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I'm not even in the Drag section and petty fights still manage to happen in my threads :( haha but after considering it, I will more then likely go out and get a HSV and put in some performance upgrades and maybe even a Pontiac kit so it looks different from others :) but when I get this I'll be sure to make like a little blog for those who are interested in seeing it change :)
Some people are just a-holes and people like that piss me off. I don't even know why I share these things I was having a convo with mattjones when all you scammers decided to put your two cents in. You guys keep talking and debating about it but I'm done with this.

You're done trying to be proven a credible, reliable source? We're not "a-holes", we're people who have been lied to before about being Test Drivers who make a Million dollars a year with a full collection of Skylines in the Eastern US, California, to be exact.

I'd read your blog if you decide to do it. Sorry for thread-jacking.
when all you scammers

Excuse me? Who's a scammer?

If you're going to apply that term to this conversation, it'd settle on the individual making lofty claims he then refuses to back up and has a tantrum about it - thinking that'll fool honest folk.

You guys keep talking and debating about it but I'm done with this.

Except for that post just then, natch.

Let me remind you of the rules you've agreed to, twice, in order to post here:

You will post all messages in English.
You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.
You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.
You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.

You're some way off all of them, but the last two are peaches. Stop dissembling, stop slinging mud, stop profanely defending the indefensible and back up your claims.

Many have trodden this path. Few (two spring to mind) have followed through with the required evidence. Put up, or shut up.
You could have just said you made it up and saved the hassle. I suppose at least you didn't claim you didn't own a camera, or it had broken.

Funny how small your collection of Skylines was back in December:

Chrismas Bonus maybe?
Some people are just a-holes and people like that piss me off. I don't even know why I share these things, I was having a convo with mattjones when all you scammers decided to put ur your two sense cents in. You guys keep talking and debating about it but I'm done with this.

Kinda corrected, how are we scammers by wanting the truth from a fellow GTP member? Doesn't make much sense to me, am I right? By taking the hostile approach to your story. You are making an extremely tough argument for yourself. If you admit to making everything up, the sting will be way less and you can salvage something from this. (I hope).

To the OP:
CTS-V's are nice, really nice! Personally I'd rather take a Holden. Just think what the parts will the long run. Not to say you don't have the financial means, if so then game on. As far as import/exporters, I'd just look one up on google and dig up reviews for them. For the southwest (California) the major ports you're going to be looking at are San Diego, Los Angeles & San Francisco. I'm don't know about Oregon, and I know that Washington does alot of shipping to Canada/Alaska (obviously), not too sure about overseas (not Canada/Alaska). Buying the car will more than likely be the easiest part :)

Blargh....Grammar/Scammer tree'd
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I'd read your blog if you decide to do it. Sorry for thread-jacking.

Mate, in the Drag forum, you get use to it VERY quickly haha.. I was just hoping that this wouldn't resort to that.. But yea I probably will start up the blog once I get it.. And that's still a few years away.. I was only enquiring about this so I have prior knowledge going into it :)
Just a thought...

If a car manufacturer hires people to test their vehicles (conveniently vague) and write up the appropriate reports...

...would they not require a decent grasp of spelling and grammar?
I'm pretty sure you could easily. More, if you wanted. The most difficult thing to get simulated would be the Suspension.

A couple of years back Walkinshaw made this green bastard here:


which was based on the E2 GTS and made 480kW of power, or about 640hp, and 800Nm of torque. The kit's pretty expensive in itself, costing about half the RRP of a HSV GTS, but it covers absolutely everything. Suspension, tyres, wheels, supercharger and exhaust system, and other necessary engine mods to make it run sweetly.

I'm also pretty sure HDT does the supercharger kit for $17,500 which can be fitted to any Holden with a V8 and takes it up to 450kW/600hp and 800Nm of torque on the LS3.
When/if you do get the car we need some photos to see if it is *snicker* real or not. :D

Hahaha of course!! I'll have it dyno tuned and whatnot and I'll include everything that goes into it in my blog :) I you want I can upload a photo of my current street beast... My '87 Mercedes 300E :dunce:
Just a thought...

If a car manufacturer hires people to test their vehicles (conveniently vague) and write up the appropriate reports...

...would they not require a decent grasp of spelling and grammar?

Paperwork is off the rails so yes, excellent grammar and spelling skills are required.
Why can't I ever find an owner of an 800hp Nissan Skyline with a camera? :lol:

Edit: I missed the party :(
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