Imam given death threat for Darwinist views

  • Thread starter blaaah


I was getting drawn into religious debate while reading this article, but then I realised how it should be presented in the news and how I should read it.
Instead of all these unnecessary details and opinions of religion and practices, all that needed to be said was:
Criminals threaten and incite others to kill a man.
The police say they will be hunted down and they will face x amount of years in prison when caught. They ask the public for any information about these criminals...

No mention of religion is needed or who was involved or why. Just catch people who make harmful comments or actions and take them to court, they can lose their freedom.
Bunch of crazy whackjobs...These guys aren't anywhere near the average Christians, so I think it's a moot point they were Christians. It's like looking at Anes' posts and concluding that's what GTP is like.
Salaam Aleikum!

To not talk about religion, this guy has received a death-threat over his views on a subject which has mixed opinions.

These people are no different from people who bomb abortion clinics.
anything that can proof religi0n is a lie = Death
& people ask me why i dont have religi0n anymore [i just put some 0 instead of o incase they are tracking our asses down on internet here :D ]
Salaam Aleikum!

To not talk about religion, this guy has received a death-threat over his views on a subject which has mixed opinions.

These people are no different from people who bomb abortion clinics.

Umm...there's a big difference between a few nutjobs bombing an abortion clinic and a religion that issues fatwas on Salmon Rushdie.

Insult the Catholic big deal; no one dies, goes to jail, or even has trouble sleeping. Draw a picture of Mohammad carrying a bomb and lots of people die, buildings burn, and there's riots. Ever wonder why that is? Anyone?
Umm...there's a big difference between a few nutjobs bombing an abortion clinic and a religion that issues fatwas on Salmon Rushdie.

Insult the Catholic big deal; no one dies, goes to jail, or even has trouble sleeping. Draw a picture of Mohammad carrying a bomb and lots of people die, buildings burn, and there's riots. Ever wonder why that is? Anyone?

Because unlike the Catholic Church, the religion is tied to the governments, creating theocracy. I'm not sure if you intended to imply this is a unique function of Island or what I suggested, but Europe wasn't much different a few centuries ago.

In the context of the above article, it really is a reasonable analogy to extremists that would bomb an abortion clinic.
I've gotten death threats for putting ketchup on a hot dog.
Because unlike the Catholic Church, the religion is tied to the governments, creating theocracy. I'm not sure if you intended to imply this is a unique function of Island or what I suggested, but Europe wasn't much different a few centuries ago.

In the context of the above article, it really is a reasonable analogy to extremists that would bomb an abortion clinic.

Oh, there's a big difference between a group bombing an abortion clinic and a group bombing a building/plane.

One group is denounced...the other is celebrated with worldwide chants that translate to "God is great". Take a guess which is which.
Why won't these imams give death threats to Justin Bieber or Snookie?

I bet a lot of people over here won't be too bothered by that.
Oh, there's a big difference between a group bombing an abortion clinic and a group bombing a building/plane.

One group is denounced...the other is celebrated with worldwide chants that translate to "God is great". Take a guess which is which.

There is no difference. Death is death. People die when an abortion clinic gets bombed. Same goes for plane bombing.

Do not try to paint those who bomb planes any worse than those who bomb abortion clinics.

They are both equally horrible.
Am I only the only one who can see the irony in the risk of death from having Darwinist views being a very strong Darwinist mechanism for the propagation of ignorance? :)
Am I only the only one who can see the irony in the risk of death from having Darwinist views being a very strong Darwinist mechanism for the propagation of ignorance? :)

That's a bit scary that is.
But you can also consider the more people who have Darwinist views the sooner those who are madly against it can be captured and incapacitated. Due to strength in numbers.

Also it would be nice to have a ratio of suicide bombers to confirmed kills.
Although there are some successful 1:many, there are also 1:0. Which will include those who failed to die or blow anything up but got caught, and those who did blow up and die but no one else did, or just got injured.

So you could also argue- The stronger your religious views are, the sooner you will either die or get put in jail.
I will get a run of t-shirts with that on shortly.
And for equality, I could also print some, The more you disrespect religion the more you..BANG!
That's a bit scary that is.
But you can also consider the more people who have Darwinist views the sooner those who are madly against it can be captured and incapacitated. Due to strength in numbers.

Also it would be nice to have a ratio of suicide bombers to confirmed kills.
Although there are some successful 1:many, there are also 1:0. Which will include those who failed to die or blow anything up but got caught, and those who did blow up and die but no one else did, or just got injured.

So you could also argue- The stronger your religious views are, the sooner you will either die or get put in jail.
I will get a run of t-shirts with that on shortly.

Is Jedi actually a religion? Does it hold any views strongly?
Yes it is, and a good thing about it is that I could say it has no views at all. Someone else could say it has many and list them. The fact is it doesn't matter. No one has to be right about it. Whatever I say is right for me and indisputable and changeable, I can change the faith rules for Jedi tomorrow If I wanted to. No other Jedi need give them any heed though. It's an early religion. One day, when it has matured, there will be many following the same "published rules", and someone like me saying I disagree might be given a death threat by fanatical Jedis.
There is already a Jedi Church, a website and rules of the faith etc. But I'm not interested in it and won't bother reading it. I should create my own Jedi website saying ignore Jedi churches they are evil.
Now I can see what a worry it might be for those who have a current traditional faith, and faced with fundamentalists, do you protect your right to declare what your views on the faith are, or do you think ah sod it, I will call my faith something else or make a new one now you lot have taken it over.
Oh, there's a big difference between a group bombing an abortion clinic and a group bombing a building/plane.

One group is denounced...the other is celebrated with worldwide chants that translate to "God is great". Take a guess which is which.

So basically you are saying Islam is in fact the problem. Amazing.

If you honestly think the entire Muslim community endorses the extremism that leads to terrorism, I've given you too much credit. Conversely, if you think no one praises those that bomb abortion clinics, even if it is quietly, the same applies.

And blaah, Jedi is a religion only because of how the census system works in the UK and a common joke played by people. Its as much an actual religion as FSM - Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Islam is also a joke, just as much as Jedi is, it's just the joke was made quite a long time ago and now people take it too seriously like yourself perhaps if you have the faith. In time Jedi will not be a joke, it maybe a majority faith in the modern world.
I'm afraid I don't take religion, anyone's religion seriously. I will mock it until the cows come home.
I respect all individuals, no matter who they are, but i never, ever respect peoples made up beliefs/morals/codes and what not, it's rubbish, as you say it can be taken as a joke, whether it's Jedi or Christianity or whatever.
I do choose when to hide or express views on religion, depending on the situation. A forum is a good place to express and discuss views openly and safely.
Having said that, I have declared myself a Jedi, and in anticipation of you taking offence of my views on traditional faith, i note you have already said Jedi is a joke. Jedi is what the individual makes of it, not what a mathematical number of people and years gone by make of something. If all Islam is, is a formula justifying it's historical existence by maths (number of followers and years recorded), what kind of religion is that, not very spiritual.
Jedi faith is spiritual, it can be anything.
So what I am saying is, the Jedi faith is stronger, more spiritual, more serious and pure, than Islam. Any opposition to that is just personal opinion and viewpoint. As is everything related to faith.
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Islam is also a joke, just as much as Jedi is, it's just the joke was made quite a long time ago and now people take it too seriously like yourself perhaps if you have the faith.

Typical ignorance of an atheist I assume.

Jedi is joke. Islam has been around for sometime and has seriously impacted the world as a whole. Considerable advances in science and medicine can be attributed to the Muslim community through out history. If you honestly want to call a culture of that scope a joke and place it in the same category as a trivial census result, feel free. Keep in mind doing that would only make you look naive though.
That's a bit scary that is.
But you can also consider the more people who have Darwinist views the sooner those who are madly against it can be captured and incapacitated. Due to strength in numbers.

Also it would be nice to have a ratio of suicide bombers to confirmed kills.
Although there are some successful 1:many, there are also 1:0. Which will include those who failed to die or blow anything up but got caught, and those who did blow up and die but no one else did, or just got injured.

So you could also argue- The stronger your religious views are, the sooner you will either die or get put in jail.
I will get a run of t-shirts with that on shortly.
And for equality, I could also print some, The more you disrespect religion the more you..BANG!

The problem is people with a belief in something will always have more strength than people without a belief.

People with a belief in something rally together for that cause. People who don't, well save for the odd Dawkins type (who are just as irrationally faithful of their righteousness) typically just go about their business undefined by it. And given the clannish nature of people, that group of believers is a far more attractive proposition to be member to than the desperate godless group.
Typical ignorance of an atheist I assume.

Jedi is joke. Islam has been around for sometime and has seriously impacted the world as a whole. Considerable advances in science and medicine can be attributed to the Muslim community through out history. If you honestly want to call a culture of that scope a joke and place it in the same category as a trivial census result, feel free. Keep in mind doing that would only make you look naive though.
Like I said a popular and influential and long living joke, Islam.
I don't see a problem with perceived naivety either unless that's a quality abhorred by Islam?
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And given the clannish nature of people, that group of believers is a far more attractive proposition to be member to than the desperate godless group.

Not believing in something is just as powerful as believing in it. The Atheist communities are just as focused as any religious group. I think you are using the terms Faith and Belief as one and the same when they are not. I have a belief in Science, in rational thought, and the nature of people. I have no Faith in an apathetic God.

And blaah, you've moved from being a person that stirs the pot to a fool in my mind, if you honestly think a religion built on a joke is somehow more focused and religious than one the largest religions in the world. Your views are the typical views of a young person that feels they understand the world far better than they actually do. Hopefully, like most, you grow out of this phase.

Like a said a popular and influential and long living joke is Islam.
I don't see a problem with perceived naivety either unless that's a quality abhorred by Islam?

What does being naive and Islam have to do with other? Are you assuming I'm a Muslim at this point because I've taken a more defensive standpoint in this matter?
Now I know you are a fool Azureman. More presumptuous and opinionated that I could ever try and be, even for fun.
But I will still discuss some things with you that I see fit. As in the Burqa thread.
Now I know you are a fool Azureman. More presumptuous and opinionated that I could ever try and be, even for fun.
But I will still discuss some things with you that I see fit. As in the Burqa thread.

Presumptuous? I think not. You clearly presented views that are simply naive. Perhaps you age I am mistaken on, but they are the views of an all-knowing-youth. For some reason, I thought you age was presented as 19, but that appears to not be the case in your profile.

You can call religion a joke, but it has dictated the vast majority of human history, whether you want to admit that or not. Mocking a the majority of the for their belief system and then explaining why you think it is a joke.

And then you say you respect all people but refuse to respect people of a collective Faith. You blatantly label people, even if you claim it is a joke, have expressed a incredible amount of fear on Honor killings, and your posts are littered with conflicting opinions and views. You refuse to address questions, reasons behind the peculiar thinks you say (relating naivety to Islam for instance) and so forth.
Presumptuous? I think not. You clearly presented views that are simply naive. Perhaps you age I am mistaken on, but they are the views of an all-knowing-youth. For some reason, I thought you age was presented as 19, but that appears to not be the case in your profile.

You can call religion a joke, but it has dictated the vast majority of human history, whether you want to admit that or not. Mocking a the majority of the for their belief system and then explaining why you think it is a joke.

And then you say you respect all people but refuse to respect people of a collective Faith. You blatantly label people, even if you claim it is a joke, have expressed a incredible amount of fear on Honor killings, and your posts are littered with conflicting opinions and views. You refuse to address questions, reasons behind the peculiar thinks you say (relating naivety to Islam for instance) and so forth.
I am happy to continue discussing and explaining something, if they can be explained. But don't always assume I am trying to be rational or share the same view and logic over the wide spread of threads and posts on this forum. I quite like the idea of not always having the same view on something.
And I may also make some mistakes, but this can happen when freely writing. I don't think I am refusing anything though.
Will also say again nothing wrong with naivety.
A logic does exist where by you can respect and be friendly with someone and at the same time actively hate/dislike their beliefs/faith and be annoyed by it. Expressing that can possibly be hard but it can exist nonetheless.
I can differentiate between interacting with someone's faith/beliefs and them as a... "being" for want of a better word.
Lets say for example you were of a certain faith, and I said to you I hate it and it offends me. I could still enjoy your company, play games, talk about things etc. "be friendly", I suppose it does take a friend to completely ridicule each other and still share a drink together.
If I am too attacking, it is because I am too friendly and trusting. Possibly.
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So basically you are saying Islam is in fact the problem. Amazing.

Do you remember watching the news after 9-11-2001?

If you did, do you remember the celebrations going on in islamic countries where everyone was shouting "allah akbar" b/c 3,000+ Americans were murdered in the name of jihad?

Do you think there might be a problem with that?
Do you remember watching the news after 9-11-2001?

If you did, do you remember the celebrations going on in islamic countries where everyone was shouting "allah akbar" b/c 3,000+ Americans were murdered in the name of jihad?

Do you think there might be a problem with that?

Do you think that is primarily the function of the religion, or rather the meddlesome nature of the US in the Middle East? Consider we put the Taliban in power and certainly didn't not make anything easier for those people during the Cold War. It is not hard to imagine a population wanting to see this amazing power, the US, finally be wounded at some level, whether for right or wrong reasons.

You can also consider that these nations have had strong, corrupt governments that have manipulated information heading in and out of those nations for some time. Nor the fact that the Middle East is not the only place Muslims exist, but from North Africa all the to Indonesia, and then scattered about the remaining world.

To try to distill this down to religion is silly, there are far more political reasons as to what was presented on 9/11, not to mention the media wanting to capitalize on it as much as possible since they crave sensationalism so very much. And your attitude is beginning to sound like a Fox News piece.
I've also gotten death threats for saying that this cornbread needs sugar.
Oh, there's a big difference between a group bombing an abortion clinic and a group bombing a building/plane.

One group is denounced...the other is celebrated with worldwide chants that translate to "God is great". Take a guess which is which.

Do you remember watching the news after 9-11-2001?

If you did, do you remember the celebrations going on in islamic countries where everyone was shouting "allah akbar" b/c 3,000+ Americans were murdered in the name of jihad?

Do you think there might be a problem with that?

I guess you use fox news as your main source?

No, seriously:rolleyes:

According to your logic, all American Christians have humongous white mustaches and want to burn copies of the Qu'ran.
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Do you remember watching the news after 9-11-2001?

If you did, do you remember the celebrations going on in islamic countries where everyone was shouting "allah akbar" b/c 3,000+ Americans were murdered in the name of jihad?

Do you think there might be a problem with that?
I've also seen groups of Americans saying God hates America and that Americans deserve to die in Iraq/Afghanistan.

Does that brief shot of Americans mean they all believe that?