What you and a lot of people seem to keep missing is that i am not saying crap cables can't produce a picture or 1080p. But there is a lot of subtle differences that are only possible on hiugher end cables. Yes it's digital and there is supposed to be no loss of data yada yada yada, but there really is more to it then that. As they say the proof is in the pudding, and i actually own one of these cables and can clearly see the difference.
There is the whole issue of eye pattern size and other technical jargon.
I am not missing it... I just understand what is possible and isn't and what you are saying isn't (for the reasons you are saying at least).
Here is the skinny:
HDMI is a non error correcting digital format. Every pixel is sent over with data defining it's color, luminence etc.
That info either makes it or it doesn't.
If for any reason the data for a pixel doesn't make it across intact, it is just displayed as sparkle on screen (I believe it just shows up as white).
There is no room for better or worse. Every pixel sent either makes it intact, or is completely thrown out. You can't get a pixel that is a washed out red instead of vibrant red. You can't get a pixel that is blurry...
Saying HDMI cables can make a picture better (outside of stepping up the HDMI standard like from 1.1 to 1.3) is like saying a different brand of CDR makes my music have a fuller bass, more developed mids and the highs are sharper. Can't happen....
Now I have heard plenty of people say that a certain brand CDR (which was maybe marketed as a MUSIC CDR or something - anyone remember MUSIC CDRs that met orange book standards? What about the ones with a picture of a record on top?) made their MP3s sound better. Would you believe it? I think not because you know how it works... but they swear that it does.
Same thing for those gold plated optical cables (which Monster got smart and stopped selling). The was no shortage of glowing reviews! Now tell me, do you think gold plating an optical cable really made a difference, or do you think those people who kept saying "don't believe the nay sayers, you have to hear it and you will believe!" were maybe just imaginging the improvement.
Again I am sorry Dan, what you say isn't possible. You may indeed have an improved picture, but it's not because of what you think it is. Just like some of those otpical cable reviews mentioned that "It's way better than the RCA cables I used to use, so gold plated optical is totally the way to go!"... I bet it WAS way better than their 2 channel Dolby Surround RCA setup... but not for the reason they thought it was... because they reason they thought it was (gold plating an optical cable makes the sound better" was not possible.
Trust me Dan, do a true double blind setup:
Get your setup all done up so you can't see the cabling to tip you off.
Get a monster and a decent generic cable.
Leave the room and have a friend roll a dice, if it's even use monoprice, if it's odd use monster.
Have him swap the cables accordingly and then leave the room where you can't see him (have him use the same HDMI port on the TV and on the sending equipment, probably not necessary but best to keep it totally honest). You don't want to be able to see him because it's entirely possible he will subconciously give off some signal as to what happened.
You go in and examine the picture, mark down which cable you think it is.
Do this a decent number of times (20 or so maybe).
If you did everything right and it was a true double blind, I garauntee you will not be able to call the monster cable by picture quality alone.
Trust me on this one Dan... it's normal to want to believe, it's normal to see value because you paid for it, and it's normal to attribute an improvement to the wrong thing... but it's impossible for two same standard HDMI cables to produce different pictures in terms of color accuracy or sharpness in a controlled environment.