I'm thinking about standard cars in GT7

  • Thread starter Illogical
^ Oh heck no. I'll repost something from the other Standard thread in a sec.

So anyway, about those replays. Well, after two DAYS of watching them and picking a few - 27! - of the better ones, I finally poked around for a "free" file hosting service. One which was highly recommended was something like File Dripper or whatever. At first I was dismayed to find that GT replays are saved as folders, and it wouldn't let me upload folders. But my brain happened to recall a little doohickie known as WinZip, which reduced it a whole 15MB or so. And then after five upload attempts, it won't "authenticate." Unlike the slogan on the webhost, it just doesn't work. So there goes uploading, sorry.
I won't argue if this is a pitiful response or not.

I will assume you realized that your replays are in cars woefully undermatched to the point where everone will laugh if you post it as "proof you can have good races".

Maybe our definition of "good" isn't the same, yours and mine.
error is in the volkswagen golf not in this car, this car is simply copy pasted from FM4 with opening doors and bonnet added

The point is though whether they fit into the game or not. Maybe it is copied and maybe Dan lied, doesn't change the fact it does look good enough for Xbox One. It has the quality. The same cannot be said for PS2 standard cars.
But Forza did it too drastically. A bunch of popular cars were taken out and are now expensive DLCs. A majority of the tracks were also taken out.

It's the exact same that happened with GT4 to GT5Prologue and in part in GT5. For perspective's sake:
- GT5P was released 3 years after GT4. It went from 721 cars to 37 at the beginning (yep) then to 76 in the last update ('spec').
- GT5 was released 6 years after GT4. It did include GT4 content but not everything. Cars from GT4 weren't updated.
- Forza5 -the game that chopped content- was released 2 years after Forza4. Forza5 at release date had about 200 cars in comparison to Forza4's 500.
- All that means that if you do a comparison of what can be compared, which is GT5P against Forza5, it's crystal clear that in the GT series the move was way, way more drastic, with 721 to 37 against 500 to 200, nonetheless nowhere near as criticized as forza's. After that it was reverted in the next game that was released 3 years after, which in this case would be Forza6 in 2016 and which most likely will not copy content from Forza4 like GT5 did.

With that said, that move has to be done at some point and it has to be done drastically. Furthermore in the GT series it will be more drastic, as the difference between standard assets and premiums is bigger than what it was in the forza series, quality and quantity wise.

Since there's pretty much a consensus on the issue of standard cars in GT7, which just like in Forza5 it will necessarily mean removing more than half the cars of the game, I'd like to read more opinions and a poll about standard tracks. Standard tracks are those that weren't made for GT5, GT6 or GT7; those made for GT4 and previous games of which some are the exact same (laguna seca) and some that were updated just a bit though their age really shows anyway (motegi).

As a somewhat offtopic, actually this obsolescence issue will continue to happen at least once more with tracks, because none of them was laser scanned, or is near perfection or is as well made as tracks from other current games/sims. There's only one potential exception which is Bathurst, but even Silverstone (GT6 track) will have to be re-made at some point in order for the game to keep up with the times.
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So, you gave up that easily?

Strange. Your passion about GT and your commitment to prove everybody here wrong doesn't go any further than a first attempt.
Five. Four more than first, and that took about 45 minutes. I think you might give up to at that point. ;)

I won't argue if this is a pitiful response or not.

I will assume you realized that your replays are in cars woefully undermatched to the point where everone will laugh if you post it as "proof you can have good races".

Maybe our definition of "good" isn't the same, yours and mine.
Maybe you have memory issues, but that's precisely what I've said a number of times. There's an entire thread here about how a number of us have used this to have actual fun races with the bots. Note: your emotional reaction to this has no effect on how much I enjoy my races, and watching replays of them. Sorry, but that's just a part of being an individual human in this world. Besides, this is also a response to Samus and others insisting that you can't lose to the bots.

Now, I'm afraid I have to disappoint JohnnyP, because in order to attach media, it has to reside on the nets somewhere, and as I posted, I cannot. Fetchbot will only accept single lap replays, not races. And sorry guys, I'm just not in the mood to sign up for a number of hosting services hoping one will work, especially when very few of them are "free." Might try that capture card thingamajig...
Five. Four more than first, and that took about 45 minutes. I think you might give up to at that point. ;)

Maybe you have memory issues, but that's precisely what I've said a number of times. There's an entire thread here about how a number of us have used this to have actual fun races with the bots. Note: your emotional reaction to this has no effect on how much I enjoy my races, and watching replays of them. Sorry, but that's just a part of being an individual human in this world. Besides, this is also a response to Samus and others insisting that you can't lose to the bots.

Now, I'm afraid I have to disappoint JohnnyP, because in order to attach media, it has to reside on the nets somewhere, and as I posted, I cannot. Fetchbot will only accept single lap replays, not races. And sorry guys, I'm just not in the mood to sign up for a number of hosting services hoping one will work, especially when very few of them are "free." Might try that capture card thingamajig...


Totally free, 50GB. Away you go.

PS, Nobody has ever said that you can't lose any race. As I've said at least three times there is of course a limit.
Five. Four more than first, and that took about 45 minutes. I think you might give up to at that point. ;)

Maybe you have memory issues, but that's precisely what I've said a number of times. There's an entire thread here about how a number of us have used this to have actual fun races with the bots. Note: your emotional reaction to this has no effect on how much I enjoy my races, and watching replays of them. Sorry, but that's just a part of being an individual human in this world. Besides, this is also a response to Samus and others insisting that you can't lose to the bots.

Now, I'm afraid I have to disappoint JohnnyP, because in order to attach media, it has to reside on the nets somewhere, and as I posted, I cannot. Fetchbot will only accept single lap replays, not races. And sorry guys, I'm just not in the mood to sign up for a number of hosting services hoping one will work, especially when very few of them are "free." Might try that capture card thingamajig...
Dude, nobody ever said it was impossible to lose, meaning with any mismatch you can work up, that's just friggin stupid.

And seriously posting that you "can't" upload a anything?
What do you think we're all stupid? :lol:
It's been said before in this very thread; this isn't an FM vs GT thread, and those that insist on taking it off-topic instead of to the existing threads for that topic will just get some time off if it continues, as the staff is increasingly tired of being ignored.

27 posts deleted. Let's return to the topic at hand.
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It's been said before in this very thread; this isn't an FM vs GT thread, and those that insist on taking it off-topic instead of to the existing threads for that topic will just get some time off if it continues, as the staff is increasingly tired of being ignored.

27 posts deleted. Let's return to the topic at hand.

You could also get a friend or relative to record a race with his/her phone and upload it right to Youtube from there @Tenacious D. Easy as pie, millions of people do it every single day. If you want to, you'll find a way.
I was admittedly very impressed by the GT6 trailers and was really excited about getting my hands on the anniversary edition over Christmas. Kaz seemed to promise a lot of things that are supposedly going to appear in updates and DLC. Having not played GT6 since early Feb I noticed there has been no sign of DLC nothing new and I am already finding the game boring with the exclusion of endurance events, B-spec, course maker etc. I would have thought that with the exclusion of B-spec we would have recieved a much greater range of events available in A-spec it actually feels as if there is less A-spec content in GT6 than there was in GT5, the game just feels so incomplete whereas I felt GT5 had really evolved over its life time and I expect that of GT6 to but so far nothing has really happened and PD have gone really quiet after GT6s release.

I can only assume and I am hoping that the reason why is because the majority of PDs man power is currently going into the development of GT7. Now as much as I would like to see content updates and DLC for the lackluster GT6 I would rather PD put a lot more focus on getting GT7 right the first time round so they don't have to go mopping up the mess they made like with GT5.

As far as standard cars go I don't care if it means we only get 500 - 600 cars as long as I never have to witness one of those ugly pixelated mutants along side a beautiful full res 1080p model ever again I will be happy. I think a severe cut down on Japanese standard duplicates is needed although I really don't see the difficulty in slightly modifying the current premium r34 GTR model to create some of the variants similarly the mx5s / miatas / eunos roadsters whatever silvias, evos, 350zzzszsz, s2000s.. There must easily be 100+ cars that are just different variants of what is already a premium car.

Also I think PD need to look through that list of GT4 cars and shortlist maybe 100 - 150 (However many they can make) popular and iconic cars which they can focus on bringing up to full res PS4 ready models. I think a team working on the modelling of new cars to the game and another team focusing on the full premiumizing of GT4 cars that deserve a place in the GT series would make sense. Hell if PD really wanted to listen to the fans they could make a poll where everyone could vote for 3 cars which they would like to see fully premiumized in GT7. Of course some cars will be missed but I think it's for the good of the series NO MORE STANDARD CARS. PD need to stop boasting 1000+ cars and start thinking about the quality of their product.
^ Oh heck no. I'll repost something from the other Standard thread in a sec.

So anyway, about those replays. Well, after two DAYS of watching them and picking a few - 27! - of the better ones, I finally poked around for a "free" file hosting service. One which was highly recommended was something like File Dripper or whatever. At first I was dismayed to find that GT replays are saved as folders, and it wouldn't let me upload folders. But my brain happened to recall a little doohickie known as WinZip, which reduced it a whole 15MB or so. And then after five upload attempts, it won't "authenticate." Unlike the slogan on the webhost, it just doesn't work. So there goes uploading, sorry.

So do you not have one of the following you can use or borrow?

A digital camera (with video mode)
A camcorder
A digital camcorder
A PC with a web camera on it
A cinecam (longer process!)

Then upload the video to youtube.

Plus all the ways described by helpful members previously.

With regard to your lumping everyone together who has a negative opinion about GT6, it's, in my opinion, not about the game but more often than not about the way you argue. How come some other people can defend the game reasonably without getting quite the reaction you get. I have a problem with some of what PD have done with GT but I love some aspects of it. Yet I rarely find myself agreeing with what you post. Is it because you love/insist on defending the indefensible?

You should also try to understand that just because someone disagrees with you it doesn't always mean they are on the complete opposite side of the fence to you. Most people have differing opinions about much to do with GT. Yours is only one opinion. Many posters on this forum are disgruntled about some part of the game. That doesn't mean they hate everything about the game. The amount who disagree with you in particular tend to post a lot (offering a different opinion to you) because you post a lot of your long, frequent, sometimes rather odd opinions. So often you seem to think people completely dislike the game when actually they quite reasonably disagree with what you have posted.

If I were in your position (which admittedly I'm not) I would read more, open yourself to others opinions and post a bit less of the reactionary defensive stuff.
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I expect the "standards" to be GT5/6 cars that will stick out like sore thumbs next to the very small amount of just for GT7 cars.

Yamauchi's one modeler per car for a team that only has 50 car modelers will likely bite them in the rear when it comes time for the games release.

I also expect an out of date car line up with maybe one or two current cars by the time GT7 proper arrives. I really wish they would accept outside assistance, at least with the car lineup and models themselves.
I expect the "standards" to be GT5/6 cars that will stick out like sore thumbs next to the very small amount of just for GT7 cars.

Yamauchi's one modeler per car for a team that only has 50 car modelers will likely bite them in the rear when it comes time for the games release.

I also expect an out of date car line up with maybe one or two current cars by the time GT7 proper arrives. I really wish they would accept outside assistance, at least with the car lineup and models themselves.
Current premiums are so detailed that they wouldn't really stand out to a model that has 100x more polygons. (It's called diminishing returns, this is a good example: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/img618/8439/yfyxx.jpg)
So do you not have one of the following you can use or borrow?

A digital camera (with video mode)
A camcorder
A digital camcorder
A PC with a web camera on it
A cinecam (longer process!)

Then upload the video to youtube.

Plus all the ways described by helpful members previously.

With regard to your lumping everyone together who has a negative opinion about GT6, it's, in my opinion, not about the game but more often than not about the way you argue. How come some other people can defend the game reasonably without getting quite the reaction you get. I have a problem with some of what PD have done with GT but I love some aspects of it. Yet I rarely find myself agreeing with what you post. Is it because you love/insist on defending the indefensible?

You should also try to understand that just because someone disagrees with you it doesn't always mean they are on the complete opposite side of the fence to you. Most people have differing opinions about much to do with GT. Yours is only one opinion. Many posters on this forum are disgruntled about some part of the game. That doesn't mean they hate everything about the game. The amount who disagree with you in particular tend to post a lot (offering a different opinion to you) because you post a lot of your long, frequent, sometimes rather odd opinions. So often you seem to think people completely dislike the game when actually they quite reasonably disagree with what you have posted.

If I were in your position (which admittedly I'm not) I would read more, open yourself to others opinions and post a bit less of the reactionary defensive stuff.
Come on, give him a break. He doesn't even own a cellphone!
Current premiums are so detailed that they wouldn't really stand out to a model that has 100x more polygons. (It's called diminishing returns, this is a good example: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/img618/8439/yfyxx.jpg)

The difference between "detailed" cars from Forza 4 that have been shove into Forza 5 and cars built from the ground up in Forza 5 is very apparent.

The same will occur in GT7. The new cars in GT7 will likely be on par with or better than the cars in #Driveclub. The best model in GT5/6 looks noticeably worse.
The difference between "detailed" cars from Forza 4 that have been shove into Forza 5 and cars built from the ground up in Forza 5 is very apparent.

The same will occur in GT7. The new cars in GT7 will likely be on par with or better than the cars in #Driveclub. The best model in GT5/6 looks noticeably worse.
But the difference will be significantly smaller than the current difference between standards and premiums. And keep in mind that the current premiums were made with PS4 in mind.
So do you not have one of the following you can use or borrow?

A digital camera (with video mode)
A camcorder
A digital camcorder
A PC with a web camera on it
A cinecam (longer process!)
Nope to all. ;)

As for inviting a relative over to do it, I doubt anyone would want to sit around forever watching and shooting replays when they could be making their own replays. I especially like watching my autocrossing relative play GT6.

By the way, like a typical overworked gubmint employee who has trouble staying awake till bedtime, I just now (last night) noticed this big button at the bottom called "Upload a File." Unfortunately, even a single zipped replay folder is too big. Looks like I'll have to get these recorded somehow or other.

Now, as for this...
With regard to your lumping everyone together who has a negative opinion about GT6, it's, in my opinion, not about the game but more often than not about the way you argue. How come some other people can defend the game reasonably without getting quite the reaction you get.
Maybe it's because lately I've been called blind, a liar... stuff like that, simply because I admit that the sounds don't bother me, some I think are good, that I like racing with the bots, that I dare to actually LIKE the Standards. Maybe you would get a little testy with me if I kept hounding you by throwing mocking darts at your posts.

I have a problem with some of what PD have done with GT but I love some aspects of it. Yet I rarely find myself agreeing with what you post. Is it because you love/insist on defending the indefensible?
GT6 isn't Postal or Grand Theft Auto, games which glorify criminal violence and gang activity in the worst way. GT6 isn't Obama, which is about as indefensible as you can get.

"Indefensible" is a game which is clearly the worst thing on a disc these days which has been abandoned by their creators, which this game is neither. People don't like the updates we're getting, so they claim Kaz and PD "abandoned them and GT6." This is getting as lame as "all the cars sound like Hoovers." Apparently, any lie is okay around here as long as it's negative towards GT6, Kaz and PD.

Now, there are indications that something might be up, but it's still circumstantial. However if E3 rolls around with a big announcement about Prologue and GT6 is discussed here and there as the PS3's last GT hurrah, then I expect the lava will begin to flood this place, and I expect I'll be wearing my napalm gear around here, ignoring more than a few people to keep tabs on what's going on with GT7 and Prologue. I've discussed this possibility, and even then, I've been called the ruin of Gran Turismo by one or two people for actually looking forward to another Prologue. Excuse me, but the poo factor around here is getting pretty bad, though it's not from me.

You should also try to understand that just because someone disagrees with you it doesn't always mean they are on the complete opposite side of the fence to you.
Then they need to quit posting as if they are. In case you haven't notice, I don't rip into everyone as if they called me a liar. I respond to every post differently.

So often you seem to think people completely dislike the game when actually they quite reasonably disagree with what you have posted.
You'll have to show me something specific. Maybe you're confusing me with some poster or other :lol::lol: who adds lots of mocking :lol::lol::lol: to his posts to emphasize :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: his disdain for :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: what I have to say. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Just a thought. ;)

As for "opening my mind up to alternate universes of thought" or whatever, you clearly are just focusing on my posts that displease you the most. I've thrown likes around rather liberally, even to posts which are pretty critical of PD and their handling of this situation. Lawndart has been a pretty harsh critic, but a good one, an even handed one, though I don't agree with every molotiov he lights. I still like a lot of them. Research, Earth... quite a few people I don't always see eye to eye on, I've liked their posts. Even Samus and his posse have received Likes from me when I think they've written a good post.

So, sorry, but I think you're trying to tree the wrong squirrel here.

And sorry this was a while in coming, but I've been really sick this week, complicated with that lingering back sprain. My bro had to poke me about a message I left dangling for a day to him.
Nope to all. ;)

As for inviting a relative over to do it, I doubt anyone would want to sit around forever watching and shooting replays when they could be making their own replays. I especially like watching my autocrossing relative play GT6.

By the way, like a typical overworked gubmint employee who has trouble staying awake till bedtime, I just now (last night) noticed this big button at the bottom called "Upload a File." Unfortunately, even a single zipped replay folder is too big. Looks like I'll have to get these recorded somehow or other.

Now, as for this...

Maybe it's because lately I've been called blind, a liar... stuff like that, simply because I admit that the sounds don't bother me, some I think are good, that I like racing with the bots, that I dare to actually LIKE the Standards. Maybe you would get a little testy with me if I kept hounding you by throwing mocking darts at your posts.

GT6 isn't Postal or Grand Theft Auto, games which glorify criminal violence and gang activity in the worst way. GT6 isn't Obama, which is about as indefensible as you can get.

"Indefensible" is a game which is clearly the worst thing on a disc these days which has been abandoned by their creators, which this game is neither. People don't like the updates we're getting, so they claim Kaz and PD "abandoned them and GT6." This is getting as lame as "all the cars sound like Hoovers." Apparently, any lie is okay around here as long as it's negative towards GT6, Kaz and PD.

Now, there are indications that something might be up, but it's still circumstantial. However if E3 rolls around with a big announcement about Prologue and GT6 is discussed here and there as the PS3's last GT hurrah, then I expect the lava will begin to flood this place, and I expect I'll be wearing my napalm gear around here, ignoring more than a few people to keep tabs on what's going on with GT7 and Prologue. I've discussed this possibility, and even then, I've been called the ruin of Gran Turismo by one or two people for actually looking forward to another Prologue. Excuse me, but the poo factor around here is getting pretty bad, though it's not from me.

Then they need to quit posting as if they are. In case you haven't notice, I don't rip into everyone as if they called me a liar. I respond to every post differently.

You'll have to show me something specific. Maybe you're confusing me with some poster or other :lol::lol: who adds lots of mocking :lol::lol::lol: to his posts to emphasize :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: his disdain for :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: what I have to say. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Just a thought. ;)

As for "opening my mind up to alternate universes of thought" or whatever, you clearly are just focusing on my posts that displease you the most. I've thrown likes around rather liberally, even to posts which are pretty critical of PD and their handling of this situation. Lawndart has been a pretty harsh critic, but a good one, an even handed one, though I don't agree with every molotiov he lights. I still like a lot of them. Research, Earth... quite a few people I don't always see eye to eye on, I've liked their posts. Even Samus and his posse have received Likes from me when I think they've written a good post.

So, sorry, but I think you're trying to tree the wrong squirrel here.

And sorry this was a while in coming, but I've been really sick this week, complicated with that lingering back sprain. My bro had to poke me about a message I left dangling for a day to him.

It's good to know that chivalry is still alive.

Ultimately I think some people are good listeners and some are good talkers.
He's neither, let's just put that clarification out there, don't want to give him too much rope.

LOL. I was trying to be a little more gentle/polite than that though.

And Tenacious I wasn't saying you don't sometimes have valid points. There are sometimes better ways of getting them over without adding to the "noise".
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GT7 is gonna be same ******** as GT6 :-) because PD just can't do it better... and I promise you it will be full of standart cars :D
Nope to all. ;)

As for inviting a relative over to do it, I doubt anyone would want to sit around forever watching and shooting replays when they could be making their own replays. I especially like watching my autocrossing relative play GT6.

By the way, like a typical overworked gubmint employee who has trouble staying awake till bedtime, I just now (last night) noticed this big button at the bottom called "Upload a File." Unfortunately, even a single zipped replay folder is too big. Looks like I'll have to get these recorded somehow or other.

Now, as for this...

Maybe it's because lately I've been called blind, a liar... stuff like that, simply because I admit that the sounds don't bother me, some I think are good, that I like racing with the bots, that I dare to actually LIKE the Standards. Maybe you would get a little testy with me if I kept hounding you by throwing mocking darts at your posts.

GT6 isn't Postal or Grand Theft Auto, games which glorify criminal violence and gang activity in the worst way. GT6 isn't Obama, which is about as indefensible as you can get.

"Indefensible" is a game which is clearly the worst thing on a disc these days which has been abandoned by their creators, which this game is neither. People don't like the updates we're getting, so they claim Kaz and PD "abandoned them and GT6." This is getting as lame as "all the cars sound like Hoovers." Apparently, any lie is okay around here as long as it's negative towards GT6, Kaz and PD.

Now, there are indications that something might be up, but it's still circumstantial. However if E3 rolls around with a big announcement about Prologue and GT6 is discussed here and there as the PS3's last GT hurrah, then I expect the lava will begin to flood this place, and I expect I'll be wearing my napalm gear around here, ignoring more than a few people to keep tabs on what's going on with GT7 and Prologue. I've discussed this possibility, and even then, I've been called the ruin of Gran Turismo by one or two people for actually looking forward to another Prologue. Excuse me, but the poo factor around here is getting pretty bad, though it's not from me.

Then they need to quit posting as if they are. In case you haven't notice, I don't rip into everyone as if they called me a liar. I respond to every post differently.

You'll have to show me something specific. Maybe you're confusing me with some poster or other :lol::lol: who adds lots of mocking :lol::lol::lol: to his posts to emphasize :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: his disdain for :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: what I have to say. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Just a thought. ;)

As for "opening my mind up to alternate universes of thought" or whatever, you clearly are just focusing on my posts that displease you the most. I've thrown likes around rather liberally, even to posts which are pretty critical of PD and their handling of this situation. Lawndart has been a pretty harsh critic, but a good one, an even handed one, though I don't agree with every molotiov he lights. I still like a lot of them. Research, Earth... quite a few people I don't always see eye to eye on, I've liked their posts. Even Samus and his posse have received Likes from me when I think they've written a good post.

So, sorry, but I think you're trying to tree the wrong squirrel here.

And sorry this was a while in coming, but I've been really sick this week, complicated with that lingering back sprain. My bro had to poke me about a message I left dangling for a day to him.
It's because you just seem to happen to "like" all of the things the general population consider "the worst". As long as you are really enjoying what most people consider the bottom of the barrel, they're going to respond this way.
Well standard ...um simplified cars I have no problem with providing they keep working on them . Ie small changes first like working wipers flashing lights and the actual interior darkened until they perfect them.
It's because you just seem to happen to "like" all of the things the general population consider "the worst". As long as you are really enjoying what most people consider the bottom of the barrel, they're going to respond this way.
I think you guys have selective memories, that recall whatever suits your arguments against me.

Go back in my posting history and Read. My. Posts. NOT read into them what you want. Let me say what I mean to. There can be a huge diff between saying I can have a lot of fun with the bots, and saying the bots are PAAARRRFECT.

There is quite a distinction between saying I like having those Standard cars to race and enjoy, and yes even shoot pics of, and saying that the Standard cars are PAAARRRFECT.

There's a good deal of nuance between saying that I'm not too fussed about the car sounds, especially when many of the street cars sound about right as do many race cars, and saying all the cars sound PAAARRRFECT.

And you guys are really hung up on this. I waste a LOT of time here re-explaining posts, clarifying, saying what I actually did say...

But what the hell. It's not politically correct to defend Gran Turismo or Polyphony or Kaz. What was it you said, Mr Beard, "lumping everyone together"? Naaaaw, you guys would never do that. ;)