Hurricane Katrina's Aftermath....

  • Thread starter Omnis
Wait... Whah...!?
3 states?!?
some low lives broke into the shops near us. What an act of class. They looted the entire metroPCS store.
why don't you just look at my avatar if you have such a hard time believing.

this is reality.

The superdome roof is gone. or a large portion of it is gone, anyway. I didn't think it would hold up. The side of the dome trap air and I thought it would create lift. I think what happened is the negative pressure ripped the roof off the dome on the opposite side of where it was getting blown on, if that makes any sense. The superstructure won't go down, though. It's a megastadium, after all.

Anyway, I think the Saints' season is gone. I don't know how they're going to play.
Vip, of course there is damage. The outermost bands still have tropical storm force winds, at least.

It's like the tree apocalypse.
Please God tell me they've evacuated the Superdome...the whole things gonna get decimated :(

No, it's not. Lol, relax dude. The roof will be destroyed, but people will be fine in the corridors and etc. At least some air can escape for when they are stuck in there afterwards. stagnant air sucks.
Katrina won't be finished for a while. They are talking about the possibility of severe thunderstorms with winds anywhere from 25-60 mph (meteorologists for you), heavy rains and flooding, and tornadoes as far north as the Ohio Valley in Kentucky.
Well, I have heard that the worst damage is in Slidell/Pass Christian area. However, no photos though. We have Inland Tropical Storm warnings as far north as I-40. As for me, I should still be on the west side of this thing, but there should be plenty of rain with it and near T.S. wind gusts.
The Lake Ponchartrain levee (dike), has broken in two places. 80% of New Orleans is flooded. A FEMA guy says it could be six months before it is completely pumped out.

The city is without power, gas, water, or sewage.

And that's just New Orleans, which didn't even get a direct hit. Cities to the east and northeast got it even worse.

This is turning out to be the worst-case scenario everybody's been afraid of.
Whoa. Lots of crap has happened since I have been here. Some folks say (at least in MS) it is worse than Camille. There is martial law in NO and disease could occur. No one can get anywhere and if they don't know if they even can sustain life there.
holy ****, the main poncha. levee broke? I thought the east one was the only one to break.

That really sucks. I just saw a bunch of houses on TV flooded to the rooftops.
I've heard in the news that 55 poeple were killed in the storm :(
That's just one county. Some areas haven't given a figure yet. If I had to guess, we are looking at a few hundred, and that's just the coastal areas.

Here in Kentucky we are beginning to see the first parts of the storm and they are calling for possible tropical storm conditions tonight into tomorrow. While I only need to worry about wind and possible tornados certain parts in southern and western Kentucky (Hopkinsville for sure) are already dealing with flooding from weekend storms.

By the time Katrina blows herself out completely she is going to leave a huge line of damage from the Gulf Coast all the way into New England. I don't want to see what the final death count will be.
I was watching this on the news stations tonight, and couldn't believe it – I wasn't expecting anything nearly this bad (nor, it seemed, was anybody else). Christ, some of the overhead shots of New Orleans look like the overhead shots of the towns hit by the Southeast Tsunamis.

And looters = shame on all of you! 👎
And looters = shame on all of you! 👎
I agreed with this at first but last night I saw them stop a guy and ask him why he was looting. All he had was food from a grocery store. He said something along the lines of, "My family is starving. Can you blame me?"

While it is not right, the food is going to be ruined anyway and they need it. I don't actually know his condition but if my family were starving and I couldn't get food any other way and didn't know when I would be able to I would most likely resort to the same thing. I can only hope that after everything is over with he offers some sort of compensation to the store owner. That would be how I would do it. I am not a thief, nor do I condone stealing.

Has anyone heard about anything north of the coast? I know Katrina was still a hurricane almost to the northern boarders of the coastal states. I would hate for entire states to be suffering and get forgotten because all the news is showing is the coastal cities. All I know is that by the time she reached here it was just a lot of rain.
In 1718, the founder of New Orleans was warned by engineers that the location was not viable because of the danger of flooding. Its remarkable that the city has survived into the 21st century.

Now, however, you have to question its viablility. People will have to ask if there is any point in rebuilding it.

BTW, I heard a FEMA spokesman say the devastation of Katrina is worse than the combined destruction of all four of the 2004 hurricanes. This is incredibly bad.
Yeah, I had no idea it would be this bad. The devastation I've been seeing on the news is unbelievable.

I saw this one particular clip of a man and his son wandering the streets, looking for his wife’s body. The poor guy was very distraught and just bawling his eyes out. He explained his situation and even the reporter interviewing him started to break down. Absolutely heartbreaking to watch…

Here we go, I found an article on him:

"The house just split in half. We got up the roof and the water came and just opened up, divided," still visibly shaken Mr Jackson told America's ABC television.

"My wife, I can't find her body, she gone."

"I held her hand tight as I could and she told me 'you can't hold me'. She said, 'take care of the kids and the grandkids'," Mr Jackson said.

"We have nowhere to go. I'm lost, that's all I had, that's all I had. I don't know what I'm going to do."

Well, everyone in the Superdome is moving to the Astrodome in Houston tonight. The conditions in there are horrendus. No running water, supplies running low, tempers flaring, bad air, and people have even comitted suicide. :eek:

The feared jump in gas prices has occured. Yesterday it was about $2.69/gallon here, now, it's $3.10/gallon. Some gas stations in Atlanta are price gouging, raising the price to $6.00 a gallon.

There are also reports that the national guard has not shown up in the hard hit areas. This must be the worst natural disaster in the US, ever.
I read that the flood damage alone from Katrina is supposed to cost more than hurricane Andrew.

Plus, Katrina was a category 5 when it hit New Orleans.
I liked what Governor Haley Barbour had to say about the looters:

"I have instructed the highway patrol and the National Guard to treat looters ruthlessly. Looting will not be tolerated and rules of engagement will be as aggressive as the law allows."

This isn't downtown Baghdad, it's not the Sudan, and it's definitely not a Mad Max movie either. This is the United States of America and we should not tolerate ridiculous behavior like this for the entire world to see.

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