Hurricane Katrina's Aftermath....

  • Thread starter Omnis
McLaren F1GTR
Yeah, but you guys have the Quakes. Which are still scary.

We're pretty much Tornado people here.

Scary, but it rarely happens. Apart from that, there's not a single natural disaster that can happen here, and the weather is great! đź‘Ť
Scary, but it rarely happens. Apart from that, there's not a single natural disaster that can happen here, and the weather is great! đź‘Ť
Well, we don't exactly get Tornados to often so I guess we're pretty equal.
Holy CRAP!

It's a Category 5 now. What a cane! God help Louisiana, man. This has been one catastophic storm.
It's a Category 5 now. What a cane!

I'm glad I was able to see New Orleans (last year) while I could.

Katrina's packing 175 mph winds. Unfortunately, the traffic out of the Gulf cities is likely 1-2 mph.

I've heard about two million people are on alert to evacuate. Holy...crap...
175mph winds. that 100 mph more than we got, and so many trees and crap went down here alone.

most of New Orleans will be leveled. The rest of NO will be leveled and underwater. I hope the superdome holds up with all those (7 thousand+) people inside.

<----check out the avatar.

I saw this thing on the discovery channel a while ago about this new thing they were building or thinking about building in case of serious flooding/storms. I think katrina came too soon, unfortunately. :(
what happened was the storm dipped south into the gulf stream. If it would've gone a little farther south, the cane would've dissapated. But, it didn't. It went just far enough for the gulf stream to accelerate the south half of the storm around and back to the north side, creating a perfect wheel of movement. Think of a wheel being placed on a moving treadmill. the wheel is katrina, and the gulf stream is the treadmill.

Le Sigh...
I'm glad I was able to see New Orleans (last year) while I could.

Katrina's packing 175 mph winds. Unfortunately, the traffic out of the Gulf cities is likely 1-2 mph.

I've heard about two million people are on alert to evacuate. Holy...crap...
You've got to be kidding me. 175 mph wind(gust)s and two million people to evacuate? :scared: I'm hoping damages and casualties stay minimal, but that might be wishful thinking......
As long as it doesn't go near Houston!

j/k, well, not really.

Anyways, we're hearing here Corpus Christi and Galveston are on alert and need to be ready to evacuate which stinks because a good friend of mine who graduated with me now lives in Corpus Christi
Not to mention 25 foot rise in sea level, when New Orleans is already BELOW sea level. Yes it has a flood control system, but it isn't designed to stand up to this. However there is some good news.

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.
Not to mention 25 foot rise in sea level, when New Orleans is already BELOW sea level. Yes it has a flood control system, but it isn't designed to stand up to this. However there is some good news.

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.

lol, omg. You're bad. real bad. that's so not funny.
902mb of pressure (record low) and 182mph sustained winds was the fastest it got up to.

Right now it's getting close and it's dropped down to 165mph and 903mb right now.

7 day forcast for New Orleans.
Sunday: High Winds and Severe T-Storms
Sunday Evening: Armageddon
Monday: Armageddon
Tuesday:---------------------(can't compute forcast for a city that doesn't exist)

I'm from Florida so I've been through Andrew and George and those are like oversized thunderstorms compared to this.
Dam, i hope anyone and everyone involved around or in any of this hurricane is ok and makes it through.
Just some more longer lasting problems that will affect all of us in the states.

This hurricane will put several Oil Rigs in the gulf out of service for a long time and that will bring up gas prices drastically. It's suspected to go up 30 cents per gallon or more in the next few weeks because of this. :indiff:
Now a Cat 5 with winds of 160 MPH (sustained) with 904 mb in pressure. Supposed to destroy NO tomorrow. Effects: everything destroyed, millions homeless, thousands dead, a giant toxic bowl of waste, dead bodies will float because LA graves are mostly above ground.
Nationwide effects: Prices in agricultural products, including sugar, cotton, and other crops could skyrocket, gas will go up, other products prices that use chemicals will go up, and tourism will be shot to death. Also, some laws will need to be changed to ban floating casinos. This is since some of the casinos may break away and float away. Much more will happen, but so little time to tell it.
yeah, corpses are gonna float around and stuff.

I don't think thousands are going to die, though. thousands will be injured or sick, but not dead.
As for me, we are supposed to get lots of rain and plenty of wind monday-tuesday. We are also supposed to be on the west side of it (the good side, if there is such a thing) as well. They already have a T.S. watch about 40 miles to the south of me.
Poor poor poor Nawlines ( New Orleans ). They are gonna get, as Omins says, " Whomped ", they arnt getting whomped, they are getting decimated. After this, there wont be a New Orleans, they will be a New New Orleans, BTW, Darnit, im gonna get rain from it :mad: .
I finally saw a report about this on the news, and it looks really bad. :indiff: I didn't know about the likely flooding, and didn't even think about it affecting the prices of oil. :(
I want to see pictures after this thing passes by. I heard that the roof of the Superdome was giving way earlier on Rock 105 but that may or may not be true. And they said that 25% of our oil production is going to be severed for several months after this. GLOBAL WARMING SUCKS!
No it is true, portions of the Roof on the Dome have given way, and it is effectivly raining inside the building. 9,000 people have been moved underneath upper levels of the stadium to seek shelter from their shelter.

The pictures from this storm tonight are going to be amazing. We are talking about three states that will all have damage!

South Florida was just a warm-up for this thing.