I think people are missing the point of this thread. This is about the one, and only one car you would drive until the day you die. That means you can't borrow a friend's pickup to move stuff, you can't rent a minivan for family vacations. This is the last car you see from the driver's seat. Your F40's, Veyrons, and Gumpert's are pretty worthless for living day to day with. Great dreams for a 14 year old, but not practical.
What's with public transport to help out with what a sports car leaves to be desired? Or a bicycle?!
I mean, seriously, most of us are probably not in their fourties (or even thirties) yet, so what should we answer? Another twenty years, and you might not even be able to fill up your car with fuel without taking out another mortgage.
So, if we were to answer this with that 'point' of the thread, which we are presumably missing, in mind, what car
would one have to chose? Is there even a car that will be likely to still be running in fourty years when we don't even know whether there will still be some sort of fuel to operate a petrol engine with?
Should I be naming the BMW Hydrogen 7 just so I can hope that there is some of the stuff it needs to move left when I'm an old geezer?
Really, the only thing that I could think of that would probably work with that in mind would be an all-electrical vehicle. What good is the most practical car if there's no petrol left to operate it?
So, yeah, if we're being realistic, nobody is going to buy a car now and keep driving it for the rest of their live. That might have been a question a guy in his fourties could have properly answered in the sixties or something, but nowadays, where everyone and their mother is starting to research alternative energy sources, even for cars, such a question just isn't realistic in the first place. So, if the question this threat raises isn't realistic in the first place, why should it be met with sensible answers?
Besides, if I had to decide whether I wanted to have some fun for the next decade and then be left with public transportation for the rest of my life or to get a Prius to putter around in for the next decade and a half, before it becomes unusable, too, I'd rather enjoy myself for what little time I have left.
Anyways, rant over