I don’t quite understand the outcry for a career mode, if only a small minority offered with GTS GT League & Arcade mode

  • Thread starter shenfrey
Shenfrey´s threads on ForzaPlanet.net:

  • Once Forza gets a used car dealership, it will be an 11/10 game.
  • Really happy about Forza´s above 500 car roster.
  • I love Forza´s carreer mode.
I get a real kick out of you finding that for me, I almost feel famous lol.

How old are those posts? Great nostalgia trip.
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I am already crying at being able to complete all the races in career mode. It is so light on content I wish I could erase the £200+ I spent on the game.

GT5 is the last time this game had a good career mode and I for one will not buy another GT unless the career mode has tons of races. I personally hate racing online.

I love racing, so much so that racing in the GT league, completing all the Arcade mode races and yes sport mode also, has all been just as fun for me as each other.

I look at GT7 and many people were crying for a career mode, but I don’t understand why if most people play sport mode and hardly anyone bothered with Arcade/GT League. The reason I say this is because other than receiving new cars for completing races, there really is no difference, and if you enjoy racing as much as I or as many of us do, the gift cares are irrelevant.

So I guess I just want to understand is why a single player career mode is so in demand when the people that want to play it, probably didn’t even bother with GT League or Arcade mode to begin with. What’s the big deal about a career mode that means those that didn‘t touch any of the single player content in GTS, will suddenly be all over it in GT7?

This isn’t meant as some kind of criticism or diatribe, I am just genuinely curious about the appeal of a career mode. My experience shows that as I said, other than gift cars, GT league is pretty much identical to past GT games. No car parts, I understand that, but surely that can’t be THE reason because the tuning in GTS is, I think, incredibly in depth.
I am already crying at being able to complete all the races in career mode. It is so light on content I wish I could erase the £200+ I spent on the game.

GT5 is the last time this game had a good career mode and I for one will not buy another GT unless the career mode has tons of races. I personally hate racing online.
GT5? Good? The one that forcefully separated A and B-Spec for no reason but padding the game?

And completing GT World Championship (by extension, whole Cafe) was what all it takes to get the credits rolling for GT, but it's never near to completing the whole game. Every single GT has been that way.
They don't. Completely the opposite.

84% of GTS players haven't done a single sport race. Not one. Only 7% have done more than 10 races.

Because we want a GOOD career mode. The tacked on GTS GT League was terrible because it had no progression, no prize cars, and most importantly, it had no actual races. You started every race at the back and passed mobile chicanes masquerading as AI.

Even being awful that mode had better participation than Sport mode with "only" 40% having not done one race compared to the over double for Sport mode.

Not everyone enjoys online gaming, for one. Secondly, it's what GT was built upon. It's what people know and want. They want to start from nothing, enter races, and gradually build up a car collection.

Like I said, we just want it to be much improved over GTS and past games. Some people probably do just want a copy of GT1-6 but I don't, personally.

Problem is the career in GT7 is stupid short and NO ENDURANCES RACES which I was greatly looking forward to…

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