How to fix the Gran Turismo series....

  • Thread starter bigcatfish
Well I'm going to renege on my comment about that being my final post!

First off I'd like to say that I think most everyone's comments are valid arguments if they were for or against what I posted. It is also clear I missed a few things and I don't think I clearly established my point on a few issues. Don't take this as me trying to defend myself or anything! This post is more about adding and clarifying on my original post rather than responding to anyone’s.

1. That being said I missed a huge aspect of the game when it came to damage. Damage is something that is unbelievable tricky on the part of Polyphony Digital for the obvious reason of making damage models. It is my firm belief that if you can't do it right, leave it out. So I think the real issue is the choice of:

--do you want physical damage on vehicles that looks great and adversely effects the performance of the vehicle at the cost of spending less time on other aspects of the game?

--do you want virtual damage that shows no physical damage but still adversely effects the performance but is less time demanding to develop?

--or do you want no damage period and more time spent on other material?

You COULD say all three are extremes and that something along the middle of those choices would be best. My point is if you can't do the first choice "right" you should go with the last choice. The word "right" in that sentence is in quotations because I would be a fool to think I know what is actually "right." In a nutshell, however, this is one of the major questions of the franchise. With GT5 I believe Polyphony Digital somewhat deceived the public into thinking damage would be an integral part of the game and it obviously is not. Gran Turismo needs to decide which of the choices above is the plan of attack and go with it.

2. When it comes to tuning I would have to say that the series does pretty darn good for the most part. The only consensus I have really heard the populace scream for is the return of racing modifications. GT5 did indeed bring them back but they were obviously limited. I personally enjoyed the racing modifications as much as the next person in GT1 and GT2 but some are not necessary (such as racing modified Mazda Demios). All in all I think if Gran Turismo continues to feature a wide variety of race cars this issue won't be as big for some folks.

On a completely different and unrelated note: I personally enjoy driving the vehicles in the game stock as they come. Therefore I was disappointed that GT5 did not allow you to drive every vehicle you've ever owned in Arcade Mode like GT4.

3. NASCAR. Everyone has a strong opinion on NASCAR including myself. People either love it or hate it and few are in-between. My main point on NASCAR being in Gran Turismo is proper representation of the series. I did not mean to imply that the game should have a large selection of ovals or that we should expect to see 43 car fields anytime soon. Clearly if you love NASCAR you would be better served to buy a game strictly NASCAR... no doubt about it.

However Gran Turismo has taken the liberty of trying to incorporate many auto-racing genres and types - almost like an appetizer of every one. The problem with NASCAR in GT5 is that it is a bad appetizer - the sport poorly represented. Only 3 or 4 NASCAR ovals are currently over 2 miles in length and two of them appear as the only NASCAR tracks in the game.

Imagine the difference in racing on a track like Monza with its high speeds to racing at Monaco (Cote D Azur)with its tight turns that leave you on your toes all race long with little time to breathe. Such is the difference between racing at Indianapolis in a stock car as compared to Bristol.

I'm not for eliminating NASCAR altogether but if Gran Turismo isn't even going to get the physics right perhaps it is better left omitted. More tracks are always a plus though even if they ARE ovals. Let's just make sure the ratio of road circuits to oval ones is accurate to the real world number someone mentioned.

4. Car Count. When it comes to the car count my only real problem was with "milking" it on the part of Polyphony Digital. More cars is almost always better. My real issue is with the diversity of that car count. I am not in favor of removing Miatas or Skylines from the game. The problem is that if the game is going to have every generation of Skyline GT-Rs on the game, they should definitely have every generation of Corvettes, Mustangs, BMWs, and Ferrari. In general it is not the car count that is the problem in Gran Turismo but the Japanese cars to Rest-of-the-World cars ratio. Poor folks in Australia and Scandinavia have been screaming for representation for 15 years now!

5. Special Events. When it comes to the Karting and Rallying I have to say that Gran Turismo did "good" but not "great" in GT5. Both could obviously have been vastly improved upon but other than adding real life venues for both I didn't find too much wrong with them. My knowledge of the performance and realism of the Karts is poor so I can only take it from others on that.

6. Standard/Premium Cars. Without drawing everyone into a major argument I think the two are the extremes of two sides. Premium Cars (if indeed they are so time consuming to model) are over the top in some aspects and Standard Cars are poorly modeled for the current hardware cycle. Perhaps Polyphony should go in between? One thing is certain is that if all cars were Standard that would be bad at this point - Once you go Premium you can't take a step backward. At the same time the game needs to decide whether a capability of having larger fields (which is essentially more realistic when it comes to racing) is better than having 10 awesome looking vehicles.

7. Additional Features. I don't mean to say that things such as Photo Mode and B-Spec should be deleted in order to make disc "room" for more tracks, cars, etc. My issue with Polyphony Digital is not really how it manages how much it can fit onto a game disc but more on how they manage their own time. Instead of spending months developing scenic places and developments of Photo Locations or programming the workings of B-Spec mode, that time could be spent producing better material. This is more of a development team issue and if that team needs expanded to complete its goals on a more timely basis so be it.

I am not really in favor of getting rid of anything they have already created and put time into, but the management and redirection of that time into more concrete racing related material would ultimately be better for the series.

When it comes to having more than one game disc that is a completely different issue altogether that I cannot and will not address. This issue is not really a "make the game better" topic rather than a "how to manage more content on the PS3" topic.

8. Arcade v. Simulation games. Gran Turismo has always been a game with two "modes," "Arcade" and "Simulation" (even though it may be called "GT mode" or "GT life"). To my knowledge there are no other racing games that promote themselves on authentic realism while having an "Arcade" type of appeal for casual gamers and have been as impressively successful as Gran Turismo. Someone mentioned a few others that indeed fall in such a category but their success pales in comparison in both sales and realism.

On another note my view on the Gran Turismo series is not to make it into something it isn't - like a PC simulator. At the same time Gran Turismo should look to PC simulators for ideas to incorporate into their game - such as dynamic weather, more realistic enduros and pit stop strategy, more realistic tire, engine, and brake wear, and an online mode that favors fan created leagues and communities. Those features can easily be incorporated into the Gran Turismo universe without totally killing or altering the basis of the game itself.

Lastly I want to emphasize the title and my main point... to "fix" and not "change" Gran Turismo. The game is still really awesome and I play it everyday. It is almost like arguing with your wife on how to raise your children... you both love the kids and have their best interests in mind but may differ on the best way for them to grow.

message by the catfish

P.S. Thanks again to all who have taken the time to read mine (and other's) well thought out comments!
GT has MANY different cars, classes of cars, differing motorsports, NASCAR to rallying...

Yet all are poorly implimented, GT500 is the closest they have got to implimenting something properly, and that still is stupid, no specific online restrictions for them or anything.

If you want to play something focused, GT isn't your game, if you want to play something testing, realistc, with a full field of cars in their proper enviroment, GT isn't your game.

If you want to go casually have a play around with a car on a track, whatever that car and what track that may be, in whatever enviroment that is, however you choose to mod it. GT is your game.

It's a sandbox for racing that isn't finished. The potential is huge, best game ever made possibly, infact, if "completed" easily will be the best game ever made. But right now, it doesn't know what it wants to be and doesn't have the raw content to shine as a Racing Sandbox.

Although besides my negative ways... I'm yet to find a better drift game. GT rules at that and I wish we got more in-depth driftooo stuff ! Because it does seem to excel at it so far. More than anything else.

The way GT is right now, any wheel above the DFGT is a waist of money (I have a Fanatec Carrera lol)

If you have a better wheel than the DFGT, go play a PC racing sim, that's what the wheel was made for. (unless its the T500 thing lol)
Although wheels work on GT5 in the most part, they do feel great on a Pc sim.

Nearly 3am, sorry if I have just mindlessly bashed the game, yano the game I have played more than any other in my life lol.

But thats ONLY because I LOVE drifting on it, which it does well, to a point.
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I think PD wasted a lot of time on the cockpits of premium cars. The cockpit view just wastes screen space... At most, show a basic windshield and dashboard so we can visualize some weight transfer going on, like in TOCA Race Driver 3.
The only real problem with GT5 is with the non-competitive racing. The AI should be faster around a circuit than it is and there should be power restrictions in the events. I shouldn't have to race with 20% lower hp than the AI to have a competitive race, nor should I be able to race a FGT against GT1 cars.

Now what GT6 will definitely NEED to have to stay competitive will be a more accurate modelling of tires. Forza 3 has a great model for tires, and even Shift has Tire pressure and temperature modelling, so to not improve drastically there is like having GT2 graphics on a new PS3 game.

People say that GT5 has too many extras that to them doesn't add anything, but after playing Forza 3 for the first time recently I found myself missing those extras that I normally don't think about. I miss the Licenses, the go carts, Nascar, and rallying. Of course I also miss the road imperfections, since nearly all Forza 3 tracks are super smooth. However that will hopefully be fixed in Forza 4, but it still won't have those extras that make GT5 such a great game. I turned on my PS3 to play GT5 everyday for over 4 months straight(and not a online player), so there is certainly something about GT5 that is very right.
My comment about the wheels, wasn't exactly right, was very late xD .

But I would advise having a bash at a PC Sim to use your wheel in its native ground so to speak. :)
The first thing to do to fix GT5 is to bring the franchise into modern gaming times. This for me is the biggest disappointment in GT5 because the gameplay is old, stale, boring. If GT5 had been released in late 90s/early 2000s I would of been happy with the gameplay but gaming has changed drastically since then but unfortunately PD haven't moved with the times.

Here is a list of what GT5 should of contained which would of made the game modern.

1. A Spec leaderboards. Far more enjoyable replaying events for credits when you have a leaderboard to compete on, whether this is going for No1 or just competiting against your friends.

2. Online Auction house.

3. Livery editor.

4. Online tournaments like PGR 3, Forza 2 had.

5. Ability to create online racing teams which also includes a leaderboard. Teams positions would be based on online wins and time trial leaderboard positions.

6. Online hoppers like FM3. Some of us don't want to spend ages finding a decent room which is why I enjoy the Forza 3 hoppers. I simply select the race I want to enter and within secs im in a race.

7 Time trial leaderboards like GT5P. Obviously you couldn't have a leaderboard for every car but at least have say leaderboards for premium cars. The lack of LBs on GT5 is its biggest failure.

As you can see from my list, most of what I say is online features. This for me is the biggest weakness in GT5.

I've stopped playing GT5 and returned to FM3 and whilst the graphics, physics aren't as good on FM3 it does have something over GT5 and that is called the fun factor. I enjoy playing FM3 whereas GT5 felt like a chore.

Im beginning to think the biggest problem is actually down to PD being from Japan. In my experience western gamers and developers are far more online orientated. I've been online gaming for many years and have met many from the US, Australia, Europe, S America and yet I can't think of any gamers I have met from Japan. This is the problem because in my opinion Kaz spends far too much development time on the wrong things. If PD developed a FPS game they would probably only have single player mode!

Some will disagree with me but those who disagree are often those who haven't played the Forza series and have patiently carried on playing GT4 whilst waiting for GT5. Well all I can say to those is my word you have missed out because grinding and collecting is a thing of the past!
God, has anyone heard of the word limits in this thread?

The reason these things aren't included in GT are limits. The cars look good to take up most of this limit, the number of cars take up the limit, and the track graphics take up the limit. Not to mention other things such as the AI data, online services, the course maker possibilities, the variety of different game 'modes', the different events...they all make this game reach the PS3's limits.

They have a perfect reason for not including the 'greatest things needed': space limits. If you're looking for leaderboards, just go back to GT5:P. For auctioning, FIFA 11 Ultimate Team...livery editors, you go to Forza (dare I say it :scared: ). Online tournaments are already in the game if time trials don't suit you, online teams can be just sorted through the internet, and if you want matchmaking...there's always Call of Duty for you.

Now live with the thing called limits we have to suffer through and understand why they exist, guys.

[/thread rant]

As for 'fixing' the GT series... :irked:


...they should make a GT1 remake! :dopey:
Fixing GT5? Give it a proper GT-mode for those of us that couldn't give a monkeys about online gaming. It is not a substitute for a good one player game.
What Gran Turismo needs is for Kaz and the rest of the team to get together and go back to the previous games and plan what they need for the future of the series, ideally in my opinion they need to bring back all the track and cars that have been left behind for some reason and keep adding more cars from the all the world and tracks as the series progresses, and most cars should come with plenty of aero mods, realistic tuning and also of course the Race Modifications.

I also think the same should be done with features, I think PD just haven't spent enough time finishing and polishing them, they should finish the drag racing they (I presume) were going to put into GT2 and GT4 and implement it in the game, other features such as nascar, karting, top gear etc should be improved and put to greater use and maybe new features for the series could be decided based on the GT Communities opinions and vote (Feedback). They should create(or improve) series in A-Spec for the cars that are in the game (DTM, GT500 etc).

And that is my dream GT game
Have to laugh at the comment telling me to go back to GT5P.

Lets get something straight I throughly enjoyed GT5P and because of this I went out and bought a G25/Wheelstand Pro specifically for GT5. Now I did this because I thought GT5 would be a bigger, better version of GT5P. What I didn't expect is some of the better features from GT5P i.e leaderboards, matchmaking servers to be missing. Now this is nothing to do with limits because implementing some of the online features I mention are pretty basic these days.

The positives of GT5 is the physics engine and the graphics. However the rest of the game is poorly implemented ranging from the the lack of online features to the dreadfully boring single player. I still cannot believe you cannot save during endurance races.

GT5 is like having a fantastic looking girl friend who only wants to remain friends i.e pointless, frustrating. I don't doubt Kaz knowledge or passion about cars but I do doubt his knowledge about gaming especially in the year 2011.
How to fix the Gran Turismo series....

I think most of us have found faults with GT5 but I want to address the series as a whole. This isn't intended to be a critique or a wish list, but at the same time I can't deny that it isn't.

On a side note, I have been visiting GT Planet since its existance but have never registered and decided to make this my first... and maybe final post.

message by the catfish

You have spoken (typed) a very good critique of this franchise. I am in the process (pushed by the PSN issue) of building a PC for The reason is that I, too, purchased a PS3 a long time ago for GT5 only to be pushed back and back until the final release. We need to remember that one of the issues that PD and Kaz have had to deal with is the lack of processing/graphics power that the PS3 has. With the hype of NASCAR and all the stuff that was promoted prior to the release of GT5, and the product arrived with Daytona and Indy only, it was really a slap in the face of the consumer. Remember Gordon and Junior at Texas in the video? But no Texas in the final product? You are right when you intimate that GT5 suffers from an identity crisis.

Anyway, my two PS3's may be on their way out. MLB steaming is out and their customer service is based out of Manila (the American pastime), Netflix is moot, Sony can't protect my data, so the PS3's are probably going to Goodwill. The Fanatec GT3 and Clubsports will be hooked up to a PC, shortly.
That is a fantastic first post, bang on. It's nice to finally see someone express their feelings without making stupid, unrealistic points. Every point you made was well thought out, and I (along with many others, it seems) agree with all of them. GT5 is definatly trying to be two things at once, however, I personally cannot see Kaz changing it to an arcade style game, he has always wanted to make a true driving sim. I expect GT6 to be a much more focused game (if I'm still alive to see it, that is). :sly:

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