Nope to all.
As for inviting a relative over to do it, I doubt anyone would want to sit around forever watching and shooting replays when they could be making their
own replays. I especially like watching my autocrossing relative play GT6.
By the way, like a typical overworked gubmint employee who has trouble staying awake till bedtime, I just now (last night) noticed this big button at the bottom called "Upload a File." Unfortunately, even a single zipped replay folder is too big. Looks like I'll have to get these recorded somehow or other.
Now, as for this...
Maybe it's because lately I've been called blind, a liar... stuff like that, simply because I admit that the sounds don't bother me, some I think are good, that I like racing with the bots, that I dare to actually LIKE the Standards. Maybe you would get a little testy with me if I kept hounding you by throwing mocking darts at your posts.
GT6 isn't Postal or Grand Theft Auto, games which glorify criminal violence and gang activity in the worst way. GT6 isn't Obama, which is about as indefensible as you can get.
"Indefensible" is a game which is clearly the worst thing on a disc these days which has been abandoned by their creators, which this game is neither. People don't like the updates we're getting, so they claim Kaz and PD "abandoned them and GT6." This is getting as lame as "all the cars sound like Hoovers." Apparently, any lie is okay around here as long as it's negative towards GT6, Kaz and PD.
Now, there are indications that something might be up, but it's still circumstantial. However if E3 rolls around with a big announcement about Prologue and GT6 is discussed here and there as the PS3's last GT hurrah, then I expect the lava will begin to flood this place, and I expect I'll be wearing my napalm gear around here, ignoring more than a few people to keep tabs on what's going on with GT7 and Prologue. I've discussed this possibility, and even then, I've been called the ruin of Gran Turismo by one or two people for actually looking forward to another Prologue. Excuse me, but the poo factor around here is getting pretty bad, though it's not from me.
Then they need to quit posting as if they are. In case you haven't notice, I don't rip into everyone as if they called me a liar. I respond to every post differently.
You'll have to show me something specific. Maybe you're confusing me with some poster or other

who adds lots of mocking

to his posts to emphasize

his disdain for

what I have to say.

Just a thought.
As for "opening my mind up to alternate universes of thought" or whatever, you clearly are just focusing on my posts that displease you the most. I've thrown likes around rather liberally, even to posts which are pretty critical of PD and their handling of this situation. Lawndart has been a pretty harsh critic, but a good one, an even handed one, though I don't agree with every molotiov he lights. I still like a lot of them. Research, Earth... quite a few people I don't always see eye to eye on, I've liked their posts. Even Samus and his posse have received Likes from me when I think they've written a good post.
So, sorry, but I think you're trying to tree the wrong squirrel here.
And sorry this was a while in coming, but I've been really sick this week, complicated with that lingering back sprain. My bro had to poke me about a message I left dangling for a day to him.