I'm thinking about standard cars in GT7

  • Thread starter Illogical
I think that he doesn't have a capture card.

So, may I suggest export the files and upload them in a Dropbox folder?

Any phone from the last several years can record video right off the screen as well. We don't need HD video for this. Upload to any PC, trim it in Windows Movie Maker which every PC has in the last 10 years and there you go.
Sharing a GT replay from a phone camera is easy as friggin pie. If I can do it (and easily, mind you) anyone that has a friend with a friend with a phone can.
I'd honestly like to keep the standard cars that got a makeover like the RUFs and Zondas. The ones that weren't ever touched up should stay out, though, in my honest opinion.
I seriously have to thank you guys for encouraging me to go back and watch those replays. I had almost as much fun watching them as racing, because they are pretty darn cool.

Now... uhm... I'm a luddite in a sense because I don't have a cellphone. Never did care for them. :P Part of the joy of getting out of the house is getting away from the phone. And the iPod I bought to program my synth is a first gen without a camera. So I'm debating a capture card vs having the relative come over sometime with a camera, or even uploading the files somewhere.

Just to bring the subject back to the OT, there are quite a few Standard cars involved, some I drove to my delightful... not first place finish. :lol:

I sprained my back and the parakeet ate my homework - one of those is true - so I'll be just a bit slow in delivering this. Don't really want to reduce the full Nurburgring race to a highlight reel, but we'll see.
Zondas weren't touched up.
PD should concetrate less on making money, and more on making GAMES. If this happens, then i'm sure we will not see any Standards, missing tracks, features etc.
They weren't? Man I have a terrible memory. :lol:
I'm sure you know what I meant.
Zondas weren't touched up.
PD should concetrate less on making money, and more on making GAMES.

With a quality game comes the money. Maybe PD will realize this and we can stop getting "news" about GT sponsored programs and something about the actual games (especially the features promised by PD to begin with).
I think that PD should also throw out standard track from GT7 (trial mountain, deep forest, grand valley, laguna seca) if they can't redone them on time for GT7. All track should be same quality like Suzuka, Fuji, Madrid, High speed ring etc... Simple quality over quantity.
^ Oh heck no. I'll repost something from the other Standard thread in a sec.

So anyway, about those replays. Well, after two DAYS of watching them and picking a few - 27! - of the better ones, I finally poked around for a "free" file hosting service. One which was highly recommended was something like File Dripper or whatever. At first I was dismayed to find that GT replays are saved as folders, and it wouldn't let me upload folders. But my brain happened to recall a little doohickie known as WinZip, which reduced it a whole 15MB or so. And then after five upload attempts, it won't "authenticate." Unlike the slogan on the webhost, it just doesn't work. So there goes uploading, sorry.
I think that PD should also throw out standard track from GT7 (trial mountain, deep forest, grand valley, laguna seca) if they can't redone them on time for GT7. All track should be same quality like Suzuka, Fuji, Madrid, High speed ring etc... Simple quality over quantity.
^ Oh heck no. I'll repost something from the other Standard thread in a sec.

So anyway, about those replays. Well, after two DAYS of watching them and picking a few - 27! - of the better ones, I finally poked around for a "free" file hosting service. One which was highly recommended was something like File Dripper or whatever. At first I was dismayed to find that GT replays are saved as folders, and it wouldn't let me upload folders. But my brain happened to recall a little doohickie known as WinZip, which reduced it a whole 15MB or so. And then after five upload attempts, it won't "authenticate." Unlike the slogan on the webhost, it just doesn't work. So there goes uploading, sorry.

So, you gave up that easily?

Strange. Your passion about GT and your commitment to prove everybody here wrong doesn't go any further than a first attempt.
So, you gave up that easily?

Strange. Your passion about GT and your commitment to prove everybody here wrong doesn't go any further than a first attempt.
Did you seriously expect any different? Can't one simply follow the GTP Registry Qualifier Replay Submission method like below and then simply drop the files into a post?​
Oh lord. PS2 quality courses?... On PS4?

Heck no, those tracks need to be scrapped and redone from scratch again. It shocks me that anyone would them the way they are. Why?
No, because they went with quality over quantity. Something PD also used to do, and hopefully will return to with the PS4.
But Forza did it too drastically. A bunch of popular cars were taken out and are now expensive DLCs. A majority of the tracks were also taken out.
But Forza did it too drastically. A bunch of popular cars were taken out and are now expensive DLCs. A majority of the tracks were also taken out.

Having not played the game I couldn't comment on that, all I'm saying is in general they took the logical approach to next generation game design, even if they took it too far/ripped people off doing it.
But Forza did it too drastically. A bunch of popular cars were taken out and are now expensive DLCs. A majority of the tracks were also taken out.

But they are adding tracks in from FM4 as reworked versions for free. To me they're not that reworked, just have grass on them but hey, I don't like the way Forza looks (opinion) but they are adding tracks like Road America and Long Beach for nothing in updates. But they are charging for the reworked cars which were in Forza 4 though. Which, is pretty much what GT6 is doing anyway (bar the paid car content) so I can only hope GT7 would do the same. I wouldn't care if they only put in 50 tracks instead of 100 and then released reworked, up to date and more importantly for me new tracks slowly over the space of 2 years. I have made my points before in this thread about cars and I do not want to repeat the same words but PD and Turn 10 aren't that dissimilar when it comes down to it.
error is in the volkswagen golf not in this car, this car is simply copy pasted from FM4 with opening doors and bonnet added
Proof it. You can PM me if you want, because this is the wrong thread.
But Forza did it too drastically. A bunch of popular cars were taken out and are now expensive DLCs. A majority of the tracks were also taken out.
That is a problem every developer will encounter. Even PD with the standard cars. They could use them in GT7 on PS4 and some people would like it, but on PS5 it would be a standard car, premium car and those PS5 cars situation which is in my opinion unacceptable.