you just please leave it that.
No. We try to make sure that people are informed before they criticize, and they usually aren't.

I was'nt criticising. I was stating my opinion that I think the sport is boring. That is my opinion and not criticising the sport. I thought that I had a right to my opinion.
Did I say "you"? No, I didn't so don't try to make it as if I'm not understanding your point. I made a direct response to part of your statement, so don't try to shift the context.
Did I say "you"? No, I didn't so don't try to make it as if I'm not understanding your point. I made a direct response to part of your statement, so don't try to shift the context.
So you quoted my post but you didnt aim the post at me. Thats a new one to me. I am trying to be nice about this but as usual someone has to have a go at me on this forum:indiff:
It would help if you did'nt quote a post from another person and reply to that post , then say it wasnt aimed at them. Maybe its you who needs more reading comprehension. If your not intentionaly replying to a person then dont intentionaly quote their post with an answer. Any person would have picked up your post as it being aimed at them if you quoted them and had an answer to it.

Next time if you want to reply and not aim your post at another person do'nt quote another persons post with your post. That is how an indirect post works.

Im just wondering how many peopl on here arent rude and dont go on the attack over small stuff.
For me personally NASCAR is a bad inclusion in the game, their isn't much skill required to drive around in circles and it's going to get extremely boring.

LOL thats too funny, it boils down to driver skill not the car propelling you ahead, how can a grid of 40+ cars be boring? (not saying this will be in the game but damn)

Im not a huge fan of Nascar but I can appreciate its value and any REAL racing fan or car freak should enjoy any type of engine powered four wheel fare, i bet you wouldnt be bored if you were in said car blasting at 180 mph? would ya?
Wether im watching the car going in circles or driving the car in circles. Its still the most boring motorsport I know of. But thats just me.

Did you ever play one of those Nascar games? I played and really enjoyed it, sure round and round but with other drivers trying to get around or tailing you it really was fun. I agree some nascar races are a bit boring to watch, I would rather drive. Its pretty much like watching Golf to me, boring to watch at times but very fun to play, keep an open mind. As they say dont knock it till you try it. Remember we have one of the best teams out there making this game, its not going to be a EA second effort ya know?
Did you ever play one of those Nascar games? I played and really enjoyed it, sure round and round but with other drivers trying to get around or tailing you it really was fun. I agree some nascar races are a bit boring to watch, I would rather drive. Its pretty much like watching Golf to me, boring to watch at times but very fun to play, keep an open mind. As they say dont knock it till you try it. Remember we have one of the best teams out there making this game, its not going to be a EA second effort ya know?
You have a valid point. Though it does sound like fun I'm hoping that we arent forced to play Nascar in the main game , but if we do I dont mind too much. I just have no interest in the sport and I wish some people would just accept that.
These kinds of comments are kind of putting me off posting in this site lately. You guys think that because you like the sport that you need to force others to like the sport. Also if anybody says anything against Gran Turismo then they are flamed to hell. I shoud be allowed to my own opinion and not like the sport. Can you just please leave it that.

Your opinion is okay, but you tried proving it and you cant PROVE an OPINION and especially not with Project Torque (cool game though, but not realistic at all). But yeah, you didnt say it takes no skill to drive these cars (which is just plain stupid), so its okay for me.
It would help if you did'nt quote a post from another person and reply to that post , then say it wasnt aimed at them. Maybe its you who needs more reading comprehension. If your not intentionaly replying to a person then dont intentionaly quote their post with an answer. Any person would have picked up your post as it being aimed at them if you quoted them and had an answer to it.

Next time if you want to reply and not aim your post at another person do'nt quote another persons post with your post. That is how an indirect post works.

Im just wondering how many peopl on here arent rude and dont go on the attack over small stuff.
I think you just need to take a step back, he was replying to you but he wasn't calling you uniformed or trying to insult you in any way. You've just missunderstood him that's all. You implied that he and others were trying to force others to like the sport, his reply was just saying that he wasn't trying to force people to like the sport, he was just trying to make people more informed on the sport. Nothing wrong or offensive in that.

Just because you reply to someone elses post doesn't mean that your point has to always be a direct personal response to that user.
Daytona was alot of fun in GT5P so i am actually quite excited. First great game with Daytona tracks since Daytona USA in the arcades lol.
I thinkn one thing anyone bashing NASCAR should keep in mind is that they do not always race on ovals. We have had a NASCAR road course in GT4.

I agree that road courses are more exciting to watch, as are the cars in other series, but I will not call it boring or easy, especially not after being in some very tight races on Daytona in Prologue.

I also think that anyone who wants to eliminate any car or form of racing from Gran Turismo needs to recheck what Gran Turismo has always been about. However you define it, prejudice against certain types of series is not part of it.
All this bashing on NASCAR is nonsense, if I see one of these people on the daytona, no matter what car it is, it will just prove that they have no brains to talk smack. As of now, I think if you are against NASCAR, none of us should see you on the Daytona because it will probably invalidate some of your arguments on why the sport in no good. p.s. I do recognize some names here but will not comment more than that
I was'nt criticising. I was stating my opinion that I think the sport is boring. That is my opinion and not criticising the sport. I thought that I had a right to my opinion.

You most certainly are entitled to your opinion Steve. When you opine, you are also entitled to be very wrong when doing so.
You guys can argue about stupid BS all day, more passes for the lead happen in 1 nascar race than in F1 all year.