I love you 4chan

  • Thread starter Grayfox
Never heard of 4chan. Doesn't sound like I missed anything important. Are they the same people that created the "waterproof" app for the new iphone?
4chan is the pooper of the internet, don't ever go there, especially on /b/, you will be scared for life at some of the things you will see on there. However, it is pretty funny sometimes.
It's the arse of this part of the internet.

4chan is the pooper of this part of the internet, don't ever go there, especially on /b/, you will be scared for life at some of the things you will see on there. However, it is pretty funny sometimes.

4chan being what they are, it does not susprise me at all, I once actually proposed myself to be active there, I was for two weeks but I got bored/scared (especially the latter) and quit

I feel sorry for the people who tried this... I mean, brand new console and now it's gone for doing things you don't know what they are
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lnI feel sorry for the people who tried this.

Why feel sorry for idiots?

Microsoft said countless times there will be no backwards capability playback on the Xbox One, so instead of listening to it they listen to some random bit of info on a message board.

Now if someone hacked the main Xbox One website and posted this how to on there then it is a different story.
It would have been on a site you deem safe and since it is the site for the product you expect things on there to be true.
Why feel sorry for idiots?...

I agree with all you've had to say on this topic bar this line. I for one feel sorry for the kid in the OP who undoubtedly had his arse beat red for bricking his brother's brand new $600 console. Any adult, or even teenager who fell for it got what they deserved. They are old enough to know that you shouldn't assume information is correct just because one website said it was. They also know that the world contains people whose only job is to screw other people over for no productive reason.

The amount of kids who had to explain to their parents what had happened does make me feel bad for them. They weren't taught any better and probably got in a huge fight over something they dId entirely unawares. Then again a kid probably shouldn't be on 4chan or have access to a XBone, but thats another kettle of fish.

Are the consoles unbricked yet or is the damage permanent?
Parents need to watch there children on the internet.

They could be talking to a pedophile.
Then the parents complain that there are pedophiles on their internet luring children.

How many kids under 15 do you think play COD or BF because the parents brought the game for them to shut them up.
I think of 4chan not as the diarrhea of the internet but more like the uncooked, poor quality food that caused the diarrhea.

4chan is garbage.
I'll stick to GTP, it's better than the rest of the internet combined! :gtpflag:
I think of 4chan not as the diarrhea of the internet but more like the uncooked, poor quality food that caused the diarrhea.

4chan is garbage.

More like the rotten ingredient that messed up the food
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Serves the users right.
What did y'all expect from a bunch of "Hackers on steroids"?

Ah, 4chan /b/. How I love thee. It's been almost 5 years since I stopped visiting it (too addicting) but oh man. Crazy place for sure.

XBones dun' goofed.
What did y'all expect from a bunch of "Hackers on steroids"?

Ah, 4chan /b/. How I love thee. It's been almost 5 years since I stopped visiting it (too addicting) but oh man. Crazy place for sure.

XBones dun' goofed.
The consequences will never be the same....
I find it super hard to browse 4chan, it's so boring. Reddit ftw. Too many trolls on 4chan and nothing special these days.
:lol: Its scrolling down a page and clicking a button. The Reddit generation, ladies and gentlemen.