Ibo's Garage - TTRS3GTR

  • Thread starter Ibonibo
^That's really a nice one for sure.

Now lol-time for the S3.
As you can see the paint job was utterly rubbish. Now on the roofline I have started to notice rust bubbles under the paint, so now I am even more pushy to sort it out quickly.

As my dad is shopping for a new A6, we wanted to make a deal with the dealer. We buy the car from them and they repaint my car.
They said: we let fall the rest of the receipts but we don't repaint it.
Rofl. Duck off.

Now I was at the best paintjob of the region. They clapped their hand above their head. Never seen something like that.
Redoing the car properly will cost around 10000€ and the rust protection will be gone (galvanisation).

So the economical wise choice is: I buy a second S3 8L, transfer the upgraded parts to the new car, and either built up this one as a Ring Tool or sell it for an incredible low price.

This is my reaction to the whole story:

the dealer ****ed up with me long ago, but now they also pissed more then off my dad.

I will post more recent pics of the desastrous paint when the weather is a bit better
S3 News:

This weekend I will prepare the ultimate file for the court where we got an "accelerated court day" for next week.
I sue them now for over 25000€ (which i will not get granted, no matter what sum I ask, so better aim high and get of with the middle)
Rebuilding the S3 completly to cure the paintjob cost 15000€ alone.


Tune ups are all installed. Car is now sitting at the mapper to get dyno'ed and mapped next week.
then an other week for the TUV
And then homologation in Luxemburg starts.


Little updates:

S3 : handed over the file to my advocate, the sum stated above wasn't enough after I tweaked and played a bit with some jurisdiction and laws. It should go to court soon as soon as we get granted a date.

GTR: The mapper needed new coilpacks for it (FREE upgrade ;)) which should arrive end of this week and then it gets properly mapped.
I just hope the homologation goes fast enough.
So little updates:

S3 : still in processing, holidays don't help to get quick sentence (well quick,... it already runs for 4 years :S)

GTR : Now in the hellish cercle of luxemburgish homologation process

122P : Started to strip the car out, assemble all the spare parts I got with it.
and what a mess, half of the parts are missing, some parts need replacement because they are too damaged to be worth overhauling.

The way it looks now, I will not go the stock overhauling, because it cost as much or a bit less than the other options I got ( Fia homologated classic race car, custom race car).

The whole front interior covers are missing, the valve cover is missing which ****s up the engine. the bolts are already rusted in :(. Some bodywork needs to be done, but for now (with paint on it), the bodyshell looks decent enough to get that done quickly (during winter if money is present)

Pictures gonna come up soon as I advance in disassembling the car
^No I asked to not give me that info till I get the car, otherwise I will be even more on my fingernails. But with what's in it, it should put around 380-420hp on the blacktop

I seriously can't wait anymore. Luckly it's in the final stretch.

Only worked a bit today on the car,
Finished stripping the interior, now I need to get those damn bitume, tamarc plates off...:mad:
Then the cables out, need to figure out if it's a custom made or a rebuilt one.
Then the bodyshell is being stripped, fenders, bumpers, doors,... repaired and then off to the painter

Some pics





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That's my workplace's depot/stock

Here is the new garage:

Finished stripping the car till the dashboard, started the engine bay.
The roof is giving me headaches.
The idiot welded the holes close where the chrome trim comes :mad: :(
Need to reopen them.
The screws, bolds and nuts are randomely choosen by the guy who started to rebuilt it (badly) and some have no clear head anymore or are completly rusted.
I hate it when I am stuck 10 min on 1 screw

At least the bodyshell looks halfway decent. As of what I saw till now 3 places need new metal welded in (1 of it beeing the fuel opening in the back going to the right side).







Yes, baggy system :lol:


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So, had made a pause yesterday, because the wheel nub didn't wanted to come off and I got to pissed to continue (if I continue in that state, I force things and they generally brake).

That meant that I couldn't get the dashboard off neither the cables.

Today with some raw power and some grease I got it off and so could stip the rest.

Sadly I hadn't had a 17" key (only a nut) and so there are some senors still mounted. Other than that the car is now completly stripped - the roof, engine and axles.

Found a new hole in the passanger foot rest :(

Gonna update with some pics when I get less lazy
Forgot to update with the pics, sorry :lol:

Found an old article of Clarkson about the S3:

Old review but funny as only Clarkson can:

It's Mika Hakkinen in a Marks & Spencer suit; Motoring. (Features) Jeremy Clarkson.

I MET a food stylist the other day and wondered. How did that come about then? How do you start out in life wanting to be an astronaut or a film star, and end up with a Davey lamp on your head, using surgical tweezers to arrange sesame seeds on a bun?

And then I wondered some more. What a sham. It is this person who builds up my hopes in hamburger restaurants. I see a photograph of a bulging, steaming snack that bears no relationship whatsoever to the tired old cowpat I'm actually given. Apart perhaps from the steam.

And that brings me neatly to the Audi TT. When they first showed me a photograph of this Bauhaus barnstormer, I was positively moist with anticipation. But then I went for a drive and, within half an hour, found myself wearing that detached, middle-distance expression normally reserved for dinner parties when I find myself next to a man who services reservoirs.

The Audi TT looks like a sports car, but it isn't one. It's an automotive Ginger Spice, superficially lithe and speedy, but beneath the clothes all droopy and loose. Like a soggy walnut.

Interesting then that I've fallen madly in love with the new Audi S3, a car that shares the same turbocharged engine as the TT along with the same four-wheel-drive system and the same six-speed gearbox.

This is because the S3 doesn't try to look like a sports car. Apart from bigger wheels, wider arches and more crouching stance, it looks like a normal A3, which is an unpretentious hatchback. And because I wasn't expecting it to garnish the road with Tabasco sauce, I didn't really mind that the gearbox was vague and that the brake pedal acted like a switch.

And so what if it doesn't have electric responses when you turn the wheel. Audi, bless them, have never been able to make a car that handles properly but, for the thousands of doctors and solicitors who buy such things, it doesn't really matter.

If you want a sharp suit, go to Subaru and buy the Armani Impreza. If you want Boss badging buy a BMW, but if you just want something for work there's always good old Audi and Spencer.

But then I pressed the accelerator pedal and thought: whoa, hold on a minute. The S3 may not be up to much in the bends, but in a straight line it is positively explosive. Even in sixth gear at 70mph, it hurtles off toward the horizon like a rabbit.

I simply wasn't ready for such vivid performance from what is basically a 1.8 litre, three-door hatchback. And that's where the S3 really scores. By maintaining low expectations, you're constantly being delighted - by the epic night-time dashboard that glows like Los Angeles, by the blue tinted headlamp beam and, most of all, by the Recaro seats. Not since I drove an old Renault Fuego have I ever been quite so comfortable. In a car, that is.

It's also been a while since I felt so comfortable with a car. While it doesn't actually turn heads, it has real-world good looks. What I'm trying to say is that it isn't Brad Pitt or David Beckham; it's just a handsome bloke on the other side of the bar.

And that four-ringed badge comes with no unpleasant baggage. When I see an Audi coming up our drive, I'll rush to the door to see who it is. When I see a BMW, I close the shutters and pretend to be out.

You buy an Audi because you want a practical, well-made tool to convey you, and some passengers, sensibly and with the minimum of fuss from your agreeable house in the country to, let's say, Assaggi in Notting Hill. People with Bee Ems go to Quaglino's, so they can shout.

And finally we get to the price: £ 27,000. Which is a lot for what, as I said, is basically a hatchback. But it is not a lot for a car that does quite so much, quite so well.

For the same money, you could have a Mitsubishi Evo 6, but you'd arrive everywhere looking like Gary Rhodes. Or you could have the BMW 323 coupe. But you'd arrive everywhere late.

For the past year or so, I've been singing the praises of Alfa Romeo's GTV6, which is £28,000. In fact, I've come awfully close to telling strangers in traffic jams that they've bought the wrong car. "Oi, you. Why are you driving around in that p.o.s. when you could have had an Alfa? You are a moron and I hate you on a cellular level."

Well, now there is an excusable alternative. If you really, really need back seats and you absolutely must have a boot that can take more than one prawn, you may buy an Audi S3. It's the second-best car in this class, which is like being the second-best racing driver after Michael Schumacher.

There you are. The S3 is Mika Hakkinen. Cool. Detached. Handsome. And much, much faster than you'd think
Heh. Hadn't read that before. S3s are getting very cheap in the UK, but I think I'd still prefer a TT. Always liked the look of them, plenty of performance, and I expect that the majority of the time I probably wouldn't notice that it was a bit numb on the handling front. And TTs are also cheap over here now. If only I had more than £200 to my name :lol:
Yeah here too, mainly due to high milage.

The numb handling is fast and easily helped in VAG with transversal engines and 4*4 (aka Haldex systems)

haldex itself have an upgrade for the ECU and makes the car like the old quattros. Real permanent 4*4 (instead of the stupid: when i loose traction I become a 4*4, which makes the car very twitchy on the limit as it goes constantly from understeer to oversteer). I have it installed and was probably one of the best tuning done on the car.
Trying to ready my bro's Bmw 3.0 Csi (pic in post 69) for homologation and making him a budget for the restoration (needs some bodywork repair and respray)

My cars will probably be a bit on the slow end for parts purchases as I have found an old house (little farm) with a insane good deal on it and lots of places for my cars.
I moved the pics in photobucket to a album so I repost them here + new ones ; Behold the massive load:
















That should be all repost now new stuff


Hate it, and have at least a dozen to cut free before I can continue:

massive overuse of filler:



2013 Audi A6 3.0TDI Quattro 8 gear sport pack (8gears)

313 Din PS








Full LED headlights:





BMW 3.0 CSI '75:







Audi S3



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Well we waited 6-12 weeks for the TUV papers to homologate it in Luxemburg.

When we tried they didn't except them for a stupid reason, the car falls under Euro2, which is a norm, yet they want a individual exaust certificate.

It is against EU law, so I have 2 options: the importer (as in contract) gets the car registered, which means a new TUV paper (+-500€) or I go to a judge.
We took the certificate.
Seriously, our "state" mechanics working there are the complete morons, too dumb to work in the free economy, so they work for the state, get a good salary and don't do nothing all day long. Dumbasses.

So basicly I am waiting on papers to get the car registered. It takes as long as the car need to get "shipped" evrytime to Germany to a guy, who then passes the TUV,... so it all takes very long. In person that would go way more quickly,... at least it isn't as nerv wrecking (well it is kind of :()

But now for sure, I won't take reception of the car till I can drive it outside (no snow), feb.-march, as I got 3 months of warrenty and it would be sad to have the warrenty pass while in hibernation
Okay dudes and dudettes,

I need you help.

I am really gutted now to stay polite.
The garage which ****ed up my paintjob, which I sued, changed the owner, so now basiclly I'm screwed.
I could restart the whole process, but I simply can't take an other 4 years, throwing thousands at lawyers,... and the new owner is the biggest car dealer of the country and has deep pockets, I just can't take that anymore. The outcome would be unsure.
My dad had this info for weeks but didn't want me to moan over it for Xmas, so he told me today...
I am really sad :(

So, I ask you, what should I do??

I have a few possibilities at hand:

Buy a second S3 with an engine breakdown, and transplant all the stuff from mine into it?

Buy a second S3 , keep mine for spare parts (because obviously I won't be getting a lot for a ****ed up car)

Buy a second S3 and I redo the paintjob on mine myself, worse than it's now, it can't get. A blind painter could do a better job as what I have now :S Maybe simply plastidip it.

Sending my S3 to Poland, to do the paintjob at a fraction of the costs?

All the above without buying a second one?

Selling mine isn't really an option, having 170000km on the clock, a paintjob that looks like a dog would have done it, sells probably for 2000-3000€. My suspension alone cost 1500€, Haldex costed 800€ + all the other mods, it wouldn't be the economical choice :(

I really love my S3 or an S3, that's why the "buy a second S3", which is the same price as doing a paint job professionally, which will never be very good as the galvanisation of the car would be screwed...

I am quite clueless what to really do,...

Shoot all the options and ideas you have...

I don't seem to have a luck hand with car dealer :lol: :(
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Indeed.. Find the previous owner, or find a paint shop with good, no, EXCELLENT reputation and have them redo the paintjob. Probably cheapest option of them all.
You mean the previous owner of the garage? I know where, but that's not the point. Also that person is now probably 75 years old and is probably dead before I get a sentence. The previous owner of the car is no point too because the paintjob was done during my ownership (have it for 6 years)

A Judge would need to clarify now, who is responsible (morale person,...) and it's not worth anymore.
After 4 years and a few thousands Euro's, I won't restart from scratch suing people.
First I would need aa Judge to decide who is liable for this, cost lots of money and time, then I would need to sue the person the judge held liable. Again time and money.

If I restart sueing, I won't be finished in ten years and lost serveral thousands in lawyer costs.

I know the best body shop in my country, asked for the price but it will never be as good.
To be as new, I need to strip the whole car. Get the body shell to Germany, but the whole body shell in an acid bath and after in a Cu bath.
Total cost 15000-30000€. For that price I get and old S3 and a new one :lol:
In the US a factory like paint job is going to cost you 1k to 1500 US dollars.... My father does it for a living, I would shop around a bit, se if you can find a good shop at a fair price.
^Here a good paintjob with a normal colour is around 4-4500€ (we have a high minimum wage), but as the car has a lot of paint on it that is in a really bad shape, taking that off let's the cost climb to 8000€

Pic from 1st page:

It's way worse now and pretty much all over the car, from the hood to the boot. I will post some pics from the other PC later so people see what I am talking about
The new owner is known to be an ******* throughout the whole country, so a peaceful agreement is out. Our lawyer sent him a letter, we didn't even got a reply back... And our courts are really lame, taking forever, after 4 years, there was still nothing achieved:(

That's why I have mentionned getting the car to Poland. Around 2k for a paintjob there, a good one.

I find it "disturbing" that a court can't get a sentence out after 4 years with such obivious bad workmanship

1&3 Pic: Rust under the paint on a complete galvanized bodyshell, you need to **** up real bad to achieve that






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How hard is it to paint a car? Like... did zombies attack that thing?

I think a road trip to the land of Poles is a good idea.
You could try wrapping it yourself, could probably do it in a few days with the right supplies and I doubt the material would go over 1K
^Yeah been thinking about that or platidipping it myself.
Though before I would need to sand paper it really nice and as it's my daily, that's hard, but definitly roaming in my head.

Also if I do a lot of the pre work, the painting costs go down a lot (strip and sanding)
Did a test sanding, and boii, it's a work that will get me well over 100 hours to get that crap off the car...

Happy new year, guys