Hybrid in GT4 ^_^, save game & code in the 1st post

  • Thread starter sucahyo
Yes, we can make FR Skyline now :). We can use PHASTE, but I do it quicker with art of money. I don't know what you mean by modded in the shop. We have to use the car before we can modded it. Using gameshark or armax should be possible.

It would be great if we can transfer our emulator save to real PS2 in an easy way :).

Right now, I really want to test drive this car bellow :drool:
That's great hard knocking Sucahyo, Excellent job!!!--) Hybriding in GT4 with so many nice cars would be unreal! I wonder if the Wagon wheel Mercedes Benz will show the drivers hair blowing in the wind with a F1 Engine!------)
Just tryed the save,the car is wicked weird man lol,it looks like it is going to do a wheelie when it accelerates and turns too fast lol.Here's the pics.If you need to do more tests(could you send me a save file with a nissan primera with silvia stats please...?lol),take more pics,or even videos,just post here.I have a capture card so it's easy.

PD shouldn't be mad at us for this actually. I think they're kinda suprised at how far we've gotten :P PD, if you're looking at this thread in grief that people have cracked the game, think of how much work we did just to make the game give us more fun. :P
Thanks Playguy :). Now I can confirm that my hybrid work in real console :). The MX5 feels weird because it use F1 tire :D.

I will try to make car that anyone requested later today:
- an FR Primera? silvia stat's can be done.

- Patent Benz Motor Wagen with F1 engine, maybe it's tire too :).
- 400-500hp Suzuki GSX-R/4
Lol!!! Cheers to you Big time Sucahyo!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
Yes I must say you are the best:cheers:.

The MX5 feels weird because it use F1 tire :D.

But the tire's where not out side of the body. Does that mean we could
put tire's off cars that would normaly be to big? Like in GT2? Because you
could not do that in GT3 because the tire's would be outside of the body.
So... It works? How easy is it currently (I guess nothing us humans can figure out easily)?
And, if you did a GSX-R/4 with 500HP... Could I send you my PAL savegame (*.max format) for a RWD, 800HP Peugeot 406 Coupe? Or a [same specs] Alfa Romeo 156? That'd be a personal dream of mine..

And I was just thinking about getting GT3, for the hybrids...
suca,i'm sorry,but i can't download it,it says that the server is not avaible.Could you host it somewhere else please?Yourfilehost.com is a good site.

If anyone can download it,please post.

EDIT:Nevermind,i have it now.I'll post pics after dinner
I'll check out both saves tomorrow, when I get back to the PS2.

Which makes me ask, why work on PSX2 and not on the PS2? And why does a simulator have different save-mechanism?
Nevermind that,we're back in action,it works!Well,the big one lol.I tried both but none worked,but i tried again,and i everything's running clean.

Pictures coming soon

EDIT:Nevermind,we got some problems.You know that problem that in garage you can't see cars because it says that data is corrupted?Well,that happens here.The only cars avaible are the motor carriage and the gsxr.I tried to run with the carriage,but it locked up.I'm gonna try again,but i dunno it will work.I think it is because of the wheels suca,could you do it with the ford t?It can be a stupid thought,but the motor carriage only has 3 wheels,and all other cars have 4.Since you transfered the wheels from a 4 wheel car,can the crash happen because of the difference of wheels?I thought about this because in GTA SA,you can't put car wheels in the bikes.It is a different game,but maybe the concept is valid in both games?

Anyway,there's still the data corrupt problem.I'm gonna try a couple of things(i had this problem before,i knew how to fix,but duno if it works here)

EDIT2:Just as i thought,the GSXR works just fine.Sorry for the consecutive updates but i'm playing it right now.I'm gonna try to select the other cars.

EDIT3:Nop,no luck on the R8 and primera.Dunno why.Remember suca when i told you that it also happened in the save you gave me with the 981 cars?Could it be because of the extraction?Well,one thing is for sure,the first and second car worked.

Here's the pics:
GSXR accelerating.This car is a beast.You would've won easily lol.It has that wheelie feeling,wicked cool.Be careful when turning tough...
Just a cute pic of the monster.
That is the failure screen of the small one
The real beast...it's a shame that i couldn't try it...
Specs of the GSXR
The crash screen of the benz
The corrupted screen in garage mode.
Yeah, happens sometimes with the MaxDrive...

I am so getting that save on my PS2. The first-ever GT4 Hybrids...
I wonder what'll happen if this is entered in an OLR Event (Last week, the Suzuki GSX-R/4 was run. Yours would've swept the field clean): I know they say 'no hybrids', but who would've guessed? :P
It's unbeliveable how much work you needed to do, to get this far.
I have great respect for you.
Need to get a max drive now :D

Gtrz HKS-V
Wow, it's about time! I still have my SharkPort...is it possible to either get the save for the sharkport or hybrid a sharkport save...or both?
Just go to ps2savetools.com and download savebuilder.It's the ultimate save converting tool.All those formats are there.

EDIT:I just would like to add,we better not get overhyped about all this.It's gonna take some time to be fully working.Suca's pretty far in his research,but there's still a long way to go.
this is a crazy break through. one thing i dont get. are you somehow playing gt through your computer? sorry im a noob at hybridding but i just dont get it. also, why do the cars come out WICKED choppy
Suca's using an emulator,you can access the menus and such,but you can't enter races.The images come out choppy because of the emulators graphics.
suca, ure amazing!!!

i'm trying to figure out how to get the save games on my memory card which u uploaded here.

oh and btw...anything new about a better working cockpit view then the old one u discovered?
respect to SUCA!!!