You are just posting about CE at different tracks and you have done great. However, to me that is not taking the game to the next level. Have you been doing the weekly challenge events, time trials and more online races? The CE will always be there to do.
Step by step. I have my own learning curve which suits my personality, experience, time I can dedicate. I wish I could spend more time with GT7, but there are so many things every day that require my attention. Like for most of us.
My approach is to learn driving, get to know track and cars and build more confidence. I would love to master several tracks and then go on-line. But it will be my next step for sure. 2-3 more CEs and then I will get into online TT and racing.
I am content with what and how I am learning. I think I would truly want to get GOLD in Suzuka, Le Mans and Barcelona. Ideally learn MT and then I will be a lot more confident going online. Otherwise I will be multiplying mistakes.
Can I just say, I love this thread.
Someone who comes in, wanting to learn and improve rather than decide it's all too difficult and unfair.
The results are speaking for themselves.
Thank you. I wanted to learn GT7. I am glad I found this place because I was able to see what is possible, how you guys do it and also benefit from collective experience. Noone had to react and spend YOUR OWN time helping me so specifically, but you did and this pushed me forward. Like the fact that I saw how to do Spa on a controller. First, I could not believe it is possible to drive so smoothly on a controller, but it was beautiful and inspiring. I truly wanted to learn and get there myself!
If you think about it, this game gets us very close to amazing cars and real tracks. It is hard, but it is also pushes you and allows to learn new skills. This will also translate to other areas of life too.
Guys, I know one of you suggested to learn MT and suggested a track and car to do it. Cannot find where it was.
If I want to master MT on a controller…what is the best way to do it? How did you learn?