@BHRxRacer and
Hi, I'm member for 1,5 months, not very long.
Then how come
@Famine is worshipped here? He did the same thing to me 2 days ago and this is his response when I called him out:
I don't know or can confirm or refute if
@Famine is worshipped.
I'm 45yrs old ( so not a kid, to relax you), i read both your postings at some topics ("homosexuality" and "god")
I do not worshipp any of you two, but i can see that
@Famine is very educated and probably very experienced in debating or discussions.
What i do know, is that one of you, sometimes or often deviates from the real point of discussion.
And my feeling is, that all hell breaks loose after that point and the main fact isn't visible anymore.
I get the feeling when you two start discussing, almost all small posts from other members are a blurr to both of you.
But this is what i believe to see, i believe
@Famine debates like a politician, when someone deviates from the main fact, he pushes that person even more from the main fact, but i think that is the point if you want to win a debate.
You don't need to defend yourself, but that's my observation.
T0 stay ontopic
What rights do human beings have and why?
1) Try to prevent your list of rights from being inherently conflicting. Example: "I think human beings should have the right to kill people, but also have the right not to be killed"
2) The US bill of rights might help get you started
3) Be sure not to forget the "why" portion of this - which is what makes this question difficult.
4) Be sure to examine the impact of your reasoning on whether animals also have rights.
-1: Should be simple, the right to defend yourself and other people and only kill when there is no other option.
But if you have criminal intent with means for killing, you gained the right to be killed.
-2: US bill of rights does not apply in my country.
-3: The right to live a proper life, but to explain that, it would take me lots of text.
Small example: people lie, so it is a difficult point to have the right "not lied to".
Everybody, in high placed positions, must lie ( politicians), it is a unwritten rule, make promises even when it is possible that they can't become fullfilled. Now what?
-4: Animals have rights but can conflict with human rights, a tiger kills in india, the tiger has the right to survive or defend, but the human must defend against the tiger.No winner there.
Yes the human wins, but the tiger lost his right because he/she has not the same tools to defend.
Right, there should be new season events.<- no, that's tomorrow

I'm off, goodbye.