
  • Thread starter Puffy
I want this please ^

mazdaman - Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit fame would be my best guess.

Hehe that was funny looks just like him but i dont know who he is but when i was at the track he sure did alot of tuning. I think he flew all the way from new zealand to new jersey to help in the event.
This car is a beast
I've been having ideas recently that involve 240SX's... and it's not a good thing. Especially since JDM 180SX's are dime a dozen here, and that'd take away the hassle of swapping an SR20 in there.

And it's this guy's fault...





Lots of bro love in there... :lol:



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Especially since JDM 180SX's are dime a dozen here,
And here I am going through the hassle of swapping my auto 240 to a manual to make it less fail because I managed to find one that wasn't made of rust.





As of right now these are the wheels I'm planning for mine, except in white.




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With that whole 15 year old importation law that is no longer applicable, people were importing them like hotcakes... to the point they got almost too common. I see R32's everyday now.
I think I'd go crazy for a moment if I saw an R32 here. The only good thing about not having any real car scene around where I live is the fact that people tend to recognize you by your car. When I had my Civic, as far as looks, I had probably the best looking Civic in my city. Even after I wrecked it, during conversations with people I'd never met before, they would recognize me and ask "you're the dude who had the silver hatch right?" just because it was one of very few that didn't look like crap or were riced out.

I hope to do the same with my current car. Of course, it's probably going to be too low and have tires that don't fit the rim, ect ect...

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Stop ****ing the thread kid..

I shot a video of my car.. Nothing special, but atleast it can climb slopes :)

Oh, and content:


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That white Silvia is running around on rediculously over-sized shoes. I also believe it was already posted in the "Questionable Modifications Thread" right here, it seems to belong better over there.

However, that Acura looks gorgeous on those rims! 👍
it's hard not to hate impractical stupidity that prevents you from using the car as it should be used. that white abomination should be raised slightly and given smaller wheels and some rubber on them. as it is now it's mere showcar.
What's wrong with building a car for show? Obviously the owner likes the way the car is done up or else he wouldn't have made it that way. It's his money, let him mod it however he wants.

Like I said, I don't hate it and I can almost say I like it after looking at it again.
Nail on the head.

it's hard not to hate impractical stupidity that prevents you from using the car as it should be used. that white abomination should be raised slightly and given smaller wheels and some rubber on them. as it is now it's mere showcar.

What if he just built a car for himself? What if he still drives it hard and have fun doing it?

Damn, some people are so narrow minded.. If a car doesn't have lightweight wheels and fancy trackday tires, they're wrong and questionable. You go girls :)
Nail on the head.

What if he just built a car for himself? What if he still drives it hard and have fun doing it?

Damn, some people are so narrow minded.. If a car doesn't have lightweight wheels and fancy trackday tires, they're wrong and questionable. You go girls :)

We post an opinion, you can't really stop us from posting our personal opinions, it lays in everybody's right to do so. What the owner does to the car is his deal, and I don't really care all that much what he wants to do with it. But for me personally, it doesn't look all that pretty. I would've liked it much more if it weren't laying just an inch over those rims, and the rim size would not have been so large. That is my personal opinion, and it's my right to post that in here. It's not a case of being narrow-minded, it's plain simple a case of personal taste.
Silvia, S15 was never sold as a 240SX :)

I thought it was a 240 with a S15 front end conversion on it, but after looking at it again I see it's RHD, so it must be an import.
People on here should stop hating and start innovating..
There's absolutely nothing innovative about what that owner has done. Chances are, it's probably going the wrong way in terms of tire advancement.

Either way, it looks stupid as hell, imo. Previous setup had a much, much nicer setup.
There's absolutely nothing innovative about what that owner has done. Chances are, it's probably going the wrong way in terms of tire advancement.

I didn't say he has either.. I said you should get out and do something innovative instead of bitching about someone elses car :cool:
I didn't say he has either.. I said you should get out and do something innovative instead of bitching about someone elses car :cool:
Sorry, but if I don't like your car or think you've done something stupid, I do have a right to express my opinion. I'm not going to lie to you & say, "Oh, nice car. "'LOVE' your suspension setup!" .
Of course not, if you don't like it, you don't like it and there's no point in faking. But do one always have to state one's opinion on everything? ;) I could for instance tell someone how little I care about their modlists in their signatures, but why should I if it pleases them to display it?
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