Please explain to me how his right to live was rightfully taken away?
His death was a result of what can happen if an individual forces a police officer to shoot. The shooting is justified. Therefore, whatever happens to the suspect is also justified. His rights were observed at the beginning of the chase, but not when is actions became more deadly and aggressive. After that, he had no more rights, IMO.
How does what someone else did or that happened another time mean that this guy deserved to die?
What someone else did shows what could happen. In this case, death could happen.
No you shouldn't have to wait until someone innocent gets killed to end it, but you shouldn't end it by killing the suspect either.
He shot the guy to stop him. The death is the result of what could happen when one is shot, but it is not the intention. Though, I'm personally satisfied that happened in this case.
That cop was either too quick to pull the trigger or he was evil, sure he doesn't have long to make a choice, he has to use his judgment, but he made wrong choice, a cop who's making the wrong choice especially when life is involved is not doing his job. He did not do the right thing.
That's just matter of opinion, and not fact. One I don't agree with, so there 'ya go.
That's what Criminal Justice is about. You can't kill people because they might do something in the future. You must wait for the crime and then punish accordingly. Of course, had he been punished accordingly before, he'd not have done it again - but that's a matter for a different thread.
So, you wouldn't shoot a man who's hitting an axe to a nuclear weapon, provided this ridiculous example ever occurred and you couldn't stop him any other way at the moment? The nuclear weapon could go off or leak radioactive material that will kill you, but then, it just might not? Are you willing to risk it?
What if a drunk man tries to open the door of a jetliner you're on while you're at 35,000 feet? What if you try desperately to stop him with other passengers, but you couldn't stop him? Would you put him in a choke hold, or stab him with something to stop him knowing he could be killed from your actions? What if you subdue the person the best you can without the intent to due harm, yet you killed him by accident? Should you be charged with murder or a crime?
Criminal Justice is not just about punishment after something bad happens. It's also about prevention. In this case, a cop acted to prevent something bad from happening. That's good enough for me.